FirstMet Review 2025 – [Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons]

If you are looking for a dating site with a long history and a ton of users, FirstMet is it.

In this review of the site, were are looking into the site to see just what it offers to new users looking for love.

And we are going to cover tons of critical information to help you make an informed decision as to whether setting a profile on the site is worth your while.

Some aspects this review will cover include:

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How effective is FirstMet in finding matches the meet your needs?
How easy it is to set up a profile and start searching for matches?
What key features a member of the site can expect if they sign-up?
How much membership will cost?
All the pros and cons of using FirstMet

So take the time to read through this thorough interview and at the end of it, you will know if FirstMet is the dating site you should be using or if you should look elsewhere for love.

FirstMet Dating Site Review

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First Met Review in Video Form

First Met Dating Site Review [Love at First Sight?]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go


Effectiveness – 4/5

Ease of Use – 4/5

Key Features – 3.5/5

Pricing – 3.5/5


  • A simple sign up process has you browsing potential matches in mere minutes
  • A unique profile system matches you up to others based on pre-selected interests like movies and music
  • Unique ice-breaker questions are a good way to start chatting with someone
  • FirstMet has a mobile app for both Android and Apple phones
  • A massive user base
  • FirstMet is a very active dating site


  • FirstMet’s site design is dull and boring to look at
  • FirstMet doesn’t offer that many key features
  • An older user base as most people online is between the ages of 35 to 50.
  • No real search filters

Who Is It For/Demographics?

Before we get into the details of who FirstMet is aimed at, we need to look at some history behind the site.

It first came into existence in 2007 but under the name, AreYouInterested or simply AYI.

AYI positioned itself as an exclusive dating site for people who didn’t just want a casual hook up or fling (like eHarmony).

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Here, it was all about love for a lifetime.

But that changed in 2012, when AYI became a little less exclusive, changing its name to First Met and allowing for a far more varied range of users.

This still included those who were looking for their soulmate but also included those who wanted a casual fling (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison) and just about everything in between.

By the numbers

Well, it’s been around for over a decade, so the site must be popular, right?

And it is.

In fact, PeerStream, the company behind FirstMet says that the site has 30 million users.

That’s a massive figure, I am sure you will agree

Of course, not all of those 30 million users will be active at one time and that’s further broken down by exactly what type of match up each of looking for.

But it’s a hell of a user base to start from, that’s for sure.

So now, let’s dig a little deeper into more figures related to FirstMet to see what we can deduce from them.

For example:

  • 60% of the user base are from the United States
  • That’s 18 million Americans who have registered for the site
  • Over 500,000 people are active on the site each week
  • The site gets 2 million views from the United States alone each week
  • FirstMet specifically target people from 35 and upwards and most of their users are from 35-50 years old
  • From a gender ratio point of view, the site is pretty equal with 45% of users being female and 55% male

From those figures, we can deduce quite a few things.

First of all, if you are in the United States and between the ages of 35 to 50, FirstMet probably is a dating site you should be trying out.

That’s because there you are going to get plenty of matchups, that’s for sure.

Secondly, it’s not often that a dating website sees gender ratios that are as close as FirstMet claims.

That’s a good thing for all users because it means that your chances of finding matchups to your specific search requirements from a gender point of view are high.

Thirdly, with over 500,000 people active on-site each week, FirstMet is a busy dating site.

You might say that it’s nowhere near the 30 million users they claim but it’s all relative, because not every user is going to have an active profile all at the same time, for any number of reasons.

For example, they might have met their perfect match.

But 500 000 people each week equates to close to 72 000 users each day!

That might be so, but although it boasts all of those users, just how good is FirstMet in helping you find that special someone or your next casual date?


A dating site’s effectiveness is measured by one thing and one thing only.

Can it help you find the type of partner you are looking for?

In that regard, we’ve seen that the numbers FirstMet claim in terms of overall users as well as those that are active should mean that this really should be a problem, especially if you are prepared to put in a little work on your side as well.

And yes, that’s true.

But FirstMet does operate a little differently from other dating sites and that might be a deal-breaker for some.

Searching and connecting

What do I mean when I say the site works differently from others?

Well, the major difference is that you can’t technically search for matches on the site.

It’s not a case of putting in several search parameters and then scrolling the matchups that return as you look for people that fit the bill in terms of who you would like to chat with.

Instead, FirstMet sends you potential matches based on some details that you.

These are displayed in a Tinder-style, with the person’s picture prominent.

You then can either click on a checkmark if you are interested in them or an X if you not and that moves you onto the next person.

To find out more about a person before you make your decision, you can click on their name to see their profile.

So if you see someone that you like, you can then send them an icebreaker question.

These are questions that FirstMet allows you to ask a potential matchup.

For example, icebreaker questions could be something like:

  • How was your weekend?
  • If someone asked you on a first date, where would you prefer to go?
  • Have you ever driven a motorcycle?

They are extremely varied and cover just about anything but they are a good “in” if you can’t think of a question to ask on your own.

Once you’ve sent someone that’s caught your eye an icebreaker, you can chat with them further but messaging is limited unless you take membership because then you have access to unlimited messages.

What I do like about FirstMet is the icebreaker questions.

They are a unique way to get a chat started with someone and can be used very effectively to get to know a potential matchup.

Also, while FirstMet does provide you with matchups, within those are allowed to do some tweaking to either narrow the field down or get more potential matchups to look through.

This is easily done by changing their distance from you, age ranges and ethnicity.

To get the most effective use out of FirstMet, however, you need to complete your profile fully because it’s the information that’s contained therein that helps the algorithm to match you up with the right kind of people.

Ease of Use

A few minutes is all you need to sign up for FirstMet.

The site allows you to sign in using your Facebook account which speeds up the process even more.

There’s nothing out of the ordinary during the initial phase of the sign up process and if you’ve used a dating site before, you will know what to expect.

Once you’ve entered a few details, you can access the website and it will even supply you with a few matches based on those details you entered.

So if you want to, you can begin browsing for a potential matchup in a matter of minutes.

Overall the design of the site is a little bland and boring but then again, it’s not trying to win design awards, right but bring people together.

Everything you need is within reach though and you can make changes to your profile, upload photos, browse your matchups and more, all a click away.

As mentioned earlier, FirstMet provides you with matchups based on the criteria you’ve entered into your profile.

Members, however, do have the ability to search for matchups.

Does FirstMet have an app?

You will find an app for FirstMet on both the Google Play Store as well as the Apple iStore.

It’s pretty simple and from a design and appearance point of view, nothing to really write home about.

But it works in the same way as the website doesn’t but obviously in a more condensed format.

And it seems to be popular with users, as it has been downloaded over 1 million times on Android alone.

Having said that, if you don’t want to download the mobile app you can still point your browser on your phone at the website and you can then navigate a mobile version of it.

The choice is all yours.

Key Features

Before we get into what membership is going to cost at FirstMet, here’s a reminder of what regular users get to do on the site without paying a dime.

  • Sign up for the site
  • Create a profile
  • Search for potential matches
  • Video chat through Paltalk (a 3rd party platform)

As a member, however, you will have severao other key features at your fingertips.

If I am totally honest, these aren’t that impressive.

For me, the most important one is the ability to send messages to anyone.

Let’s look at all of them a little closer.

1. Sending messages

As a regular user, you are limited in the number of messages you can send to potential matchups

Taking out membership on the site solves that problem, however, because when you do, you can send as many messages as you like.

2. Profile boost

If you’d like to stand out in the crowd a little more (and with 30 million users, FirstMet is crowded) as a member, you can boost your profile.

That will put your profile towards the front of other people’s potential matchups.

3. See who is interested

Another perk of membership is the ability to see just who has been browsing your profile.

If you don’t feel like wading through tons and tons of potential matchups this is an excellent way to scope out people that obviously have an interest in you and see if they are worth messaging.

4. Chatrooms

Chatrooms are available on FirstMet, but if you haven’t taken out a membership plan, then you have no chance of chatting with other users in them.


If you want to communicate with a potential matchup that you’ve found while browsing FirstMet, you are going to have to cough up for membership.

We’ve already established that and there is simply no way around it.

That’s certainly doesn’t make FirstMet unique because just about every other dating site uses models similar to this.

It’s how they make their money (other than from advertising).

So if you are considering a membership to FirstMet, what’s it going to cost you?

Well, here is a breakdown.

  • 1-month membership – $36.99
  • 3-month membership – $49.99 ($16.99 per month)
  • 6-month membership – $74.99 ($12.50 per month)

The thing that will jump out at you immediately is the fact that a three-month membership is just $13 more than a one-month membership.

You could go the single month route just to try the site out and then cancel if you don’t think it’s worth it.

However, I think the three-month option is much more enticing.

What I would suggest is that you try the site out as a regular user for a couple of days, see what type of matches you can find and how close they are to what you are looking for, and then base your decision around what membership plan you will go for on that information.

If there are tons of good matches and you see your self using FirstMet for longer than the period of a month, then a three-month membership plan makes complete sense in my book.

To be honest, I think the one-month option is a little steep in price.

There are general dating sites similar to FirstMet out there that are cheaper.

But then again, they cannot offer the same massive user base.

Conclusion and Overall Rating

So let’s cut straight to the chase.

For me, FirstMet gets a score of 3.75 out of 5.

There are few things that bring down this overall score for me.

First up, the pricing.

Yes, there are excellent pricing options should you choose the three-month or six-month membership.

They really do offer great value.

But when you are new to the site and trying it out for the first time, most people will be loathed to tie themselves into a three-month membership, even if it’s only $13 more than the monthly membership.

Secondly, and this is also linked to the price for membership packages, are the key features.

There’s not a lot extra that you get for your membership.

The main thing is that you can message potential matchups and communicate effectively with them.

It pretty important if you want to find someone.

But other than that, there is little else to write how about in the key features department.

Seeing who viewed your profile?

Some sites give you that privileged to non-members.

That said, although the pricing and key features bring the overall score down, FirstMet score high in terms of effectivity in matching you up with others as well as overall ease of use.

The sheer number of users on this site and the fact that many users are active each week makes FirstMet a worthwhile dating site, especially if you are in the 35 to 50 age range.

Have you tried FirstMet?

Did you meet anyone?

Tell us how it went in the comments below.

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