How To Choose Photos in 2025 – Impress Other Users

Joining an online dating platform can be pretty challenging, especially if you have never done it before, and choosing the perfect photo for your dating profile is exhausting.

Finding the right photo can be pretty time-consuming, especially if you don’t have much experience with dating profiles.

To help you out, in this article, we will:

Teach you how to choose perfect photos
Inform you about Match guidelines
Explain what is photo pending approval
And much more
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How To Choose a Perfect Profile Picture On Match?

As expected, one of the most important things to do is to use an ideal Profile picture for your account.

You want to be sure that the photo will attract other users of this dating site interested in finding a new partner for a long-term relationship (like eHarmony or Tinder) and not just for a hookup (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison), just like you! Photos

But it is necessary that your profile photo does not break Match’s guidelines and rules on online dating websites. photo guidelines

1. You should be the only person in the photo

Since you have created this online dating profile solely for yourself, it is also absolutely logical to choose where you will be the only individual.

You can choose a profile pic you have already used on social media like Instagram or Facebook, but you can also opt for more pics from your private gallery.

I would recommend you avoid a selfie even though most people find it to be their best photo.

The most important thing is that you are happy with that photo, and of course- that you look handsome!

Most people ask how I find my Match photos, but that should actually be the first photo that comes into your mind when you think of introducing yourself to someone.

You will be able to upload pics straight from your iPhone or Android, so don’t worry about it.

2. The majority of your face should be visible

Your primary photo on this dating service must show a majority of your face, so other users can see how you look and be sure that they are dealing with an actual individual.

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As I have already said, your Match profile picture should attract more users, but it shouldn’t be a selfie because it may come off as a bit childish.

Even though you are choosing a professional photo, you should also try to select the one where your face is close enough so no one has to zoom in to find out who you are.

3. Avoid nudity

Nudity is something that is against all Match guidelines, so not only it shouldn’t be showcased in your profile pic, but you should also make sure there are no details on other pics that may resemble nudity.

There can be a random photo in the background or a print on your T-shirt that could be flagged as offensive because of nudity, so pay close attention to this before you decide to add any of the pics.

4. You should not use copyrighted images

Copyrighted images are something that will create problems on whatever platform you may be using, whether it is regular social media or a dating app.

Avoid downloading images from the internet and uploading them anywhere on your profile because it can get you into trouble.

Match group has had problems with this sort of thing before, so make sure nothing you are adding to this mobile app is coming anywhere except your own mobile phone.

5. Don’t reveal personal information

Unlike Tinder, Zoosk, or OkCupid, the website is a pretty safe dating website that will provide everyone on the app with a decent experience.

Since you are meeting and chatting with people you do not know in real life, you have to be sure that your photo does not contain identifying information like your social security number, bank account information, email or web addresses, visible street addresses, etc.

Also, avoid adding your phone number because this too can be used in a malicious way, and I would recommend avoiding connecting your Facebook account or any other social media account to your profile.

6. Photos should not show illegal acts or violence images should in no way include or promote violence or illegal acts, or anything that is connected with it – guns, knives, war scenes.

Even if you are not holding any of these things, but they do appear somewhere in the background or on your T-shirt, you will not get accepted to the app, and you will need to go to the help center to try to solve the situation.

7. Minors should not appear in the picture

Underage people are not allowed to use dating platforms like, so in case someone under 18 is on your pictures or is trying to register on the dating app.

Do You Have To Upload A Photo On Match com?

During the sign-up process, you will be required to upload photos if you want your dating account to get approved by other users.

How To Choose Photos in [year] - Impress Other Users 3

Those who do not add a picture will not become members of the platform, and their profile will not get approved until they make that step.

You will be required to add a profile picture, but you can also see how to add more photos on if you want to get a better experience and look more attractive.

How to change your profile pictures on Match is quite easy if you decide to upload several pics at once, so you will be able to see how to change your primary photo on Match whenever you slide over pictures on your dating profile.

Your pictures can also be changed from time to time, but they will need to get approved every single time, so make sure those new ones you are adding are acting according to Match photo guidelines.

All of your pictures will need to go through your profile pending approval, so in case you are experiencing some problems with photo upload, you should reach out to profile help because they can solve most of photo upload problems and help you see what the things you need to change in your dating profile are.

Most users also want to know how do I delete my photos from Match, but even though you can delete them from your dating profile at this moment, you will not be able to remove them from their history, so in case someone is googling a picture of a Match with your username, these photos may still pop out, even if they were deleted years ago.

For that reason, pay attention to things you are putting out there because even though you can get to change your primary photo, you will not be able to remove these photos for good.

This is good because it can protect you from fake profiles and scammers, but overall you should pay attention to both your online and offline presence.

How Long Does Take To Approve Photos?

Once you have settled on the right profile photo for your profile, you will need to upload it and then wait until decides to approve it.

Whether you are uploading it through a mobile device or through your laptop, you will need to wait sometime before you are able to see your photos on a homepage.

How long the approval process will last can depend from one occasion to another, so you can never know how much time you will need to spend before you get approved.

In case the picture that you have fills out all the requirements and is not opposite of their main guidelines, it will definitely get approved quite fast.

With those photos that are considered to be a bit suspicious and that may not respect the guidelines of the community, you will need to wait for the approval, and no one can guarantee that the answer will be positive.

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If you see that your profile pic has not been uploaded yet, do not stress in advance because this process can take up to 4 hours and even more if you have added photos during the weekend.

You should also check out your connection because you want to ensure the whole process has gone smoothly.

Once you sign up, you should see the Match profile pending approval notification, and in case you were changing your profile pictures, you will see the Match photo pending approval notification.

When everything has been completed, you will receive an email that your Match profile pictures have been approved.


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