Mehndi Review 2025 – Real Marriage Opportunities or Scam?

Today, we are going to take a full-on look at Mehndi, a dating site that’s very different from what most people’s perception of what one should be.

This is a site that targets people from South East Asia, particularly Pakistan.

And while dating might be the start of things, the end goal of the majority of users who start a profile on Mehndi is marriage.

During this in-depth review we look into:

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How the signing up process for new members takes place
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Mehndi Review [year] - Real Marriage Opportunities or Scam? 4


  • Ease of use – 4.5/5
  • Effectiveness – 3.5/5
  • Key Features – 4.5/5
  • Pricing – 3.5/5

Pros and Cons


  • All profiles go through a verification process
  • Large user base
  • 24/7 technical support


  • Mehndi has no app
  • It takes up to six hours to gain access to the site the first time
Mehndi Review [year] - Real Marriage Opportunities or Scam? 5

Who Is It For/Demographics?

Finding someone to get married to is serious business in South East Asia and the regions that surround it.

And Mehndi is a dating site that caters to a particular niche where people sign up to actively look for someone that is marriage material (like Tinder or eHarmony). This site is far away from hookup sites (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison).

The great thing about this site is that it’s very serious in helping users achieve this and so each and every profile is thoroughly checked out before they are approved.

That means little to no fake profiles.

And user numbers?

Well, to date over 4 million people have signed up for profiles on Mehdi.

The majority do come from the South East Asian region but there are users from all over the world, including the United States.

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The numbers behind Mehndi

Four million users is pretty impressive for a dating site of this particular nature, don’t you think?

Here are some other facts and figures that you should know about the site:

  • Most of the users are practicing Muslims
  • Around 200 000 users are based in the United States
  • Around 1 500 users log in each day on the site
  • That’s 10 500 a week and 42 000 each month

While the user number is pretty impressive, I would have thought the site would be a little more active.

I’m not saying that it’s dead but if you’d compare it with another regular dating site of four million users that would have far more people logging in each day.

Then again, I suppose we must remember that this is not your typical dating site, not at all.

So it’s difficult to really compare with others.

Gender ratio and age ranges of Mehndi users

Another way to see that Mehndi is not your typical dating site is when we look at the gender ratio breakdown.

On 80% of dating sites, it’s the male users that are in the ascendency over the female users.

But that’s not the case on Mehndi at all.

Here, it’s the female users that are in the ascendency:

  • 70% of the users on Mehndi are female
  • 30% of the users on Mehndi are male

Now let’s look at user age ranges.

The most populous group on the site in terms of age are 25-34-year-olds.

Over 35% of all members are found in this age group, around 1.4 million users.

That’s followed by the 18-24-year-olds who make up 19% of all users.

The smallest group of users according to age are 55 and older.

13% of all users on Mehndi can be found in that age range.

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Ease Of Use

While Mehndi doesn’t have an app, the website is mobile-friendly so you are free to register your profile from your phone if you so wish to.

The registration process is pretty intensive but remember, I did mention that the site has no fake profiles because of it.

The information you provide during registration includes:

  • A username
  • Password
  • Email address
  • First name
  • Last name

The second step has you filling in your detailed profile which includes:

  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Who made the profile (self, parent, brother and sister, cousin, friend, relative)
  • Country of residence
  • State
  • City
  • Postal code
  • Residence status
  • Marital status
  • If you have children
  • Cultural parameters
  • Appearance parameters
  • Upload a profile picture

It’s all pretty comprehensive as I said and will take at least 15 minutes of your time to complete.

Once you’ve filled it all out, you will need to validate your email address before you can use the site for the first time.

Note, that still won’t be straight after you’ve verified your email address, however.

You will have to wait up to six hours before your profile is approved by the admin team at Mehndi.

The great thing, however, is that your profile is basically completed as part of the registration process, so when you do get to access the site for the first time, that’s one less step to worry about.

Navigating around Mehndi

Mehndi is very different from most dating sites.

It has its own unique design and feel and the first thing you will notice is that the menu system used to navigate the site is found on the right-hand side of the page.

On most dating sites, this will be found at the top of the page and in some instances, on the left-hand side.

I have never seen a dating site with the menus on the right-hand side.

I suppose it doesn’t matter where they are, as long as they are effective, right?

So what menus do you have here?

Well, they are split into two distinct sections: My Account and Find Your Partner

The My Account section has everything that deals with just that.

Menus you will find here include:

  • My message: Any messages sent or received by you are found here
  • Manage pictures: You can upload or delete extra pictures here
  • Edit profile: While most of your profile is handled during the registration process if you’d like to make some changes to it, click here.
  • View profile: Click here to see how others see your profile
  • Profile Options: You can set various options regarding your profile here
  • Verify your profile: Mehndi has a verification process where your profile can be verified to confirm that you are who you say you are.

All of those are standard menus that you will find on most dating sites.

But what of the Find Your Partner menus?

Well, this includes:

  • New contacts: Any new profiles you have looked through will be found here
  • Advanced search: Make advanced searches with extra parameters here
  • Quick search: Quick searches only involve a few basic parameters
  • Who has seen my profile: Click here to see who has viewed your profile
  • Auto matchmaker: Here Mehndi provides matches for you
  • Search tip
  • Success stories

Again, these are all very familiar with what you would find on other sites and you really shouldn’t have a problem working out how each menu option works.

There are some other menus too, like access to membership as well as the help and support section.

Overall, it might take a few minutes to find your way around, but that’s half of the fun, right?

Everything is available through the menu system and you will soon work out which ones you need to make use of to help you find the love of your life.


So let’s talk about potential matchups.

What tools does Mehndi give you to hopefully find someone that you can spend the rest of your life with?

Searching for love on Mehndi

Ok, so you’ve taken a few moments to finish off your profile and navigated around the site a little.

And now it’s time to look through the matchups the site can offer you.

Well, the first thing I would do is look through the matchups that Mehndi provides.

And those can be found under the Auto Matchmaker menu.

These are based on what you’ve entered into your profile.

On dating sites, I always think this is the best place to start but note, this is a member-only feature.

If you find someone, you can always add to your favorites and come back to them later.

Of course, you have the opportunity to search for your own.

And the great news is that regular users can search using both basic and advanced search filters.

Advance search filters include extra parameter profiles and can help turn up pretty precise matchups, that’s for sure.

I am sure you will be impressed with the profiles of potential matchups too.

There’s lots of information here and many ways to contact them.

Reaching out to others on Mehndi

As a regular member, communication is restricted on the site.

But you can reply to messages that you receive from other members.

While that’s all good and well, if you want to actively look for matchups and then contact them, you will need to consider membership.

Membership not only brings messaging in the form that most dating sites offer but other options too.

For example, you can:

  • Send an SMS
  • Send a voice note
  • Book calls with another user
  • And even send them songs you’d like them to here

It’s very different, that’s for sure and pretty refreshing as well.

Key Features

So what key features does Mehndi offer to those who want to sign up for membership.

Well, we’ve mentioned a few already but let’s recap on them in a little more detail.

1. Send messages to anyone

The fact that you can send messages to anyone and even free users can reply is a real blessing on a dating site.

2. Send an SMS or a voice note

Mehndi facilitates a system that allows members to send SMS’s to each other.

You can also record a voice note and send it out to someone via Mehndi

3. Book a phone call

Want to chat in real-time with someone via a phone call?

The site lets members book phone calls and facilitates them as well without exchanging numbers.

4. Auto Matchmaker

Mendhi provides you with matchups on a regular basis.

When new people join the site and match what you are looking for, they will be added to your matchups.

5. Personal photo albums

For a small extra fee, members are allowed to create their own personal photo albums


Pricing for membership on Mehndi includes something a little different.

Remember we spoke about having a personal album in the key features of the site.

Well, that’s not for free.

If that’s something you think you will make use of, it’s going to cost you the following:

Personal album

  • 3-month duration – $5.99
  • 6-month duration – $9.99
  • 12-month duration $12.99

It’s not that expensive but other dating sites let you generally upload extra pictures for photo albums for free, so some may disagree.

It is nice, however, to be able to have extra pictures of yourself, especially as they can help you find that long-term partner.

But what membership costs?

Well, here’s what you can expect to pay for the four separate packages on offer:

  • 1-month membership – $39.99
  • 3-month membership – $59.99
  • 6-month membership – $89.99
  • 12-month membership – $129.99

The longer membership options are actually pretty cheap.

You can save 50% when you compare a month-by-month price on the three-month membership as opposed to the one-month option.

And yes, Mehndi does have some excellent key features, some of which are pretty unique when compared to other dating sites but are they worth $39.99?

That’s for you to decide at the end of the day.

For me, it’s more like at $34.99 kind of price.

Overall Rating and Conclusion

There are not many dating sites on the internet like Mehndi.

I am not even sure you can technically call it a dating site.

People using it are looking for marriage, plain and simple.

And some profiles might have been set up by the family of the users you see, that’s how serious they are about finding someone for them to get married to.

Mehdi has lots to offer and lots of extras that you won’t find on other dating sites.

It also takes security very seriously, so you can verify your profile if you’d like to but also, know that all profiles are checked before anyone is given access to the site.

So let’s get onto a rating for the site.

It scores formidable 4 out of 5.

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