Best Hippie Dating Sites in 2025 – Meet Your Flower Child

The 3 Best Hippie Dating Sites

Far out, man.

If you’re looking for dating sites that cater to your carefree spirit, one that helps you connect to nature and shun the conventional values thrust on us, then you’ve come to the right place.

That’s because, without a doubt, love is a foundation of what people who consider themselves hippies want in life – free love, in fact, as the phrase was coined back in the 1960s.

As you may have rightly guessed, these are not your regular hookup sites (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison) or dating sites (like eHarmony or Tinder).

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So in today’s article, we are going to take you through a few dating sites, those built with the hippie subculture in mind.

And we’ll be evaluating them from different points of view, but mostly to do with:

How to sign up for a site
How you search and make contact with others
The pros and cons of using the site
The cost of premium membership
The overall site quality or rating

So let’s get started!

Best Hippie Dating Sites in Video Form

Best Hippie Dating Sites [Meet Your Flower Child]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go

Best Hippie Dating Sites

Best Hippie Dating Sites in [year] - Meet Your Flower Child 7

Hippie Dates


  • Signing up – 4/5
  • Making contact – 3/5
  • Profile quality – 4/5
  • Overall quality – 4/5


  • Fair membership prices
  • A strong user base
  • Trial memberships


  • Anyone can see user profiles that are rotated on the registration page


The number one hippie community on the internet.

Well, that’s what those behind Hippie Dates claim.

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And that may well be true but it’s difficult to quantify.

That’s because part of being the number one community should mean that you have the biggest user database, right?

But sadly, I wasn’t able to find just how many users Hippie Dates has.

There’s a solution to that, however.

And that’s to see just how many users are found near your location, especially if you don’t live in a major city.

If you can find hippies close to you that means that on the whole, the user base of a dating website is pretty strong.

And in that regard, Hippie Dates pulled through.

While it’s never going to give you the kind of returns a major commercial dating site will, at least you know that the users here all share the same hippie principles as you do.

And that means not having to wade through profile after profile looking for someone that’s a hippie.

Best Hippie Dating Sites in [year] - Meet Your Flower Child 8

Ease of Use “mobile and desktop version”

Registering for a profile on Hippie Dates can only be done through the registration landing page on the website.

That’s because, at this point in time, Hippie Dates doesn’t have an app to download for any type of handset.

The registration process itself takes a few minutes of your time and doesn’t include any filling out of your profile.

That’s something you are going to have to do once you gain access to the site for the first time.

So to start the process, you will provide the following bits of information:

  • An email address
  • Your chosen username
  • Your chosen password
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • The gender you’d prefer to match with (lesbians and gays are welcome)
  • Where you are situated geographically

But that’s just the start.

You will also need to provide your name, upload a profile pic, give your height, ethnicity and body type, write a profile headline and finally, provide a description of yourself.

Take time to get that description right because that’s one of the first things people will see when it comes to your profile (other than the profile picture and headline).

There is no validation email that you will need to click on for Hippie Dates, so as soon as you provide the information listed above, you can start to find your way around the site.

You will notice that the site is packed with information that can be a bit off-putting first up, especially if you’ve never used a dating site before.

As a dating site veteran, it even took me a fair amount of time to process just what everything does and you will notice that certain menus double up with other sections on the site.

The most important place to start, however, is the menus that you will find at the top of the screen.

These are:

  • Home: Return to the homepage by clicking this
  • Search: If you’d like to launch a search for matchups you can do it here
  • Browse photos: Photos uploaded by other users can be seen here
  • My profile: If you’d like to make changes to your profile, do it from this menu
  • Settings: Click this menu to change a range of settings that are site related
  • Mailbox: Incoming messages and those you send to others are saved here

Hippie Dating uses a very modular design which is split into three sections on the home page.

The left includes a summary of your profile, your mailbox, those who you have favorited if you’ve been favorited by others as well as how many times your profile has been viewed.

There’s more in this section too but I will let you discover that.

The middle is a roulette-style matchup game.

Here you can look through a host of user profiles and like those that appeal to you to see if they like you back.

The right-hand side has a quick search toolbar that you can search from instead of using the main menu.

In general, both search options don’t allow for a lot of parameters which is strange seeing the profiles on Hippie Dating are filled with tons of information.

Speaking of profiles, you need to make sure you complete yours at some point as the registration process only allows for a headline and description of yourself.

There’s a lot of other information that you can still fill in pertaining to lifestyle, habits, education, work and more.

So let’s talk about reaching out to other users?

Well, you could flirt with them, but that’s not going to help much (plus you only get 30 in total).

In truth, it’s messaging you want and that’s firmly part of the membership packages on the site.

Hippie Dates Cost

While it’s a niche site, just like most of the other dating sites online, messaging is a member-only feature.

And it’s something that you are going to need to use Hippie Dates effectively.

So how much does membership cost?

Well, here’s a breakdown but please note, the prices might differ slightly as these were converted into dollars from another currency.

  • 5-day trial membership – $4
  • 1-month membership: $29.99
  • 3-months membership: $39.99 ($13.33 per month)

Trial memberships are awesome because they give you the chance to see just how the site might work out for you and then you can make an informed decision if you should continue as a member.

Overall, the pricing is more than fair, I feel although a few more features for members would be welcome.

But if I am honest, it’s the ability to message that’s most important.


1. Is it true that people who haven’t registered for a profile on Hippie Date could see my profile?

Yes, that’s true.

On the registration page, Hippie Dates rotates profiles below the registration form and I guess there is a chance that yours could appear there.

For some people, this isn’t something that they can condone but ultimately, that’s your decision if you want to go ahead and register or not.

2. Just how easy is it to report a user who is harassing me? Some sights make it difficult.

It’s not difficult at all.

Each and every user profile includes a “Report User” button which you can find below their profile pic.

Click on it and follow the instructions that follow.

Overall Rating

If you’d like to meet fellow minded hippies like yourself, Hippie Dating has the user base that can help you find just the right person.

It’s a site that includes a fair batch of profiles of hippies across the age spectrum.

It’s also gay and lesbian-friendly as well, while membership prices aren’t too steep.

On the whole, Hippie Dating deserves a score of 3.75 out of 5.

Best Hippie Dating Sites in [year] - Meet Your Flower Child 9

Dating For Hippies


  • Signing up – 4/5
  • Making contact – 3/5
  • Profile quality – 3/5
  • Overall quality – 4/5


  • Cheap membership
  • Lots of search options
  • A well-designed and easy to use website


  • Messaging is not free


Our second dating site that’s aimed exclusively at our niche group is Dating for Hippies.

Primarily focused on the United States, it still does have members from all over the globe.

That said, however, if you are from America, you stand a far better chance of finding hippies near you for friendship, love and more.

There are no bold claims on the Dating for Hippies website and certainly, no user numbers flashed across the screen either.

And because this is not a mainstream site but one that serves a small niche as it does, finding details out about overall user numbers, the gender ratio split on the site as well as the most popular age ranges of users was impossible to research.

But again, like any niche site, you know that the user base is just like you, and therein lies your advantage when comparing a site like Dating for Hippies to a more commercial one.

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Ease of Use “mobile and desktop version”

A five-step process starts the registration process off at Dating for Hippies.

There is no app for this dating site, so you will need to head on over to the website to begin.

It starts with your gender and what you will be searching for including options if you are gay or lesbian.

Other information required includes the regulars like your age, in what country you reside, a valid email address, username and password.

Why a valid email address is necessary is that you have to activate your account through a link that the site will send to you.

A word of warning, the original activation mail from the site didn’t come through for me the first time and I had to request a resend to get it.

The second time, however, I did receive it and was able to activate my account.

What follows is a process in which you are required to fill in parts of your profile.

Here you have to provide the following

  • First name (this is kept private)
  • How long you have been a hippie
  • What you enjoy most about the lifestyle
  • Height
  • Build
  • Ethnicity
  • Your profile headline
  • A basic description of yourself
  • A profile picture

Following that, you will be taken to the member’s payment section of the site where you can sign up immediately if you wish but I would suggest checking out the rest of the site first up.

The first thing I noticed about Dating for Hippies is the excellent returns when it came to matchups the site provides you with straight from the start.

And although I said that Dating for Hippies is primarily a site for Americans, I was pleasantly surprised with the number of returns considering the country I live in and the small city I call home.

Before we jump into getting to know other users a little better, let’s talk a little more about both site design and navigation around it.

First up, the design.

While it’s like most other dating sites I’ve seen in terms of everything is where you’d expect it to be, Dating for Hippies is welcoming with its black, blue and white color scheme and the fact that it uses open space well.

In other words, it’s a design that’s not overcrowded and it draws you in, that’s for sure.

Secondly, finding your way around the site is mainly done through a menu system found at the top of the page.

These are:

  • Home: Takes you back to your matches on the home screen. It also includes a roulette-style matchup game
  • Inbox: Find message here
  • Browse: Find users that are near you, most recently active, new, or who have videos on their profiles
  • Search: Both a basic and advanced search can be accessed here
  • Meet: Find other users who have expressed interest in meeting you or those that you want to meet as well as mutual meeting
  • Chat: This is a chat room where you can speak to other users

I must admit, I like the fact that not only does Dating for Hippies provide you with matches close to you, but you can use the browse or search function to do your own search for that perfect matchups.

And the advanced search features, which factor in details from other users’ profiles, aren’t hidden behind a membership paywall as you find on so many other sites.

When you’ve found someone that you like, you can interact with their profile in so many ways.

For example, you can “like” them, add them as a friend (member’s only) or flirt with them using a pre-generated message, for example, “I like your profile, please check out mine”.

You can probably guess, however, that just like about all dating sites, messaging isn’t an option for normal users.

Along with unlimited messaging, membership allows you to look at other user profiles, add other users as friends, watch user videos, see other users’ social network handles, see who wants to meet you as well as even more search features to help find that perfect match.

Dating for Hippies Cost

That’s a fair number of extras for members of the site, that’s for sure.

But what’s that going to cost?

Well, here’s a breakdown but please not, prices may differ slightly as this was converted into dollars from a foreign currency.

  • 5-day trial membership – $3.50
  • 1-month membership – $19.99 (per month)
  • 3-month membership – $29.99 ($9.99 per month)

At the time of research, both the one and three-month options were 30% off.


1. Does Dating For Hippies allow for free messaging of other users?

No, it doesn’t.

This is a member-only privilege.

It does have a free chat room where you can interact with others, however, and that is pretty active.

2. What options does the site provide for users who want to find the perfect match?

There are a few, actually.

As a regular user, you can launch both normal and advanced searches that include many parameters that can be adjusted.

The site will also provide you with matches of people living close to your location while you can also use the “Browse” menu to find people near you, those who were recently active, those with videos, and more.

Overall Rating

For an overall rating, Dating for Hippies gets a more than useful 3.5 out of 5.

It’s a site with plenty of tools at your disposal to help you in your quest to find users just like you.

Of course, all the best of these are packaged for members so if you want to use the site in an effective manner, that’s something you’d want to consider.

Luckily, membership is cheap and so simple to set up.

Plus, if you are still a little unsure if Dating for Hippies is for you, make use of the free trial to try before you buy.

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Hippies Date


  • Signing up – 4/5
  • Making contact – 3/5
  • Profile quality – 4.5/5
  • Overall quality – 3.5/5


  • Quick registration
  • Extensive profiles with tons of information
  • A fun site to find your way around


  • Not all the profiles seemed to be hippies


Hippies Date is another dating site where users love the hippie lifestyle.

And it’s a site where you will find hippies from a full spectrum of age ranges and all walks of life.

Plus there are users here from across the globe although the vast majority are based in the United States.

Again, just like the other sites we’ve already looked at, finding overall user numbers for the site proved impossible.

But, if my experience is anything to go by, it’s very active, that’s for sure and when it came to matchups in my city, there was an impressive amount.

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Ease of Use “mobile and desktop version”

No app here, sorry!

It seems that hippie dating sites aren’t that into providing apps for download and use at all.

So again, just like the other two that we’ve already looked at, to register for your profile, you are going to have to visit the Dating for Hippies website.

And while the registration process is similar to other dating sites, there are one of two interesting changes.

For example, after you’ve provided your gender and the gender you’d prefer to date (and yes, this is a gay and friendly site), password and email address, you are asked an interesting question.

And that’s what your interests are.

In my time reviewing dating site, that’s something that’s never come up as part of the registration process.

The options include camping, country life, dogs, fishing/hunting or horses.

It’s all a bit random really but it’s there.

And you can only pick one.

What follows after this is standard practice and that’s verifying your email address.

That gives you access to the site for the first time where you need to now complete the most important parts of your profile including:

  • Writing an icebreaker message to introduce yourself
  • Write a little more about yourself and what you are all about
  • Give some pointers as to what you are looking for in a potential match
  • Uploading a profile picture

Overall the site is a joy to look at.

I love the overall design.

You will notice that you are immediately shown a bunch of new members from in and around your location.

Also, there is a handy search bar to the left-hand side of the home screen where you can search for your own matchups using both quick searches with few parameters to more advanced searches where you can adjust many options.

The advanced search is for members only.

The navigational menus at the top of the screen include:

  • Home: Click here to return to the home page
  • Browse: Check out user base on if they are new, online, matches for you, VIP members, those who have admired your profile or are your favorites
  • Profile: Remember to complete yours, you’ve only done the minimum when signing up
  • Inbox: Your messages
  • Flirt: This is a roulette-style matchup game just like you find on pretty much every dating site these days

When you launch a search, you will see why you had to include an “interest” during the registration process.

That’s because it’s one of the parameters you can search by.

So for example, if your interest is the outdoors, search for matchups that share that too.

Of course, just like all the other sites we’ve covered, messaging someone is a member-only privilege.

You can send a virtual card, however as well as a “wink” to show your interest.

Hippies Date Cost

So what’s membership of Hippies Date going to set you back?

Here’s what it will cost you for the standard packages.

  • 1-month – $19.99
  • 3-months – $44.97 ($14.99 per month)
  • 6-months – $69.99 ($11.62 per month)

For an extra $14.95 on each offer, you can unlock the VIP package.

That adds the following:

  • Messaging
  • Video chatting
  • Profile visibility to all
  • Priority listing in search returns
  • Media galleries
  • Advanced search features
  • Text chat


1. What’s the VIP membership package?

Over and above standard membership, Hippies Date includes a VIP package that adds even more features for members.

Of course, it costs extra as well.

Can you do without it?

Of course, but it does offer excellent features.

2. What is “Flirt”?

On most dating sites, a “Flirt” function is a way to show another user that you are interested in getting to know them better.

On Hippies Date, however, it’s the name of their roulette-style matchup game.

Overall Rating

Hippies Date is a little different from the other two hippie dating sites we’ve covered.

But there’s a lot here to work with.

Overall, the full-on VIP membership package can be a little more pricey than the other two sites but it does give you added extras.

Can you use the site without it?

Of course you can!

Overall, this is a site that’s got plenty of users to look through although I am not sure all of them would be classed as hippies judging from some of my returns.

But that doesn’t make it not worth your while.

Today, Hippies Date gets 3.75 out of 5 as an overall rating.

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