What Does the Green Dot Mean on Ashley Madison 2025

As any other dating site, Ashley Madison has different features that will help you navigate your experience.

Let’s figure out What the green dot mean on Ashley Madison which you can see next to people’s profile pictures.

What Does the Green Dot Mean on Ashley Madison [year] 5

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Have you been wondering what it is? Well, let’s get right into it and find out!

Bonus tip: we have found that you can save a lot on Ashley Madison by signing up on the website (not the app) using this special link.

Also, make sure to check out our full Ashley Madison review here.

What Does The Green Dot Mean On AshleyMadison.com

Whether you talk to female users, married men, or basically anyone, you have probably noticed that a green dot appears from time to time next to their profile picture.

This dot tells you that a user is currently active and online.

What Does the Green Dot Mean on Ashley Madison [year] 6

They could be talking to someone, or they might just be browsing the site in search of like-minded cheaters, but either way, they are on the website at that exact moment when you see the green dot appear.

No matter what kind of account it is, this is something that will appear.

So, both female and male users will have it, as well as both people who are using the site for free and those who have paid.

The dot is important to be aware of because it doesn’t make much sense to message someone while they are not available.

Of course, you can send a message and have it answered later, but as this is mainly a hookup site, it makes more sense to talk to people who are active at the same time as you.

How Can You See Ashley Madison Users Activity

To be certain that you’re pursuing a real person and not someone whose account is terminated, or maybe even scammers or bots, your best bet is to look into their activity.

Also, because this is an extramarital affair website, it’s possible that someone has downloaded the app temporarily only to check out what’s going on.

Another option that you could run into is that someone is checking is Ashley Madison something their partner is using, and obviously, these are not people you’ll want to chat with.

To help you out with that, Ashley Madison has come up with a filtering system.

This is a feature that can be found in your settings, and with it, you can set your profile to only show people who have been active recently.

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When you check that out, you will see that you can filter your search with people who have been online in the past 24 hours, 48 hours, or anytime.

The Anytime option is the default, so if you want someone who is using the app for sure and not a scam, you should go for the 24-hour option.

When you opt for these users, you are ensuring that there is a higher chance of someone actually replying to your message, and especially if you are a man who has to pay for that, you will want to have someone active.

What Does the Green Dot Mean on Ashley Madison [year] 7

Also, people who tend to open the app often are more likely to be the people who are actively searching for someone, just like you are, meaning it’s a chance for a match to happen.

Basically, these are the people who you want to send messages and winks.

And as usual with any online dating platform, I advise you to make sure that after the first time you talk, you try to make an in-person date happen as soon as possible.

What Can You See From The Green Dot On Ashley Madison

There are a few things that the green dot is an indication of, and these are the reasons why you should make sure that you are taking note of it when searching through the user base.

1. If An Ashley Madison Profile Is Active Or Non-Existent

If you never see a green dot next to a specific person’s photo is a solid indication of them not using the profile at all.

People with the green dot next to their photo are the users who are actively using the app or website, but some who don’t have that can be people who have abandoned their profiles and are not worth your time – or your credits.

There are many people who start using the platform only to see what it has to offer and then abandon it after the trial period, so some of the inactive users could be that, too.

Again, to avoid spending the credits you used your credit card for on someone who won’t ever reply, be sure to filter your search for people who have been using the platform recently.

2. If a User is Currently Online

When you’re searching through all of the different users on the Ashley Madison app, you will be able to instantly see who is currently online.

You don’t need to have a conversation first in order to see the green dot next to someone’s profile photo, you will see it on literally everyone.

What Does the Green Dot Mean on Ashley Madison [year] 8

The person doesn’t need to be your match for you to see this, either.

That’s why it’s important to take note of it before deciding who to spend your credits on.


The green dot is the main thing that you should be looking into when trying to meet people on Ashley Madison, as that’s the main indicator of someone’s activity.

If you see a green dot next to someone’s profile picture, that means they are online right now and are open for a conversation.

The best thing that you can do in order to ensure you are going to get an answer, is to filter your searches by people who have been active in the last 24 hours – and if the green dot is there when you do that, you are on the right track!


What does the red dot mean on Ashley Madison?

When you see a red dot next to someone’s picture on Ashley Madison, it means that that user is not currently online and isn’t available for chatting.

Make sure to chat with people whose profiles have the green dot.

How do you tell if someone is a bot on Ashley Madison?

The main way to see this is by the way they answer to your messages.

If the messages you’re getting are uniform and seem like they are artificially generated, the chances are that they truly are.

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