Before you even start thinking about which photo of yourself you should upload on your profile or what to write on your profile wall to let others know what your traits are, you must carefully choose a username.
Besides, if you think about it, dating websites are full of guys with weird and corny usernames, and you don’t want to be the guy whose username is “suggardaddy97”, or at least we hope you don’t.
Is your dating app giving you the best chance for success? Make sure to take our online dating site/app quiz to find out. People who follow our dating site suggestions have on average 2 more dates per month.Usernames to avoid and words not to use include:
1. Profanity
This should be clear as day, but just in case you don’t understand why you shouldn’t use bad words we’ll explain.
Using profanity will make you seem not only immature but also sleazy and won’t really help you get any girls, at least not the ones which are worth your time.
2. Pseudonyms
Don’t write pseudonyms of your name because people don’t know how to call you and it makes it more difficult for people to really take you seriously.
There is no reason you should use another name on your profile. If your name is Jhon, use the username Jhon_55 for example, and not David_Heisenberg798.
3. Nicknames
If everyone calls you by your nickname, even if it’s a cool nickname, you shouldn’t use it for your username.
Because, for example, if your name is Ted and everyone call you Teddy Bear, it would be a bit silly to put your nickname as your username. Just use Ted, it’s that plain and simple.
4. Corny usernames
Please, for the love of God, don’t use nicknames such as Suggardaddy22, Bigguy_34, Real_Lover_45, Lonelyguy77 and so on. You’ll seem corny and not really a guy some girl would want to meet.
Of course, there are many more categories we could list here, but we assume you get the point. Now we should talk about what makes your username more appealing to others and why is less always more.
You, as a mature adult above the age of 18, should always use your first name and surname as your username.
The reason being is that you’ll appear older and more mature, a guy who knows what he wants, who doesn’t need funny usernames to be interesting and someone who isn’t afraid of others knowing his birth name.
You should view your username as your business card.
The simpler and professional you make it, the more chance you’ll have to do “business”. So no out-of-the-ordinary names. Keep it plain and simple.
If your name is Rick Jones, or Terry Wilson or whatever, use the username Rick Jones or Terry Wilson. It’s that simple, really.
Even better, just use your first name if available and add a couple of numbers such as your birthday or your favorite number, so you can go for something like Rick89 or Terry92.
This way you’re introducing yourself to people before you even talk to them, and trust me, girls would much rather chat with a guy who’s username is Benjamin632 than TheIceCreamMan47.