Best Dating Sites for Asexuals 2025 – Find Asexual Match

Best Dating Sites for Asexuals [year] - Find Asexual Match 5

According to research, almost 1% of the total population on our planet identifies as asexual.

But what does asexuality mean?

Well, it describes a person who doesn’t really have a desire for the sexual aspect that a relationship brings.

Does that mean they are not interested in relationships at all?

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Not at all.

Of course, asexual people want relationships with others, they just don’t want the sexual side that relationships bring.

They are quite capable of loving someone, being affectionate and romantic.

And you can imagine, therefore, just how difficult it could be to find someone that shares their views.

Using regular online dating sites could work but it becomes like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Luckily, niche online dating sites exist that cater to people looking for asexual partners.

And in this article, we will be looking at a number of them to see just what they offer in terms of:

How easy it is to sign up
The quality of the profiles you will find
How easy it is to make contact with potential matchups
And the overall quality of the site or app

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s delve right in!

Best Dating Sites for Asexuals

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Asexual Cupid

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  • Signing up – 4/5
  • Making contact – 2.5/5
  • Profile quality – 3.5/5
  • Overall quality – 4/5


  • Excellent member features
  • A like-minded database of users
  • A well-designed website that’s simple to use


  • The website is a little bland
  • Only members get advanced search features
  • Only members can send messages


Those behind Asexual Cupid claim that it’s not only the first online dating site to cater to asexual people looking for a relationship but also the largest niche site of this type.

Estimates put the asexual population around the world at around 70 million people.

Of course, you not going to find them all here, not even 1% of them.

This is a niche dating site for asexual people who are looking for others just like them for friendship and even relationships.

But it’s not a regular niche site, some of which can have impressive user numbers.

Best Dating Sites for Asexuals [year] - Find Asexual Match 6

Because it caters towards such a distinctive niche, a population that isn’t that big to start off with, you already know that user numbers here will be pretty small.

But that doesn’t mean Asexual Cupid won’t provide you with what you are looking for.

Ease of Use “mobile and desktop version”

If you head on over to the Asexual Cupid landing page, you will find it not only inviting, but super informative too.

There’s a ton of information here for you to look through if you’d like, especially if you are a little wary about dating sites because you’ve never used them before.

It’s also reassuring to see that Asexual Cupid promises 100% like-minded people.

Far too many niche dating sites promise a community that you might be looking for but then include users from sister sites that aren’t necessarily interested in that particular niche just to boost user numbers.

Asexual Cupid also includes a list of the types of romantic orientations that asexual people often branch into.

As for registration, well, there is no app for this dating site, so you are going to have to do everything through the website via a computer or your laptop.

Registration is straight forward and if you’ve ever used a dating site before, you won’t have any problems at all.

For those of us who are new to dating sites, you will need to provide the following:

  • Your gender, as well as the gender of the matchup, returns you want (for example male searching for female or female searching for female)
  • The age range of these matchups should be between, for example, 25 to 44 (anything between 18 and 99)
  • Your location (country and state)
  • Romantic orientation

I love the fact that the site has included romantic orientation which is fully described on the landing page above.

It also helps later when you are searching for your matchups.

Following that, you start the process of creating your profile.

I am not going to go too in-depth into this as the site will guide you and it’s all pretty self-explanatory.

You will need a profile picture, so have one handy and you will also get to say a little about what you are looking for in a potential matchup.

The process takes about 5 minutes but before you can access the site, you will provide a code that you will receive in a verification email.

Remember, your profile isn’t complete yet.

There is still a ton of information that you can expand on.

Before we look into how Asexual Cupid operates, it’s worth noting that the overall design of the site, while pretty dull to look at in terms of color, is simple and effective.

Navigation occurs through the main menus at the top of the screen.

Here you will find the search engine under the Discover menu, you can return to the home page, there is a community menu and you can access your messages.

All these menus have sub-menus too.

Asexual Cupid has three distinct panels of information on the homepage.

On the left-hand side, there is another set of menus where you can also access your messages, see which users may have liked your profiles and photos or even if they favorited or winked at you.

The middle panel includes a quick search menu but also shows the activity of other users in a social networking style feed.

On the right-hand panel you can see new members who have joined, or others you might like.

It’s fun to take time to discover all this for yourself, so I am not going to talk too much about all the menus.

I want to talk about the search engine, however.

The quick search only includes a few parameters:

  • Gender
  • The age range of returns
  • Location

If you click on the discover menu you will notice the same parameters that you can adjust but with tons of extras below that.

These advanced parameters are for those with membership to use.

And they can really be useful as there are lots of tweaks that you can make and special searches you can carry out.

For example, you can search by romantic orientation, appearance parameters, the type of relationship they are looking for and more.

When you’ve found someone you’d like to chat to, you can like their profile but there is no way to message them as a regular user as it’s another member-only feature.

Asexual Cost

Members of Asexual Cupid can have many added features at their disposal.

Other than messaging and other extra search parameters, you can boost your profile to appear at the top of searches, see other users’ private photos, add extra photos, verify your photo, see who liked you, undo skips in the roulette matchup game and more.

So what’s membership going to cost and what types of packages does Asexual Cupid offer?

Here are your choices:

  • 1-month: $29.95
  • 3-months: $59.95 ($19.95 per month)
  • 6-months: $95.95 ($15.95 per month)

All of those offer excellent value for money.

Asexual Cupid does not have a trial membership.


1. What is Spark?

Spark is a roulette-style matchup game that appears on Asexual Cupid.

You can either skip or like the profiles you are presented with and should someone like you back, then it’s a match.

Members can rewind on profiles that they skipped if they’d like to.

2. Does Asexual Cupid offer a trial membership?

No, there is no trial membership on this site.

Luckily, membership is very well priced, so you could opt for a monthly package to try the site out.

3. Can I search for matchups using one of the asexual romantic orientations that form part of user profiles?

Yes, you can.

But it is a member-only search privilege.

Overall Rating

Without a doubt, Asexual Cupid makes good on the promises it offers on its landing page.

It’s a site that has a lot to offer those who are asexual but on the lookout for love.

Not only is membership pricing very competitive, but members also get tons of extra features that they can make use of in their quest to find a like-minded partner.

And all of this is presented on a website that’s simple, yet super effective.

As for an overall score, Asexual Cupid gets 3.5 out of 5.

Best Dating Sites for Asexuals [year] - Find Asexual Match 7

Asexual Dating Site


  • Signing up 3.5/5
  • Making contact – 3/5
  • Profile quality – 3.5/5
  • Overall quality -3.5/5


  • One of a network of Asexual dating sites where users are shared
  • Group chatroom
  • Well-established site for asexuals


  • Public profiles
  • Messaging is for members


The second site we are going to look into is Asexual Dating which we are going to call Asexual DS for short.

Again, just like Asexual Cupid, this is a site that aimed directly at asexual people of all types, including men, women, transgenders of any sexual orientation.

It gives them a safe space where they can meet other people just like them, those who don’t feel the need for physical intimacy and helps to connect them with each other.

But again, as this is such a unique niche, the user numbers here are pretty low.

I wasn’t able to find out exact numbers for Asexual DS or the gender ratio of users that you can expect on the site.

In terms of age ranges, it seems the site has users across the board.

While Asexual DS is part of a dating network, your profile will not be put on other general dating sites.

Best Dating Sites for Asexuals [year] - Find Asexual Match 8

It will, however, appear on other Asexual sites within the network, which certainly can help in terms of improving your chances of meeting someone.

Ease of Use “mobile and desktop version”

For those who want to sign up to start a profile on Asexual DS, the process begins by providing some information on your part.

This will have to be done on the Asexual Cupid landing page because as of yet, the site does not have an app in any form but it is optimized for smartphones if you’d prefer to register using yours.

All the features the site offers are carefully explained on the page, so if you are unsure of whether this is the dating site for you, this provides you with all the information you need about it.

Registration itself is so easy that I really don’t need to explain it at all.

You will have to wait for your registration to be validated before you can access the site.

Overall, the Asexual AS offers a useful platform to help you find other asexual partners.

It works just like any other dating site with the menus you find at the top of the screen that will help guide you through the site.

Here’s what they are:

  • Home: Click here to return to the main page of the website
  • Browse: Click here to see matches the site provides for you based on your gender preference and age ranges
  • Search: Click here to use the site search engine to look for asexual partners
  • Chat: Click here to enter the community chat room

Everything else is pretty self-explanatory and you will learn your way around the site in a few minutes, it’s that simple.

A basic search allows you to choose gender, age, if the profile must include a photo and if the user is currently online.

Advanced searches with extra parameters are available as well.

What about contacting others?

Well, that’s certainly for members only but there are other ways that you can indicate your interest such as sending them a flirt.

Of course, meaningful communication is only through messaging, that’s for sure.

Asexual Dating Site Cost

You have a fair amount of options to choose from when it comes to the membership packages that Asexual DS.

Not only are there one-month, three-month and 12-month plans but a trial-membership over five days as well.

  • 5-day trial membership: $6.99
  • 1-month membership: $44
  • 3-month membership: $69
  • 12-month membership: $145

Please note, these prices might differ slightly as they were converted from another currency.

Note that if you don’t cancel the trial membership should you take it out, you will be placed on the one-month membership plan.

Payment for these plans can only be made by credit card.


1. Can my profiles be seen by everyone?

Profiles that appear on Asexual DS do appear in links from the landing page under the “Browse Members” section.

These broken into various categories, for example, “Asexual females”.

2. Is this a new asexual dating site?

No, it’s not.

Asexual dating has been around for a decade already.

It started in 2011.

3. Does Asexual Dating Site have a trial membership?

Yes, Asexual DS does have a trial membership.

That means you can get a good feel of the site before you commit to a longer membership option.

Overall Rating

Asexual Dating Site is a well-established dating site that’s operated since 2011.

You will find lots of other people here just like yourself but whether they will be near your location really will depend on where you live.

This is a niche site after all and numbers are never going to be massive.

All you need, however, is here to help you try and find the right companion for you.

For an overall rating, Asexual DS gets a score of 3.4 out of 5.

Celibate Passions


  • Signing up – 3/5
  • Making contact – 4/5
  • Profile quality – 3/5
  • Overall quality – 3/5


  • It’s all free
  • Comprehensive profiles
  • Free chat rooms and groups to join


  • A very dated design


It’s not only asexual people that don’t want sexual intimacy but those who choose to be celibate as well.

And Celibate Passions caters to both groups.

Part of the Passion Networks of dating sites, Celibate Passions has been around since 2004.

So it’s extremely well-established.

There is a useful database of compatible users here and whether they choose to be celibate or are asexual, both groups want relationships without sexual intimacy.

Ease of Use “mobile and desktop version”

With no app available and a very basic page when it comes to registration, you can only register for Celibate Passions through your PC or laptop browser.

The process is a little different too.

In fact, I doubt the registration page has changed much since 2004 when the site first came online.

It does look very dated.

The process itself sees you provide a username and email address first up.

Celibate Passions then send you a verification link to get things up and running.

Registration is very in-depth as well.

Let’s not get into it too much but I’d like to see that this is truly a site for everyone.

For example, there are 22 different genders to choose from.

This final part of registration also includes filling in large parts of your profile so you will need to put around 10 to 15 minutes aside to complete it.

Most of it involves various headings related to lifestyle, political views, religion, appearance and more.

Under these, you can click on checkboxes or you can leave them empty.

It’s up to you.

Once you’ve done all that, you can access the site.

Yes, and 2004 still wants its design back!

Of course, it’s not about the design at the end of the day, it’s about what a site like Celibate Passions can bring you in your search for a relationship.

While it certainly can help you in that regard, there is a lot going on here and many menus to navigate.

We would need a full review to cover them all, so I am just going to talk about the critical one that you would use to find potential matchups.

And that is the search menu.

It’s broken down into the following:

  • Regular search
  • Active members
  • Online now
  • Browse locations
  • Near me
  • Saved searches

There are lots of options open to you here to play around with and see what works for you.

Of course, you can search for asexuals exclusively by simply clicking a checkbox.

Once you’ve found a matchup that you’d like to contact, you can add them to your friend’s list, send them a virtual gift, or message them.

And it’s all for free.

Celibate Passions Cost

There is no cost when it comes to Celibate Passions, you can use the site for free.


1. I just joined up but I cannot send messages?

You have to wait for 24 hours after you initially joined the site for you to be able to send messages.

Once that time has passed, you are free to send as many messages as you like.

2. Can I use the chat rooms for free?

Everything on the site is free.

That includes all chat rooms as well as webcam chat.

3. What are the groups on the site all about?

Passion Network sites like Celibate Passions all have groups that you can join up.

For example, on this site, you can join the asexual group, or perhaps the seeking friend’s group.

Currently, there are 13 in total.

Overall Rating

The reason I’ve included Celibate Passions in this article is that it’s free.

Yes, it is very dated in its overall look and that might put some people off, but it does have a decent user base and is worth your consideration if you don’t want to spend money on the other sites we have looked at.

If you can look past the overall design, you could use this site effectively in your search for asexual love.

It gets 3.25 out of 5 as an overall rating.



  • Signing up – 4/5
  • Making contact – 3/5
  • Profile quality – 4.5/5
  • Overall quality – 4.5/5


  • Very cheap membership
  • Large user database
  • Your search for matchups by location


  • Only members can send messages, use forums or join groups


Finally, an asexual dating site that provides some useful numbers.

Around 60 000 people have registered for Asexualitic.

While that might not seem like a lot, it’s one of the bigger sites for asexuals available online today.

Again, much of how effective the site can be for you depends on where you live.

Those who live in large metropolitan areas are likely to find more luck on a site like this than those who live in smaller towns.

But that’s true of all niche dating sites, even those with bigger user bases.

Let’s see how Asexualitic operates.

Ease of Use “mobile and desktop version”

Much like all the other sites we’ve already looked at there is no app for Asexualitic.

That means you need to point your browser towards the website to register your profile.

That process isn’t going to take too long either.

Provide a valid email during the process because you can only access the site by clicking on the relevant link that gets sent to your mailbox.

Note that you will be taken to a membership sign-up page.

You don’t have to sign up yet!

Simply click on the menus at the top of the page to go to the site without signing up.

Overall, I love the design of Asexualitic.

It’s one of many dating sites that uses a blue and white color scheme that’s similar to Facebook.

It’s easy on the eye as well while the site is not cluttered at all and it’s not filled with imposing advertising either.

You will notice just four navigational menus at the top of the screen.

These are:

  • Members: This is where you will launch your searches
  • Groups: Here you can join up in over 300 groups if you are a member
  • Forum: Various forums that are available to members only
  • Contact: If you have any queries, fill out the contact form found here

When it comes to searching for matchups, there isn’t an advanced search filter.

You can search via:

  • Country
  • City
  • Gender

At least you can search via location which is more than useful.

Profiles are extremely informative on Asexualitic (don’t forget to complete yours) and even include a match percentage for each individual in relation to you.

You can either add someone as a friend or send them a private message although only members can do that.

Asexualitic Cost

This site does things a little differently when it comes to payment for membership.

There is only one option open to you.

And that’s buying a membership for a year.

But what’s that going to set you back?

Well, it’s just $19.99.

That’s cheaper than what most sites will charge for a monthly membership.

What do you get for that?

Other than messaging, you can join the forums and groups on the site, see full member profiles, add media to your profile and more.

For me, it’s well worth it.


1. If I would like to contact the team behind Asexualitic, how do I go about it?

The easiest way is through the site itself.

Click on the contact menu and fill in the contact form you find there.

2. I would like to join one of the groups I discovered on the site. Can I?

Regular users can’t.

You will need to be a paying member to join the groups and forums presented by Asexualitic.

3. Can I see when the last time someone was active on the site?

Yes, you can.

It’s clearly marked on every profile when last the user was active.

Overall Rating

This is a fantastic dating site for asexual individuals looking for a relationship.

Not only can you search by location, but it has possibly the biggest user base of all the sites we’ve covered.

Also, it only costs you $19.99 per year which is excellent value for money.

Asexualitic gets a well-deserved 4 out of 5.

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