Phrendly Dating Site Review 2025


What’s it all about?

Well, this is a dating site that keeps everything strictly online.

Yes, that’s right.

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If you’ve ever felt that apprehension of having to meet someone for the first time after hitting it off online with them, well Phrendly has none of that.

There’s no meeting anyone here.

It’s online relationships and online relationships only.

And while you are still wondering how that works, well we promise we are going to cover it all for you in this review of Phrendly.

We will show you:

How to register for this unique site
How to get your profile setup
How to look for people to have an online relationship with
The pros and cons of doing so and more

So if you want to keep your relationships strictly online and think Phrendly might be the dating site to help you, make sure you read this comprehensive review.

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Phrendly Review in Video Form

Phrendly Dating Site Review [Phind Your Match!]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go


Ease of Use – 4/5

Effectiveness – 3/5

Key Features – 3/5

Pricing – 3/5

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Pros and Cons


  • You can create a profile on Phrendly for free
  • You can earn money on Phrendly by chatting with other people
  • Phrendly has an Android app that most people prefer over the website
  • It’s all about keeping a relationship online without the apprehension of having to meet


  • Phrendly is currently only available in the United States and Canada
  • You will need to pay if you’d like to message someone

Who Is It For/Demographics?

Phrendly has a very unique approach to online dating.

We’ve already seen that the idea here is to keep things online and to never really move past that.

And that’s the most critical thing you need to take away first and foremost.

This site is not a hookup site (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison) or for serious relationships (like eHarmony).

It’s not about looking for the love of your life or a partner that you can settle down with and have kids.

You can’t do that online, can you?

And of course, if you’ve met someone online you are welcome to actually meet them, or even marry them if you want.

But almost all of the people making use of Phrendly aren’t looking for that at all.

Users want to keep it online

The thing with Phrendly is that by keeping their connection online only, you remove much of the anxiety out of a relationship.

And many people want that.

For some, it’s because they too busy to be chasing around after someone.

The relationships like those built on Phrendly are all about having someone to chat but within timeframes and boundaries set by both parties.

And without the apprehension that comes with having to meet them.

That’s because some people find that the person that hit it off online with isn’t quite the same when they meet face to face.

Perhaps the spark just disappears.

It’s strange but it happens all the time.

And Phrendly simply negates that.

There’s something else that you need to know about Phrendly.

And that’s the fact that members on the site get paid for the messages they respond to.

You can even get paid for taking calls from someone or by using video chat.

Age ranges of Phrendly users

Finding how many people use Phrendly proved fruitless.

They certainly aren’t claiming any user numbers that I could find or what the gender ratio for users on Phrendly is for that matter.

The Phrendly app, however, has been downloaded over 100 000 times on the Google Play store which isn’t a huge amount, but it gives us a slight indication of app users.

From an age range point of view, most of the users on the site are between of 18 to 45 which is to be expected for a dating site and app such as this.

Ease of Use

So now that we know what Phrendly is all about, let’s look into the process of starting your profile.

The first thing that you need to be aware of is the fact that Phrendly currently is only for users who live in the United States and Canada.

If you try to create a profile when you live in another country, you won’t even be able to get the website to load up and the app won’t work either.

Registering your Phrendly profile

While Phrendly is a little different from most other dating sites in how it operates, registering for a profile has that same old familiar feel.

And if you’ve used any kind of dating site before, nothing here is new to you.

You can register by providing:

  • A display name
  • Your email address
  • A password
  • Your mobile number

That’s the regular method.

Phrendly also offers the chance to register with not only one but two different social media account options: Google and Facebook.

A few clicks and your Phrendly account is set up.

While you might be loathed share your mobile number, it’s never given out to any other users.

That’s because Phrendly facilitates the conversation between interested parties.

Everything goes through the app without you needing to reveal your number to anyone.

Of course, your mobile number needs to be valid because to activate your profile, Phrendly will send you a verification number that you need to enter.

One more thing, you are also going to have to provide a little more information to Phrendly.

Things like:

  • Your gender
  • Your birthday
  • What you are looking for
  • Your ethnicity
  • Languages you speak
  • A personality quiz

Also, don’t forget to upload a profile picture and flesh out your profile a little.

If you don’t do that you are not going to generate any interest with other users.

Phrendly is certainly about making your profile as good as it possibly can be to attract attention.

And there’s ample chance to do that.

For example, you don’t only need to load a profile picture, there’s space for others as well.

Also, you can indicate the speed at which your online relationships on Phrendly to happen which is useful information for other users.

Lastly, you can describe yourself in four words as well as give users even more information about yourself in the personality description.

So there are lots to work with here to help you create a truly unique profile that can make you stand out from other users.

Overall design and finding your way around

As I mentioned earlier, you can navigate Phrendly from your laptop or through the app.

The app itself is a compact version of the desktop and includes all the features you need.

Obviously, if you are going to be calling someone, or video chatting with them, it’s far easier to do that using the app and your phone.

Let’s look at the Phrendly website as well as it’s the overall design.

Just like the app, it’s easy to navigate around the site.

The design is pleasing on the eye and modern.

To navigate, you would use the bar down the left-hand side of the screen.

Here you will find:

  • Search: Here you can launch searches looking for potential users to chat to
  • Chat: Here you will find all the messages you have received and sent
  • Profile: This takes you to your profile

Once you’ve registered and looked around, it’s time to put Phrendly to the test.


I’ve mentioned it before but it’s worth revisiting.

Phrendly is very different from any other dating site or app you’ve used before.

And if you want to make money from using it, the folks behind Phrendly say you’ve got to play a waiting game.

We will get more into that when we see just how Phrendly operates.

Finding someone to chat to

First, let’s approach this from the point of view that you are not that concerned with trying to make some money by using Phrendly but instead wants to meet people and chat with them.

Well, that’s easy enough.

Based on the information that you provide when registering, when you search, Phrendly will provide you with returns in a roulette-style setup.

If you’d like to adjust searches, you are able to be tinkering with the search filters available.

These are very much like you would find on any other date site.

Once you get returns, you can choose to like or dismiss them them.

If you find profiles of users that you really like, you can favorite them by clicking on the star button.

These will now appear under the “Starred by Me” menu option.

Connecting with other users

So once you’ve conducted a few searches and found a few users that you think you’d like to chat with, it’s time to buy them a drink.

Now you probably wondering what I am talking about because we did say that Phrendly is all about keeping relationships online, right?

Don’t worry, it’s a virtual drink.

If you initiate the conversation, the drink is on you and that means you pay.

Drinks cost around $10.

Of course, that’s only if they respond.

By responding to you and sending a message back, that user has now taken a sip of your drink (and that earns them $0.35).

And so it goes until the drinks are finished.

If a user doesn’t respond or stops talking to you midway through a drink, you can use the leftovers on another user you’d like to chat with.

It’s a very unique idea and one that I think works well.

Also, the fact that you can keep leftover drinks is critical, otherwise, you might reach a point when you just end up wasting money on people that might not want to chat with you.

You can also opt to call someone or video chat with them, but of course that costs more money.

But what about the making money part?

Well, in the Phrendly frequently asked questions, they mention that it’s best to sit back and wait for people to contact you should you want to make money out of your chats.

It’s an interesting strategy for sure.

But for me, it also promotes Phrendly as more of a money-making site than a site to connect people.

But then again I suppose, Phrendly isn’t about finding long-term love is it but more about online relationships.

Key Features

So we’ve seen how Phrendly operates and, yes it’s very different from most other dating sites and apps out there.

So you wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Phrendly doesn’t really have any form of membership at all.

And that means that there aren’t that many key features on the site either.

Luckily, when you sign up for Phrendly you are given a chance to see how the sites work as well as a freebie.

That’s 10 free sips of a drink (the equivalent of $10) which you will receive as soon as you have verified your phone number during the registration and profile creation process.

So yes, you can try out Phrendly, chat with a user (or two) and see how the site operates before you buy drinks of your own.

The free gifts don’t stop there, however.

When you buy your first drink you will receive 20 free sips with it as well (basically another two free drinks).

Also, if you successfully refer a friend to Phrendly using the “Tell-a-Friend” option, you get another 20 sips (or two free drinks).

Note, these freebies can take up to a day or two to be credited to your account.

For me, that’s a little annoying and something that the folks behind Phrendly could speed up.

There are a few smaller features that I would also like to chat about.

  • Filter who can contact you: You have the option to filter who can contact you either by calling you or video calling you.
  • Do not disturb: If you don’t want to be contacted in any way, either messaging, calling or video chatting, you can activate a do not disturb option.
  • Browse in private: You can choose to show your profile as offline while you browse in private
  • Turn off notifications: If you are not online, Phrendly will send you SMS notifications for any messages you receive. Should you prefer not to receive them, you can turn them off.
  • Gifts: Users can send gifts to others as well. These gifts cost varying amounts of money but Phrendly takes 10% of that cost and the receiver gets the other 90%. It’s another way to make money on the site.

And that’s the list of features that Phrendly offers.


So now we know that Phrendly doesn’t offer any form of membership.

So if you’d like to message some, call them or video call them, you need to purchase drinks for them.

While 10 sips are the equivalent of a bottle which is $10 dollars, a video chat is going to cost a full bottle to initiate.

But how much does the person on the other end get, the one accepting the video call?

Well, it turns out that Phrendly takes 30% of the transaction but you can set the rates for the video call.

And the longer the call lasts, the more money you can make for yourself.

It’s the same for regular calls as well.

Of course, price yourself too high and no one is going to want to chat with you by phone or by video call.

So if that’s the way you want to make use of the site, you are going to have to be clever about your pricing strategies.

For regular messages, each time your reply to someone messaging you, you will receive $0.35.

Conclusion and Overall Rating

Without a doubt, when it comes to dating sites and apps, Phrendly is very different and operates in a unique way.

And I can see why people would make use of it.

Meeting new people and getting to know them better online is a real rush of adrenaline.

But for some people, the apprehension of then having to meet someone in real life can become a real downer.

But Phrendly takes that away by keeping everything online.

Sadly, however, I feel that it easily can become a site where people only sign up to make a quick buck.

And from user reviews that I’ve read from the Google Play store regarding the app, that’s what a lot of people are doing.

It’s a case of the most popular people seeming to get all the attention it would seem.

But that doesn’t mean that if you want to use the site to meet people, you have to be drawn to those kinds of super users.

Take your time, scout out others and make connections.

It’s up to you, really.

Of course, if you want to make money off Phrendly and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.

But be warned, there is plenty of competition as I have already said.

In terms of its ease of use, Phrendly is simple to get up and running and you will be online in no time at all.

With no membership, the only price you will have to pay as a user of Phrendly is when you want to message someone, call or video chat with them.

I like the fact that Phrendly gives you a few options for free to message people when you first join the site to get a feel for how it works.

And overall, the pricing is not that bad, to be fair.

The “Tell-a-Friend” feature is also something you can use to help get more free drinks on the site to use to initiate contact with others.

But let’s get onto a rating for Phrendly now.

Overall, I am going to give it 3.25 out of 5.

What are your thoughts on a site like Phrendly?

It is something you would use to meet other people or to site back and try to make some money.

Leave us your thoughts in the comments below.

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