Catholic Singles Dating Site Review 2025

Dating sites that cater to Christians aren’t new.

They’ve been around on the web for years now.

And although they are what you could call a niche site, in this review today, we are going to delve even deeper into that niche.

Yes, instead of focusing on a site that’s for Christians as a group, we are going to cover one that’s for Catholics.

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You could say it’s a niche site within a niche site.

So, if you are a Catholic Christian that is looking for love and only wants to meet up with other Catholics then this review of Catholic Singles is something you need to read.

Because in it, you are going to find out:

How to register for a profile on Catholic Singles
How to search for a potential matchup
How to communicate with them once you’ve found one
What key features the site has to offer
The pros and cons of using Catholic Singles

So if you want to know more about a site that can help set you up with people of the same faith, make sure you read through this full interview.

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Catholic Singles Review in Video Form

Catholic Singles Dating Site Review [God Fearing Matches]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go


Ease of Use – 5/5

Effectiveness – 4/5

Key Features – 3/5

Pricing – 3/5

Pros and Cons


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  • A dating site for people who you know are just like you in terms of your faith
  • Messaging is free (to a certain degree)
  • A user base that’s growing all the time


  • You might struggle to find matchups if you live outside of big cities

Who Is It For/Demographics?

There’s no secret here at all.

Catholic Singles is a dating site for Roman Catholic Christians who are looking for love, first and foremost.

But without a doubt, it can also be used for those who are searching for friendship, even penpals in another country.

It’s however, not a hookup site (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison), but rather, one for serious relationships (like eHarmony).

It operates just like any other dating site, it’s just the target audience that’s so specific.

But because that target audience is so specific, what are the user numbers like on the site?

By the numbers

Figures estimate that there around 2.3 billion Christians in the world.

Of them, more than half – around 1.2 billion – are Catholic.

So that’s certainly a potential user base, right?

But of course, dating sites aren’t really something you’d associate with religious people although, of course, they do use them.

And in my research in trying to find out user numbers for Catholic Singles, I was pleasantly surprised to find a bunch of interesting figures right on their website.

For example:

  • Catholic singles say they have around 15 000 active users
  • Over 6 700 messages have been sent “recently” although they don’t clarify what time frame recently is
  • Over 5 000 matches are made daily

Ok so they aren’t the best figures I’ve ever seen but let’s not forget this is a niche of a niche dating site.

And it doesn’t need massive figures because everyone you meet here will be the type of people you are looking to meet.

In terms of user age ranges on the site, well I wasn’t able to find any definitive data.

I think it’s safe to say, however, that it should include all the age groups from 18 to 55 and over.

Ease of Use

So let’s get into the process of signing up for a Catholic Singles profile.

It’s run of the mill, really.

If you head on over to the Catholic Singles website, you can have your profile up and running in a matter of 15 minutes.

You could even download the app, available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple iStore if you’d prefer.

Or you can use a one-click login using either your Facebook or Google account.

But let’s talk you through the process of signing in through the website.

Signing up for a profile

The first thing I noticed is that the Catholic Singles landing page is beautifully designed and certainly very inviting.

To start the sign-up process, you first pick the gender you are looking for and that’s followed by the age ranges that you’d prefer your matches to be.

The rest you can probably guess, your email address and all the other basic information that a dating site needs like your username, password and location before you can start your profile.

Catholic Singles also lets you do that too, or you can skip and come back to it later.

You can expect to field the following questions when it comes to filling out your profile:

  • Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • How often you attend church?
  • How often you pray?
  • What your religious upbringing was like?
  • Your current relationship status?
  • Are you allowed to get married in a church?
  • What do you hope to find on the site: dating or fellowship?
  • How far you will travel to meet someone?
  • Do you have children?
  • Do you want children?
  • Would you date someone with children?
  • How do you feel about pets?
  • What child are you in your family (oldest, middle, youngest, only)?
  • What’s your personality (introvert, extrovert, a bit of both)?

That’s only about half of the questions.

As you can see there are your standard dating site questions and ones that you probably haven’t ever seen before.

But then again, this is a faith-based site, so a different approach to questions to help build your profile is to be expected.

Also, you can skip this process if you’d like but I would get it done because it’s a lot to get through when you have access to the site and you would prefer to search for matchups.

Finding your way around Catholic Singles

So that clean-cut design that impressed me on the landing page is carried through to the overall website as well.

It’s just so slick.

Other dating sites could really learn from Catholic Singles and the way it’s laid out.

To find your way around the website, you will use the menus that you can find at the top of the screen.

These are:

  • Dashboard: Almost a Facebook-style newsfeed where you can see who answered a poll question for example. This can also be filtered how you prefer, for example by your favorites or even people near you.
  • Daily matches: Each day, Catholic Singles asks you a specific question and return matches for you to look through depending on your answer
  • Discover: Here you can launch searches
  • Messages: Here you will find all the messages you have sent and received
  • Favorites: Here you will find the profiles of all the people you have favorited
  • Account: You here you can make changes to your account and profile

And that’s it really, everything you need to navigate your way around the website is found in those menus.


Catholic Singles certainly provides all you need to help you find a perfect matchup, be it someone to fall in love with, a penpal in another country or someone to talk religion with.

Finding those ideal matches is easiest through a search, although as I already mentioned, Catholic Singles will provide daily matches for you as well.

To get those daily matches, you answer a question each day.

Of course, it’s not going to be the most accurate matches but it’s a nice way to generate some profiles for you to look through.

Using the Catholic Singles search feature

More often than not, you are going to be searching for your own matchups using the Catholic Singles search engine.

You can conduct searches based on basic parameters like location and age ranges or you can include all the parameters that you went through when filling in your profile.

And there are lots of them, that’s for sure.

I am not going to mention them all but a word of warning.

The more parameters you include, the more you are going to narrow down the field.

Remember, this isn’t a regular dating site with tons of users.

A smaller user base means that searching using a wide variety of parameters is going to result in fewer returns.

So maybe first start off with a wider based search and then narrow it from there, if you’d like.

And when you do get returns, if someone has filled in their profile to the fullest, there is so much to go through.

So keep that in mind as well.

Once you’ve found a suitable matchup that you’d like to get to know a bit better, you can see just how compatible the two of you would be by taking a compatibility test.

If you click on someone’s profile, you can find out if they have taken it already.

If they have, then you can too and that will show just how compatible you are.

You only have to do this once to see it again on another matchups profile, provided they have taken it as well.

So let’s say you’ve found someone with who you are compatible.

How do you reach out to them?

Making contact with someone on Catholic Singles

Catholic Singles say that sending messages is free on the site.

To a certain extent, yes, that’s true.

But to send a message to someone, you have to favorite their profile and they must do the same to you.

If both parties have done so, then sending messages isn’t a problem.

If someone hasn’t favorited your profile, it becomes a little more difficult.

However, with membership, you can send messages to anyone on the Catholic Singles site.

The message system itself is pretty basic.

To send a message, simply go to the person’s profile and click the message button, type your message and send and hopefully, that leads to some conversation.

Key Features

Now let’s look into some key features that Catholic Singles offers.

Note that these aren’t all necessarily member features with some available to all users.

1. Compatability Test

I’ve already mentioned the compatibility test but I just want to mention it again.

I think it’s a brilliant idea and more dating sites could look into introducing something like this.

Of course, it’s never going to be totally accurate but because everyone is answering the same questions, it can certainly be used as a guideline to just how compatible (or not) you and a potential matchup are.

And the test itself is extremely in-depth.

It comprises 55 questions about your personality, religion, your ideal partner and more.

Afterward, it gives you a full breakdown regarding your personality and what you want in a partner.

2. Full Messaging (for member’s only)

As a paying member of Catholic Singles, you can message anyone without them having to add you as a favorite first.

3. Daily Matches

Catholic Singles provides you with daily matches based on your profile as well as other parameters including the age of matchups you prefer.

This is a fun way to look at a group of matchups without needing to search for them.

4. Polls

Catholic Singles include a range of polls you can take, with more added daily.

For example, “What’s your favorite movie”.

Once you’ve answered a poll, you will be taken to the results and you can see what other users have answered.

From there you are encouraged to interact with them, for example, telling them you like comedies.

This feature is like nothing I’ve seen on other dating websites and a great way to break the ice and start speaking to someone as poll messages are always sent.

5. Preferred Placement (member’s only)

As a paying member of Catholic Singles, your profile will be right at the top of matchup returns on other user searches.


Now let’s look at how much you are going to have to pay each month should you choose to sign up as a member of Catholic Singles.

There aren’t that many extras for members on the site, so the pricing is a little lower than most other dating sites.

  • 1-month membership – $24.95
  • Quarterly membership – $66.60 ($16.65 per month)
  • Semi-annual membership (6 months) – $77.40 ($12.49 per month)

While the pricing is lower than many dating sites, particularly niche ones, I still feel that it could drop even more.

For example, for what’s offered to members, a monthly price of $19.99 would have been fine for me.

And that’s because Catholic Singles doesn’t cut out messaging from normal users, although there is a certain system in place for it to be free.

Overall Rating and Conclusion

So there you have it for our review of Catholic Singles.

In it, we’ve established that this is a very niche site but if you are Catholic and looking for love, then it’s well worth your time to set up a profile and start searching.

Catholic Singles certainly does things a little differently than most other dating sites.

And that’s not a bad thing!

From the moment you start filling in your profile, you will find out that it’s good to be thorough on this website.

There’s tons of information that you can get across to others on your profile alone.

I also love the fact that you can take a compatibility test just to see if you and a potential matchup are made for each other.

This is no gimmick either.

It’s going to take you at least 20 to 30 minutes to finish the compatibility test if you are serious about it.

From a design point of view, I loved my time on the site.

It’s well designed and fun to look around, certainly very pleasing on the eye.

In terms of matchups, I think because this is such a niche site, you might struggle to find matchups if you live in smaller cities or towns.

If I have one little gripe it’s the fact that for what’s offered to users who sign up to be members isn’t that impressive and as a result, the membership could be a little cheaper.

So onto my overall rating then.

I am going to give Catholic Singles 3.75 out of 5.

It certainly would have been higher with a few more key features and a slightly lower price when it comes to a monthly membership.

Is Catholic Singles a site that you would consider using?

Let us know in the comments below.

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