Today I will try to explain international dating with Latina females and how does it actually work. Latina women are very diverse, but unlike describing European women, there is a chance to make some true generalizations about Latina girls.
If you are new here, make sure to check out all the women’s country guides to see how Latin women compare in all categories.
To break some Latina women stereotypes check out some Instagram profiles and pictures down below, I am sure you are not here for the tips for dating a Latina woman only.
You will surely enjoy reading about the most important traits of Latina chicks and how to meet them if you are an American man looking for Latina women.
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12 Most Important Traits of Latina Women Rated 1-10 (+ Overall Score)
Latin America consists of many countries so it is populated with different Latina women. However, some traits prove the existence of typical Latina girls.
With some smaller things aside, let’s mention the most important characteristics of Latina women, including their physical traits.
If you pay special attention, you might catch up on some Latina girl dating tips.
It is time to start!
What Physical Traits Distinguish Latina Women from Other Women
1. Physical appearance
If you are into wavy and curvy women that do not have the top model figure but has the meat where it should, sexy Latina girls are the perfect type for you.
Latina women’s body type can vary from fit to wavy, but the most typical one for hot Latina girls is an average height, big breasts, small waist, and wider hips and thighs.
Since their domestic food is widely tasty and delicious, women of Latin America are generally not skinny because of their eating culture. This makes Latina women in bed not just sexy, but energetic and passionate.
To bring you closer the looks of sexy Latina women check out the winners of Miss Universe for the past years. Hottest Latina women were winning this contest because of their beauty and gorgeous bodies.
There is one thing that lowers the rating of Latina women body type and that is that some Latina women are a bit overweight because of the eating culture and big families Latina women live in. even if you play dead your grandma will make you eat something.
2. Health
Many Latin American countries have lower living standards which result in owning your own meat and vegetables if you are girls from Latin America.
Since Latina women mostly cook for themselves and have their own food in the gardens or backyards, it normal to expect that Latina women are healthy.
Their living conditions are optimal, their food is domestic and homemade, and they are active all the time, even when they just hop on a bike to grab something from a store, so this way of living keeps them healthy.
This is a great trait if you are thinking about international dating or even starting a family with a Latina girl.
3. How stylish are they?
Latina women do not go out to the store without having their perfect outfit on. Being dressed up and looking amazing is their priority and they are deliberately late if their hair and make-up are taking too much of their time to get ready.
If this doesn’t tell you how much style is important to hot Latina girls I don’t know what will.
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Hot Latina women can put on anything and look gorgeous, but even the less attractive Latina women can look great because of their talent to choose the right outfit. Add hair and make-up to this and you are getting typical Latina women.
The problem comes when you are dating a Latina woman and it takes an eternity for her to get ready.
4. Facial beauty
Latina women are usually gorgeous, but since Latin America is a big area there must be some exceptions.
Mexican women are generally pretty, but some of them kept the facial features of their ancestors – the Incas. This kind of look better fits Mexican men than women.
Beautiful Latina girls are all over Latin America, so it won’t be hard for you the find the beauty of your criteria.
Pretty Latina girls usually have bigger lips, darker skin and white teeth that are perfect as a contrast to their brown eyes. To break some Latina girls’ stereotypes, I must say that not all of them have dark hair.
This is also one of the things that prove their diversity. Once you meet a Latina woman you will see for yourself.
The shape of Latina women’s face is mostly round, with delicately highlighted chin and cheekbones.
Just make sure their eyebrows don’t meet their lashes because that means you are screwed!
Additional Rating – The Tinder 1000 Swipe Rating
On top of the four physical trait ratings for Latina women, we have also created our own additional rating from the Latina girls we see on Tinder. We call it the 1,000 Tinder swipe rating. It is extremely accurate and gives a very good overall picture of the single women and how attractive they are.
This is how it works.
We swiped through 1000 different profiles in all of the major cities in Latina countries and took note of how many beautiful women there are. We jotted down how many 8’s, 9’s and 10’s there are based on their profile pictures. Here is a quick breakdown.
- 0-100 is poor
- 100-200 is OK
- 200-300 is Good
- 300 – 400 Is Incredible
- 400 + is Mindblowing (There are only a few of these)
With a Tinder Plus subscription, you can teleport to anywhere in the world and swipe for yourself. Find out more below In the section about how to meet Latina women. Also, make sure to check out my other country guides to see how their Tinder scores compare.
What Different Personality Traits Latina Women Have from Other Women
1. Do they like going out and having fun?
When you are dating a Latina girl, or just hanging out with her, you will see that everything is funny and positive.
Latina women are very passionate and energetic, so you will never get bored with them. They love to go out because dancing runs through their veins and what other places to move those hips than a dancing club or a beach bar.
Both taken and single Latina girls are fun to be around and it is like they spread positive energy all around themselves. They are very open and friendly, so being out makes them be what they truly are – wild and cheerful.
This doesn’t change with their age, they keep their fire inside of them, so don’t hesitate to experiment when realizing where to meet a Latin woman.
What are Latina women like in relationships? Well, no matter how touchy and smiley single Latina women are all the time, Latina women are loyal as partners and friends as well.
2. Chill factor
When it comes to the temper of Latina women, there is not a nice way of saying that they tend to get crazy from time to time.
They will never forgive you if you generalize them and say that all Latina girls are fiery and hot-tempered, but it is true!
They are loud, all over the place, dancing, and singing. A Latina woman can’t stay quiet if she wants to say something. No matter how good listeners they are, when they speak up the house will start shaking.
No matter what the argument is about, she has to be the one that will win it, even though she is so wrong. Here are some Latina women dating tips – pretend that she is right and let her win the fight.
Eventually, she will realize that she was wrong, but the only form of apology you can expect is a tasty meal.
Also, expect to be hit randomly because Latina women are quite handy and energetic.
If she is bossy, and all Latina women are, just stay chilled and do as she says to avoid another unnecessary fight. Men simply don’t have the energy to argue that much.
3. Loyalty
What are Latina girls like in relationships besides hot and sexy is that they are smart and loyal. People are usually mistaken when it comes to Latina women. They think they are flirty and dressing up too much as if they want to be seen, liked, and to provoke other men.
The truth is pretty Latina girls are sexy and they love it. They are not dressing up or putting their make-up on for anyone but themselves. Just deal with it once.
Latina women are loyal to the bone. They specially show love and affection and there is no way that they would be interested in someone else if you are acting like a gentleman.
Latina girlfriend is the most loyal girlfriend you can get. Dating Latina women will show you so.
4. Good as mothers
The first thing that should be mentioned is that Latina women have the desire to start a family and are healthy to do so.
Latina women are very family-oriented and it is quite a challenge trying to escape from the way they grew up. On the other hand, why should they?
Growing up under the same roof as their wider family, having to take care of their younger cousins, being taught how to do house chores and take care of the family at the same time made them great as mothers once they started having their own families and kids.
Even if I take as an example a Latina girl that hasn’t grown up as most of them have, the urge to take care of someone is still very present.
Many Latina women want to have big families meaning lots of kids and lots of love to share.
While dating Latina girls you will see for yourself how affectionate and emotional they are, so be certain that their kids will always know how much their mom loves them.
5. Meeting and talking to new people
As you know, Latina girls like to go out, hang out, and have fun so meeting new people and talking to them naturally goes with it.
They are very open and unaware of how touchy they are. Latina girls are not naïve, even when they seem so, they just grew up in a surrounding that allows openly showing emotions and opinions.
Music and food are two things that create the strongest bond between people and both of them are the inevitable part of Latina culture, which makes meeting new people easy for both sides.
So now there is no more wondering how to meet a Latina girl, you just have to say Hi and start talking.
There are also some other ways to meet Latina girls, but I will get to that later.
With Latina girls’ temper and nature, you will see it is not hard at all to meet them, plus after a day of hanging out and talking you will feel as if you have known them for a year.
6. Are they romantic?
All Latina females are super romantic and ask a man to be romantic as well. They are used to car opening, getting picked up at her house by her male friends or boyfriends, getting flowers and romantic things like that.
This is why it is so hard for foreign men to win over a Latina girl. She lives a world where she is treated like a princess, so when a European guy comes and nags her for being late or doesn’t open the doors for her she can get very mad or confused.
This kind of mannerism is expected and romance goes with it as well.
Men should be the ones asking Latina women out, getting her flowers and figuring the places to take her out on a date.
Romance is a great part of Latina dating culture, so make sure you try to pick up some old school manners before trying to seduce a Latina girl.
7. Sexuality
Is there a need for explaining what are Latina women like in bed since now you know how curvy they are, how gorgeous their faces are, and passionate and energetic they are.
Since looks are very important to Latina women, they will always surprise you with sexy lingerie that perfectly highlights her body shape.
Even when you look at a Latina girl dancing and moving those hips you can assume and imagine what it all looks and feels like in bed with her.
Latina girls in bed are even more passionate and fiery than while dancing or arguing.
8. Gringo card – How Likely are They to Date Foreigners?
Foreigners did not show to be better than Latino men, as Latina women think, so the lack of their mannerism makes them feel happy with the men they have in their countries.
There are many Latina women dating foreigners, but those are the ones that they probably met abroad. The living standard in Europe and North America is much higher than in Latin America, so this is one of the reasons Latina women fall for foreigners and move out.
Some places are often visited by tourists, so meeting foreigners in Latin America is not that hard if you are from those cities.
With what you have read so far and the high scores in different categories, you cannot doubt that these Latina women are one of a kind and exotic.
There are still other things to learn about these women, so read further to know more before you buy that ticket to visit any of the Latina countries.
Where to meet Latina Girls
As I mentioned above, meeting Latina women is not difficult at all because of their openness and tendency to meet new people.
They are used to big groups of people because their families are big and they have many friends. Family gathering and hanging out with friends are common activities of Latina girls, so they like places where they are surrounded by many people.
These places could be tourist attractions, beaches, bars, dance clubs, private parties, anything you can think of.
Cafes are also full because it is sunny and Latina women like to gossip a bit, so there aren’t many places that you find single Latina girls.
Now that the how to meet Latina women question is solved, we are left to see how to win them over.
It is easy to conclude that they like to be treated as princesses and to date cavaliers, so gentleman behavior is the number one priority and romance comes right next to it.
Latina girls are approachable because they talk too much and are used to people, so a simple approach without any pick-up line will do the work. Just say Hi, introduce yourself and ask if you can buy her a drink or a coffee.
In dance clubs try to flirt a little by looking at her and try to catch her eye before you start dancing with her. By checking her out you can also check the perimeter and make sure she didn’t come with her boyfriend or overprotective cousins.
Even though Latin America is a beautiful part of the world, not many people have the chance to visit it. But even if you are there and have some trouble meeting hot Latina women in person, an online dating site is just the thing you need.
Latin American Cupid
One of the best online dating sites that even have an app is Latin American Cupid. This online dating site is meant for Latinos and Latinas, but registration is available for people all over the world. By making this available, Latin American Cupid has a way of connecting people no matter where they are from with people from Latin America.
This way the chances of finding the right Latina match are higher.
It does not matter if you are planning on going to Latin America or looking for something serious, you never know when the right person will come along.
You should keep your mind and options open and give a chance to yourself to fall in love with a Latina woman. You have seen many of her traits and you will see some more, including some photos too.
Latin American Cupid has both free and paid features so if the price is not affordable to you, you can use the free version and try finding you Latina love.
This online dating site provides you with different criteria and info to add to your profile and search options. It is easy to use and it takes about 2 minutes to sing up. You can do it via Facebook if it makes it easier for you.
There is also Latin American Cupid app for dating if you are unable to be online all the time. The app is available for Android users only so you guys should use this chance to be able to reply to your match the moment it texts you.
International dating has never been more easy and fun, so feel free to try it because I know you are looking forward to hearing that sexy accent from Latina girls in bed.
Traveler’s Guide to Meeting Latina Women
The best places to meet Latina women are big cities in Latin America. Since some of you like to party all night, some like to drink coffee in a casual place and some are more open for touristic attractions and monuments, let’s mention the top 3 cities that offer you everything you need.
1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio is the former capital of Brazil and is populated with close to 7 million people.
If you are interested in touristic locations there is the biggest statue of Jesus Christ which is 38 meters tall. Next to the statue is a cable car that leads to the top of the hill in an ocean bay.
There is also one of the biggest football stadiums to be seen called Marakana. You can also see the place where the biggest carnivals in the world are being held.
If you are a huge fan of nature Rio has a special part of itself where there are two biggest forests in an urban area.
The best night clubs are bars are near Copacabana beach, so here are some of them I recommend:
Some of the bars and cafes I would also recommend are not along the beaches but are close to them. Those would be:
- Deck Bar
- Bip Bip
- Barreto-Londra
- Ponto da Bossa Nova
- Mud-Bug Sport Bar
- Canastra Bar
- Academia da Cachaca
- Fosfobox Bar Club
- Bar Bukowski
- Comuna
2. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Another amazing city to go to is Buenos Aires. It is the richest city of the southern hemisphere and is the economic, political, cultural center of Argentina.
It has 15 million people living in it, which kind of guarantees you that you will find your Latina match in its streets.
The architecture and landscape of Argentina are breath-taking, so wherever you turn around you will be enchanted by its beauty.
You should visit buildings and museums built in different styles and take long walks through the history of this city.
When it comes to places like this you should definitely visit the following buildings:
- Casa Rosada
- Cabildo
- Cavana
- Metropolitan cathedral
- Palace of the National Congress
- National library
- National historical museum
And the squares and streets that will take your breath away:
- Avenue Alvidar
- Caminito
- Avenue Corrientes
- Avenue of Liberation
- Avenue 9th of July
- Avenue of May
- Plaza de Mayo
- Plaza General San Martin
If you are looking to go out and have some fun drinking coffee or cocktails, here is where you should go:
- Bar 878
- Unplug bar
- Redbell Saloon
- Bebop Club
- Bar Sur
- Fusion bar
- Frank’s
- Peuteo
- Coffee Town
- El Café de la Esquina
- Café Tortoni
- La Noire Café
3. Lima, Peru
Lima is a beautiful city on Atlantic Ocean shore, the capital of Peru. It is in the valleys of river so the nature is very nice.
This city also has a lot to offer and that is why it is among my top 3 cities to come to if you want to meet single Latina women.
To visit some touristic destinations check out:
- The Historic Center
- Saint Francis Monastery
- Plaza Mayor
- Church of Merced
- Catacombs
- Sanctuary of Las Nazarenas
- Palace of Justice
For casual time consumption with a drink in your hand, check out the following places to enjoy:
- Huaringas Bar
- The Old Pub
- Lima Bar
- Valetodo DownTown
- Tapas Bar
- Tequila Rock Mileflores
Pros and Cons of dating a Latina woman
To put everything on a different kind of scale, it would be helpful to talk about some other traits that are actually virtues and flaws, categorized as Pros and Cons.
By doing so, you will have a clearer image of what are Latina women like and become able to easily decide whether you could fall for one and stay with her.
1. Latina women are very sexual
I know some guys prefer romance and cuddling, but you have to admit that most of them prefer sex and its natural course.
Latina women are very sensual and sensitive, so while being in bed with one it would feel like something you have never felt before. Things can get pretty feisty in there.
Trust me, their body shape is not just for looking.
2. They are amazing cooks
Latina women are the best cooks ever! They insist on always having their fridge full so they can cook anytime. Cooking is a great part of Latin American tradition, so when dating a Latina girl you won’t be able to escape spicy and tasty food she will be preparing for you.
This is how they show love and concern, how they are taught to take care of people they love.
3. They are fun to be around
Latina women are like a walking shining aura. No one stays coldhearted to their smile and laughter. Their positivity and optimism are shining out from them and their spontaneity and immediacy is contagious.
It is never boring with these girls.
4. They are very pretty
You will never see a Latina girl going out to dump the trash without at least having their lipstick on. Even though they are naturally insanely gorgeous, they somehow always manage do make themselves look even better with a cute outfit or a pair of nice earrings.
They love to get dressed, put make-up on and do their hair so they can look pretty for themselves. They enjoy their looks and sexiness.
5. They are smart and independent
Beauty and the brains don’t often go together, but in this case, they are a perfect combination. Latina women are smart and are capable of doing things on their own.
As little girls they are taught to do house chores, to knit, take care of others and think with their own head.
If they decide to leave the country or study abroad they are quite successful and even though they are used to being surrounded by many people, they manage to find their way alone.
6. Latina women are open when it comes to emotions
The great thing when dating a Latina girl is that you never have to read her mind. Or at least try to. She will always say and show what she feels like.
This can be a bit weird for you because she can show happiness or amusement by crying, so you might panic a bit. It is all good, they are just affectionate and emotional in that way.
1. If you are dating her, you are dating her whole family
If you start dating a Latina girl after few days only expect to have thousands of friend requests on every social network you have. At first, you won’t have any idea about who these people are, but eventually, your Latina girlfriend will tell you that all of them are cousins, family, friends, neighbors, etc.
This can be a bit tricky when you are meeting her family, especially because you won’t be able to remember more than four or five names. There are so many of them!
2. Language barrier
This is a huge-deal breaker in Latin America. Although many Latin women know English, they are usually afraid of speaking it with foreigners. They will be ashamed if they make a mistake, so it is easier for them to act as if they don’t know English at all.
The other part of women are only Spanish speakers, so they truly have no idea whatsoever on how to speak or understand English.
Luckily for you, some apps help you learn Spanish very quickly, plus you can always you an app that immediately translates everything you say or write.
Either way, the app for learning Spanish is better because your Latina date can help you understand some things and you can remember many words and expressions.
Since there is a huge area that speaks Spanish as a native language, it can only be of use if you learn it.
3. They are always late
I guess this flaw goes with the virtue of always looking pretty, but it also has to do with some time management. In this case a bad one.
Sometimes it takes them a whole day to get ready for an event or a simple movie night at the cinema, but there is nothing you can do about it because they are led by the saying ‘It is better to show up late than to show up ugly’.
4. They have to win the argument
If you are in a relationship with a Latina girl, expect to be caught in an argument without even knowing how the hell did you get there in the first place.
Latina women are feisty and fiery so before you know it she is screaming at you for a reason you are not really aware of at first.
After you catch up on what is going on, there is not a valid argument you can give that will make you win the fight. She is simply like that. All of Latina girls. Just let them curse you in Spanish, chill and calm down. Make them think they won the fight because eventually, they will come around.
5. Latina women are loud and bossy as hell
Some men like it when their girls are bossy, but if you are not really a fan it is good to know that Latina women are bossy as hell.
Most of the time they are not aware of this characteristic of theirs, but they are loud without a specific reason. They are loud when they are with their families, their friends, on the phone, etc.
I think they are used to having it their way so being bossy makes them feel as they are in control of the situation.
How to make a Latina woman fall in love with you
Here are some tips on how to conquer a Latina woman’s heart.
1. Make her laugh
Latina women are very funny and amusing but when they get tired of entertaining other people, they want to be entertained by their men.
Laughter and positive energy are very important to them, so do your best to keep that smile on her gorgeous face.
2. Show mannerly behavior
Latina girls are used to having a special treatment in their countries, so if you are a foreigner you have to learn about being a gentleman to keep your Latina princess happy.
The usual things like opening doors, buying her presents, picking her up and walking or driving her home are necessary to make a Latina woman fall in love with you.
Also, since romance is such a big deal for her, try to come up with something very sweet and original on the first few dates. She will go crazy about you after that.
3. Learn how to dance
Latina women can’t live without music and dancing, but so cant their families. This is why you have to learn how to salsa. If you find it too hard, try with other dances like bachata or merengue.
Even if your Latina girlfriend does not ask you to dance with her, their family definitely will. So prepare yourself if you want to get serious with her.
It may turn out to be an absolute disaster when it comes to dancing, either way, get up and try because she will appreciate the effort.
4. Make her family like you
Latina women are very family-oriented and their families are their worlds. As I said, if you date a Latina girl you are dating her whole family.
It is a huge thing to do, but expect to be hugged, kissed, and danced with at the events her family is organizing.
Also, they won’t make you stop eating, which is actually not so bad because their food is so damn delicious.
Oh and, there is a slight chance her brothers or cousins will threaten to kill you if you hurt your Latina girlfriend in any way.
5. Accept her hot temperament
You should already have figured out how Latina women react from time to time. I know it sounds unbearable, but if you want to have a great wife, even better mother of your kids, someone that will cook and clean for you and be respectful to your parents, you have no other way but to accept her fiery attitude and short temper.
This sexy body does not come for free and unfortunately, this is the price.
6. Show her that you need her
Every woman likes attention, so why would Latinas be any different? While growing up, Latina girls used to take care of their siblings so the desire to feel needed stayed.
Everyone likes to be felt needed in a relationship, but Latina women have their background as an argument. Because of this, they are happy to help you with anything, cook for you or do anything else they can for you. They are great housewives because they grew up in big families.
7. Take the initiative
Along with the romance and gentleman behavior comes the initiative. This refers to being the first one to call or text her, the one that plans a place for a date and things like that.
This is one of the traditional things that Latina women like and respect very much, so by doing it you will definitely score.
The most beautiful Latina women
1. Sofia Vergara
Sofia is a world-wide famous American-Colombian actress, television producer, presenter, and model.
She was seen in many American films since the 1990s and hasn’t stopped acting since. She was nominated for the ALMA Award, four Golden Globe Awards, four Primetime Emmy Awards, and seven Screen Actors Guild Awards.
2. Dania Ramirez
Dania is an actress from the Dominican Republic that mostly had an appearance in TV shows and series. She had also done some movies.
This hot Latina has been called as one of the Sexiest Ladies of the year, even though she is 40 years old.
3. Rihanna
Rihanna is a POP star from Barbados who came to the USA and became famous in 2005. Ever since she was setting up new trends in the fashion and music world with her original music videos and outfits she wore on the Red Carpet.
She won 9 Grammy Awards, 12 Billboard Music Awards, 13 American Music Awards, 8 People’s Choice Awards, and many more.
See more Latina beauties on Instagram
Final Word
Girls of Latin America are surely one of the best-ranged girls in the world, so they are worth a shot. Despite their aggressiveness and fiery attitude, they can be affectionate and gentle.
They don’t have the habit of hiding their emotions, so even if you can’t understand their actions try listening to their words to come to a conclusion together.
Before taking the steps of meeting a Latina woman, you should try out online dating and make use of the ultimate guide for online dating to increase your chances of success with any of these amazing Latina women.
Hopefully, you have learned how and where to meet a Latina woman and I have successfully helped you to debunk Latina girl stereotypes.
Have fun!