Things You Need To Know About Dating In The Early 20s (2025)

Entering the dating pool can be stressful, whether you are in your 20s just starting out or you already have some experience and want to hop back into it.

However, being a 20-year-old who is still unsure of the things they want, especially not in romantic relationships, can also cause you many headaches.

Some things can help you out if you want to start dating in the early 20s in the right way, have some fun and find your true love.

Let’s start with the following:

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When Is The Best Time To Start Dating?
What You Need To Know About Dating In Your 20s
Types Of Relationships You Will Have In Your 20s
Pieces Of Advice You Need To Follow When Early Dating

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When is The Best Time to Start Dating in The Early 20s?

Getting into the dating pool seems to be a pretty stressful thing for a large number of people, especially men and women in their early 20s who have probably never experienced real dating life before.

Your early twenties are the right time for exploring, and this is when the majority of people tend to get active in social circles and start looking for those people who could be the ones for them.

Even though teenagers tend to have a busy love life these days, it is definitely not the same as adult dating, and their relationships are never that deep.

When Is The Best Time To Start Dating

At 20 years old, people start looking for someone for a serious relationship; they experiment, meet new people, and explore all types of arrangements they could get involved in.

Dating in your 20s is the right time, and although most people have had some experience before this, they do take this as early dating because it tends to be the first time they are experiencing most things.

You don’t need to take things seriously because meeting people in your 20s is the best way to have some fun and realize what you are really looking for.

Young people usually stress too much about finding the right person, and they don’t take any time to enjoy the process and new experiences, so don’t be afraid because this is the right moment to do anything you have ever wanted.

Don’t stress too much about not having any previous experience because starting dating in your early 20s is also pretty early, and it is the right moment to experience everything a man or a woman must know about love!

What You Need To Know About Dating In Your 20s

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When I was in my 20s, I would have valued some dating advice that could help me realize what the things I want are and that I like to do because they would spare me from wasting time on people not worthy of it.

There are some things you need to know about dating in your late 20s that will make your life much easier and help you maintain healthier relationships during the process.

1. Not everyone is here to stay

When meeting people in your 20s, going out on dates, and socializing, you will find a bond with many of them, and you may even spend some time together, but that doesn’t mean they will be there forever.

You can go out on the first date, spend some fantastic time together, see each other a few more times, and it will be it, because not every date needs to turn into a serious relationship or a great friendship.

Some things happen and stay in your mind as an excellent memory.

2. Dating apps are your friend

Although many people seem to be scared of online dating platforms because they don’t know who they can come across there, it is a great option for all sorts of arrangements.

Dating sites have millions of active users, and some may even be the perfect match for you to exist, so it is never wrong to create a dating profile and see who is there.

Many people have met outstanding individuals this way, and you will see people starting a long-term relationship with someone the algorithm suggested, so don’t be afraid, give it a try and see where it takes you.

In the end, you can always make some great friends, and platforms like Bumble, Tinder, or Hinge have millions of users everywhere so you will come across some incredible people.

3. Not everyone deserves a second date

The fact that you went out with someone on a first date and it didn’t seem to be a disaster, but it also wasn’t the person of your dreams, doesn’t mean that you need to schedule a second date out of courtesy.

You are in your 20s, so don’t waste time on people you know bring nothing to your life and don’t match your idea of a perfect partner – be polite and tell them you don’t see you could have a future together, and the other person will also value you because you didn’t waste their time.

4. Fun is the most important thing

You are in your early 20s, you don’t need to look for a husband or wife immediately, and you need to be free and have some fun.

Experiencing heartbreak, unrequited love, or even betrayals is an essential part of life, and if you don’t let that happen, you will just be avoiding the unavoidable.

It is always best to experience things like this at the beginning of your dating journey because only then you will find out who you are and who you want to be with for the rest of your life.

These are some things you will experience during your dating life and don’t try to run away from them because these lessons will catch up with you at one point or another.

Types Of Relationships You Will Have In Your 20s

Most people struggle to find out what are the different types of relationships in your 20s are, and there are a few different types of arrangements you will come across.

Types Of Relationships You Will Have In Your 20s

Here we have gathered some of the most frequent types of relationships that most people experience in their early 20s that help them grow and understand what love is.

1. Friends with benefits

Friends with benefits are probably the type of relationship everyone experiences at one point or another, and it can happen with your guy best friend you thought you could never think of this way and with a random guy you have met one night at a bar.

Some casual sex from time to time is something everyone needs, and if there is a person you are comfortable with but you don’t want anything serious, and the two of you agree on it, then this can be an excellent time for you both people.

It is the type of relationship that happens to everyone at a particular moment, so if you are willing to experiment, this may be the best way of dating for you; make sure the both of you are aware of what is going on!

1. Friends with benefits

I guess all of us have had that one person that seems perfect – their looks, manners, the way they look at you, they look like a person from those love fairytales.

However, after a few weeks or months, you start seeing that their intentions may not be that good and that there is a secret meaning behind all of it.

In the end, you will probably end up way more hurt than you would come out of a situationship with a womanizer or a well-known heartbreaker because those you don’t expect it from will hurt you the most.

3. That person that ghosted

At one point or another, someone will ghost you, whether that happens on a random dating app with a person you have never met in real life or with a person you went out on a first date with and never appeared again.

Some of these people will eventually contact you, whether after a month or two or a whole year, and you may want to give them another chance.

All of them come back, so if you see them texting again, maybe you could give them another shot and pick up from where things left off the last time.

4. Worth it

There is always that one person you would risk everything for – they can be a co-worker, your best friend’s ex, or someone who is way too notorious for being seen with.

This person seems to be on your mind all the time, and no matter how much you want to deny it, you simply can’t, and you are always thinking about them.

An attraction this hard will be worth it, no matter how many problems it can bring, but in the end, you will remember it as something sweet you enjoyed in.

While these relationships sometimes bring troubles, they can also be the start of something serious, so if you feel like the bond between you and that person is too hard to ignore, then give it a try because who knows what may happen in the end.

5. A crush from the bar

The 20s are for hanging out in the bars on the weekends and meeting random people who seem to be sharing a glass of wine too.

If you are regular at these bars and you don’t miss a night out, then you will definitely find a bar crush or even two.

People are more relaxed in this type of environment, and they are prone to connecting with others they see hanging out there, so if you see a cute guy or girl, don’t be afraid and reach out to them because they will probably be interested in sharing a drink with you too.

Pieces Of Advice You Need To Follow When Early Dating

If you don’t want to be in your early 30s regretting the mistakes you have made in the last decade, then you will definitely want to hear some valuable pieces of advice that can help you improve your dating experience and find what you were looking for.

These are some of the things you want to do in your early 20s if you don’t want to regret it later:

1. Avoid ghosting

Even if you feel like this person doesn’t deserve any of your time and your whole date was a complete disaster, try avoiding ghosting at all costs because it is a very rude thing to do.

This is something you especially shouldn’t do if you are coming across this person in real life, too, because they don’t want them to be talking about how rude and insensitive you are.

After all, you definitely wouldn’t enjoy experiencing this with someone else, so treat people with kindness no matter how much you don’t like them.

2. Dont be too strict

Some men and women have a full list of dos and don’t for their partners, and probably the best early dating advice you will hear is to get rid of it.

If you are always looking for the person that ticks off all requirements on your checklist, you will end up being alone for life.

People like that rarely appear, and you are missing out on some amazing guys or girls that have a lot to offer just because they don’t fit into that one specific criterion.

3. Be open

Having prejudices about people is the worst thing you can do, especially if you are looking for a partner because oftentimes, we overlook some amazing people just because we have heard something wrong about them.

Be open when meeting new people and be prepared to hear everyone’s side of the story because you never know who someone is until you meet them.

4. Don’t follow everyone on social media.

Just because someone you have met out and about seemed to be exciting and looked like a potential partner doesn’t mean that you need to incorporate that person into every area of your life.

Even though it is great to meet new people all the time, you don’t need to immediately add them on all of your social media because maybe they don’t like doing that, and you don’t even know whether the two of you will come across each other any other day.

4. Don’t follow everyone on social media.

This can also cause you problems with future daters, so don’t add anyone and don’t share pics with anyone until it’s official.

5. Don’t rely on dating apps too much.

Although swiping your way to your soulmate may seem to be the best way to date, you definitely shouldn’t rely on online dating platforms only.

You need to take time if you want to find a person that fits you, and besides exploring dating apps and profiles available there, you also need to be out and about, meeting new people and exploring different opportunities.

Staying at home and waiting until your person pops up will not work, and you still need to mingle around.

6. Learn what red flags are

The worst thing that can happen to you is that you don’t become able to recognize red flags in a man or a woman because this can lead to harmful relationships and serious consequences eventually.

Learn to recognize manipulative behavior, creeps, sociopaths, and controlling people because this is the most important thing you need to know when you engage in the dating pool.

If you spend years dating but are not able to recognize them, you will need to be extremely careful when choosing the right person for yourself.

Do Relationships In The Early 20s Last?

Most want to know what to do in relationships in their early 20, because to some, it may be early for serious dating, while others believe this is the right time to find the person you will spend your whole life with.

Meeting guys in your 20s is a normal part of life, but whether this will be the moment when you will find your soulmate or not can depend on a lot of things, and no one can tell you that these relationships will 100% last forever.

However, we are witnessing a large number of people who were able to find their soulmates shortly after they started dating, so for them, it did work out.

Your 20s are the crucial time for making meaningful connections, whether it regards your love life or your friendships, so as long as you invest your time and energy into these connections, they can last.

The reason why so many relationships people have in their 20s are not forever is usually because they still want to take time and explore other things the world has to offer, and they don’t pay too much attention or put in an effort to make things last.

This doesn’t mean that you need to marry the person you are in a relationship with, but it can be a sign that everything will work out as long as the both of you invest your time and energy into it.

What is The Best Way to Meet People in Your Early 20s?

Meeting new people can also be a struggle for some, but the truth is, as long as you are outgoing and willing to spend some time socializing, you will quickly start meeting new people and developing connections:

1. Hobbies

Practicing a hobby is something everyone enjoys, and the best way to meet new people with similar interests is through this.

If you like painting, playing video games, ice skating, or visiting museums, this is the best way to meet someone new who could be a potential match for you.

2. Friends

If you are always with your friends and mingling through the city, you don’t need to live in New York or Los Angeles to connect with plenty of people.

Stay with your friends, interact with their acquaintances, and sometimes even go out with their other friend groups, and you will be surprised how easily you will meet new people.

3. Bars

All 20-year-olds like visiting bars and going out on the weekends, and bars are a great place to network and meet new people in a relaxed environment.

You will establish a connection if you see the same people hanging around there for a few weeks in a row.

4. University

Most people in their 20s are still attending university, so this is a fantastic way to meet new people and connect with larger friend groups.

Engage in some extracurricular activities and keep in touch with your colleagues because you can meet amazing people and gain unique experiences.

Is Being Single in Your 20s Okay?

Even though many people struggle with entering the dating pool and meeting enough people they can go out on a date with, there are also people who don’t feel like dating too much yet but don’t know the right way to act.

Sometimes being 20 years old and choosing to stay single can be a bit lonely, so many guys and girls engage in dating just to fill their free time with something and have people to go out with.

In case you feel like you are not ready for dating and this whole thing seems like too much effort and struggle for you, then staying single is completely fine.

Most people overlook the time they can have as a single person, especially while they are still young and have many options and opportunities.

Being under the pressure of society is the worst thing, and you should never do something that makes you uncomfortable just because everyone says that’s the right thing.

You will waste not only your time but also the time of other people, which is something you don’t want to do.

People have different wishes and expectations from life, and the best thing you can do is follow your heart and go for the things you feel are true for you.

Thinking about marriage in your 20s is something people also struggle with, so you can see that people of your age tend to have completely different views on life and relationships, and that is completely fine.

Dating for the first time in your 20s also happens to a lot of them, so whatever feels comfortable to you is the way to go.


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