FlirtyMature Dating Site Review 2025

Being old shouldn’t stop or limit you from having an interesting love life.

So, you’re in the right place to discover the following on FlirtyMature Dating Site:

How easy it is to use
Is it effective in helping to find the right kind of match
What features can you expect if you pay for a membership
The pros and cons

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Over the last decade, dating sites have changed.

No longer will you find only one kind of site where it’s a free for all when it comes to trying to find matchups.

The change has come in the form of niche sites, those catering to a unique kind of target audience.

And FlirtyMature is such a site, aimed specifically for older age groups looking for love.

So in this insightful review of FlirtyMature, you are going to learn all you need to know about the site.

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 10

So if you are an older dater and have been looking for the right site to meet someone new, make sure you read this FlirtyMature dating site review before you try it out.

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FlirtyMature Review in Video Form

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [Dating for 40+!]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go


Effectiveness 4/5

Ease of use 5/5

Key features 4/5

Pricing 4/5

Pros and Cons

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  • You can have a profile set up in a matter of a few minutes
  • FlirtyMature is easy to navigate which helps people who might not be that computer literate
  • The site has lots of users based in the United States
  • FlirtyMature is very active with 300,000 users per week
  • You can narrow down matches to within a 50-mile radius
  • FlirtyMature offers excellent support for its users
  • It’s easy to cancel your account should you wish to do so
  • Discounted 3-day membership available for new users who want to see what the site offers


  • Some profiles seem fake
  • FlirtyMature offers no real search algorithm
  • Although there is an APK app, it’s not available on the Google Play store
FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 11

Who is it for/Demographic Makeup?

The name says it all, doesn’t it?

FlirtyMature is aimed at those of us who are looking for love, companionship or a little bit of fun later in our lives.

While anyone can join up at this popular dating site, by far the most profiles are of people from 40 and upwards.

And while most of the members are from the United States, FlirtyMature is popular all over the world including Canada, Europe and Australia.

For the most part, the users on FlirtyMature are looking for straight relationships but you have the option to search for other relationship types as well.

This isn’t only a site for just straight people.

Looking at the numbers

Let’s breakdown the numbers a little further so you have more of an insight into what FlirtyMature has to offer, not only from a user point of view but also how active the site is.

In terms of total users, well FlirtyMature hasn’t released those numbers but the site is busy.

I know this because:

  • 375 000 users are from the United States alone
  • The site features 300 000 active users each week

I think you would agree, those are some stellar numbers.

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 12

What about a gender and age breakdown?

While we have already established that FlirtyMature has a far older user database than most other websites but that’s its mission.

It’s aimed at people over 40 and above.

But I think it’s still important that we look at a comprehensive breakdown of age ranges you can expect to find when using FlirtyMature.

The breakdown, from most to least is:

  • 55 and older
  • 45-54 years old
  • 35-44 years old
  • 25-34 years old
  • 18-24 years old

As far the gender breakdown is concerned, you are looking 70% of the profiles on FlirtyMature being males and 30% females.

That might seem like a large difference between males and females but you are sure to get matches if you live in a big city.

If you live in a small town or in the country, however, those chances will diminish.

That said, you can set your search parameters further afield if you’d like.

A dating site is only going to be effective if it can return the right kind of matches to your search.

And with a very basic algorithm based on parameters inputted by the users, just how effective is FlirtyMature in finding that perfect match?

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 13


No matter what kind of dating site you are going to use, ultimately, you will judge it on its ability to turn up matches for the parameters you are looking for.

And that goes deeper than their location, eye color, weight and height, right?

Although it doesn’t have an involved search algorithm, FlirtyMature offers you enough search parameters to let you fine-tune your search to your heart’s desire.

Of course, if you live in a city like New York, even a fine-tuned search in which you have filled in every specific parameter should return matches.

If you live in Anchorage, that might not be the case.

But still, you are in control when it comes to setting those search parameters.

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 14

Search parameters and connecting with someone

Let’s take a look at the breakdown of search parameters available to you when you look for your first matchup, starting with the basic search.

When you use a basic search, you only need to input the following parameters.

  • Location: This is usually set to within 50 miles of your location but can be adjusted
  • Age: Here you can adjust the age range of your search
  • Type of search: For example, you are searching for only women

That’s a very general search, right?

But you can finetune it even more with the following filters.

  • If the potential matchup has a profile picture or not
  • Sexual orientation
  • Eye color
  • Ethnicity
  • Body type
  • Hair color
  • Piercings
  • Tattoos

As you can see, from those additional parameters you can really refine your search if you want to.

In the beginning, however, you are probably want to keep your search as broad as possible to provide you with a variety of matches to look through.

But what happens once you have found a match?

Well, if you are not yet ready to spend money on a membership, FlirtyMature gives you the chance of establishing contact with a potential match.

You have five free messages a day that you can spend.

And while that seems generous, and it is compared to how other dating sites work, you can only use one message on one person.

So those five free messages are going to be sent to five different matchups.

That’s not a problem when trying to establish a connection at first but once you’ve done that and you want to chat more, you are going to have to look at buying a membership to do so.

There are other ways to interact with a potential matchup too, however.

You could “like” someone’s profile to show your interest or even better, add them to your favorites list and they will be notified.

Ultimately, however, dating sites want you to sign up for membership and FlirtyMature is no different in that regard.

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 15

Key Features

Speaking of membership, let’s look at some of the key features that FlirtyMature offers to users who sign up as a paying member.

1. Unlimited chat

The most obvious perk for members is unlimited chat and messaging.

This allows you to fire off as many messages as you want per day to any number of potential matches.

However, if you’d like to get to know someone even better, you can chat with them using the chat function that’s available to members.

It’s far easier than sending and replying to messages.

2. More search parameters

While we have already seen that FlirtyMature offers a range of parameters to those users who don’t opt for membership, should you choose to do so, you can refine your searches even more.

This can help you to find that perfect match that has everything you want.

3. Video and photo sharing

All paying members of FlirtyMature are allowed to add videos or share photos while chatting to another member.

Another added extra when it comes to photos is the ability to view full-sized pictures that other users have uploaded and not only have them available in the smaller thumbnail size.

4. “Looking for”

Members of FlirtyMature also have an added “looking for” feature when it comes to their profile.

Here you can tell others (and vice versa) exactly what you want from a potential matchup.

For example, you could be looking for love, looking to meet new people and more.

5. The “Like Gallery”

What’s the “Like Gallery”?

Well, it’s an added feature available to all users that gives FlirtyMature a modern dating aspect so familiar on other dating apps.

Basically, if you go to the “Like Gallery” you will be presented with profile pictures of other FlirtyMature users.

Then you have to vote if you think they are cute or not.

It’s all just a bit of fun really.

6. Flirtcast

Don’t feel like typing and sending a message to the 53 people that came up in a refined search based on your parameters?

Well, send them a “flirtcast” then.

What’s that, I here you ask.

Well, a “flirtcast” is a single message you have typed up beforehand that you can send to a host of people all at once.

It can come in useful, that’s for sure.

Just a reminder, of the above, only the “Like Gallery” is available to users who don’t pay for membership along with:

  • 5 free messages a day (but it has to be to different profiles)
  • View any users profile
FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 16

Ease of Use

Because its target market is older people, it makes sense that FlirtyMature would rank high in the ease of use rating, right?

And it does.

Which is a good thing because, let’s be honest, not all of us who are of the older generation know as much about computers and how to use the internet as we should.

How easy is it to set up a profile?

So before you can start looking for a potential matchup, you first have to get your profile up and running at FlirtyMature.

And it’s so easy to do and only going to take a few minutes of your time.

The initial setup is much like other dating sites you may have come across.

You are going to have to give the following information:

  • What you are looking for, for example, a man looking for a woman
  • Your age
  • Your email address
  • Your password
  • Where you live (this is automatically picked up through Google)

Once you’ve filled that in, you will need to go to your email to reply to a verification email that FlirtyMature sends back to you.

This is the first part of their safety on site because they are linking users to an active email address.

Once you’ve replied to that email, you will be taken to your profile on site where you can fill it out even further.

Of course, the more you add here, the better so take the time to do it properly.

Also, fill in all the descriptions that help sell yourself and tell others more about you.

And then you are ready to start your searching.

What about an app?

When it comes to an app for FlirtyMature, a word of warning.

Yes, there is an app available.

But you won’t find it on the Google Play Store or Apple iStore.

FlirtyMature’s app is downloadable off an independent APK site which you can find here.

This is only available for Android users but to be honest because it’s not available on the Google Play Store, I would steer clear of downloading it here.

If you would like to use FlirtyMature on your mobile, rather point your browser to the website.

It does have a mobile version and you will be able to navigate your profile and the various features with ease.

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 17


We’ve already seen that FlirtyMature has a range of excellent membership features that make finding the perfect match and then talking to them, so much easier.

But those features come at a price and that’s what we are going to explore now.

Before we get to the full membership costs, FlirtyMature gives new users the option of signing up for 3-days at a reduced cost.

This gives you the chance to see the extras offered to members and if you think they are worth it.

For example, the 3-day trial is going to cost you $3.15 ($1.05 per day).

Note, however, it’s your prerogative to cancel that membership otherwise you will automatically be billed for a new month at the full rate once the three days are over.

Now let’s look at a breakdown of the full membership packages:

  • 1-month membership – $28.80
  • 3-month membership – $48.60 ($16.20 per month)
  • 6-month membership – $79.20 ($13.20 per month)

As you can see, there are benefits to signing up for membership over longer periods of time, especially if you can afford it.

That said, FlirtyMature is pretty expensive but if you compare it with other niche dating sites, the number of members will pay are pretty even.

FlirtyMature Dating Site Review [year] 18

Conclusion and Overall Rating

4.25 out of 5.

That’s the score I am giving FlirtyMature.

And it deserves it.

This is a site that says what it offers the first time you come across the signing-on page.

And then it delivers.

Of course, it’s designed in such a way to draw you in and get you excited that there are people that want to chat with you.

To do that effectively, you’ve got to pay for membership.

Having said that, there is the 3-day option to try out the site at a reduced cost to learn the ropes and feel your way around.

Also, if you want to remain a regular user, you do have ways of contact potential matchups but, of course, membership just makes that so much easier.

The one thing that I think FlirtyMature can make use of is an app that’s authenticated by the Google Play Store or the Apple iStore.

That would just round out what FlirtyMature offers in a perfect manner.

So if you are older and sick of trying to find people of your age on regular dating sites, FlirtyMature as a niche site should be something you look into.

It’s pleasing on the eye, easy to use and you will find people just like yourself looking to chat.

And from there, who knows what happens.

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