Chapter 8 – How to Take a Perfect Profile Picture

Chapter 8 – How to Take a Perfect Profile Picture
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Smile and Flirt

It is certain that we feel much more pleasant if we are looking at a smiling face.

This goes for people looking for love matches online as well.

If you smile, you will present yourself as a kind and outgoing woman.

However, you may want to have in mind that showing your teeth as you smile is a special plus.

Also, your profile picture is there to ignite a spark of interest in your potential match.

A flirty face is attractive and mysterious, leaving men wanting to connect with you and learn more about you.

And don’t forget to look at the camera! Your potential match needs to feel that you are smiling or flirting with them, not someone else.

Colors Attract Attention

It is a fact well known that women are better than men at perceiving and distinguishing shades and hues of one color.

As a woman, you should use this to your advantage.

Choose colors that suit your skin, hair, and eyes.

For example, make yourself stand out with the colors of your clothes matched with those of the background.

If you look good in red, that is a great choice as this is the color of love and passion.

If you prefer wearing neutral colors, find a motley background to add attraction to your photo.

However, you should be careful not to let too many colors leave you unnoticeable.

Be in the Focus

Although this ought to be obvious, we may mention it anyway.

Make sure not to post a profile photo in which you are not the focus.

Remember that this is all about you and nothing else but you.

Of course, maybe you want to show an interesting place you have visited, a cute pet you own, or an unusual hobby you have.

These are all great ideas for an attractive photo.

Nevertheless, the potential match should notice you first, and only later the other things about you that can be seen.

Which Part of the Body Should Be Shown?

Here you have several options. It is up to you to choose which of them represents you best. 

  1. Selfie: This may be the least favorable option. You may use it if you are not older than 30, as this may be considered too childlike for older groups.
  2. Headshot: A headshot may be a good idea, as you will certainly be the main part of the picture. But there are dangers.

If you choose to take a headshot, make sure that your makeup is perfect and those skin irregularities are not seen.

  • Half body shot: With this kind of photo, you will have the chance to show your surroundings as well.

You may have visited an interesting place, and in this shot, you can show both where you are a let in a little glimpse of how your body looks as well.

  • Full body shot: As men are visual beings, they will be happy to see your whole body.

If you opt for this (or half body shot), make sure that you are the focus of the photo.

What Should You Do in the Photo?

There is an infinite number of things you can do in your photo. You should choose what best describes you.

Let us take a look at some options.

Do something that will provoke questions. Some people use someone’s profile picture as a conversation starter.

You may take advantage of that and have someone take a photo of you doing something unusual or unexpected. You will very possibly have a relaxed and pleasant chat with your match.

Show your hobby.  You may use this opportunity to display what you are interested in or what your hobbies are. Maybe someone with the same interest will want to meet you.

Do something that you enjoy.

Whether you want to show just yourself in your profile picture or give more information about your interests, make sure that you enjoy it.

True smile or happiness is captured in the photo, and without it, your profile will not appeal to others.

With Whom Should You Take the Picture?

This is a very important question. The answers may vary, and it is up to you to decide what suits you.

Avoid pictures with other guys. Though this is not necessarily that bad, it is best to avoid having other guys around you in your photos.

Even if you may want to show that you get on very well with guys, many of them will not be attracted to you.

Think about it the other way – would you want to chat with a guy who is with other women in his profile picture?

a)     Family or pets to show that you care

Whatever is the reason a man is looking for a woman, it is always attracting to see a caring woman.

A picture with your family or a pet shows that you are a good caretaker, a kind and helpful person. These traits attract men, and that is innate.

b)     Alone

As we have mentioned earlier, being alone in the photo has a great advantage of indubitably putting you in the focus of attention. It is always an excellent choice.

Where the Picture Should Be Taken

There are so many places where you can pose for a profile picture for your dating profile. Here are some of your possible choices.

a)     Traveling

If traveling is your passion and you want to show that, choose a destination you like.

But be careful not to let the sight take the focus away from you. You are the star here!

b)     Going out

Ladies are beautiful, and when they go out, they are even more beautiful.

You may want to use that fact. But avoid taking pictures in bathrooms or hallways/corridors crowded with people or things.

Avoid Clichés

Clichés are very widespread, and if you want to be remembered by your potential match, you may want to avoid them.

Things like fake mustache, riding a mechanical bull, jumping off a cliff/scuba diving/parachuting were interesting when they first appeared, but now it is time to get creative and find other ways to attract

Chapter 8 – How to Take a Perfect Profile Picture 4
Chapter 8 – How to Take a Perfect Profile Picture 5
Chapter 8 – How to Take a Perfect Profile Picture 6

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