The Ultimate Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide

The Ultimate Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide
The Ultimate Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide 4
CHAPTER I – Love Is For Everyone
CHAPTER 2 – Types of Long Distance Relationships
CHAPTER 3 - Exploring Your Long Distance Relationship
CHAPTER 4 - Communication
CHAPTER 5 – The Visits
CHAPTER 6 – Setting Goals
CHAPTER 7 – Being Great Alone And Together
CHAPTER 8 – What is in Between Seeing Each Other?
CHAPTER 9 - Long Distance Breakups
CHAPTER 10 – Mutual Future

Introduction – Basics OF Long Distance Relationships

There is no better thing that waking up next to your SO, having the first “good morning” whispered right in your ear, and holding their hand while walking down the street.

It is so easy to spot a happy couple that just belongs to each other.

But what is with those relationships when you do not wake up next to your loved one or hold their hand? What is with those couples that are separated but still maintain their relationship, despite the distance between them?

Well, whichever type of relationship you have, we all have to agree that long distance relationships can be hard.

In this Ultimate Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide, we will be talking about what happens when you and your partner are separated by miles and miles, time zones, maybe even the real touch of a gentle hand for a month.

Can these relationships work? And what does it all take?

We say that they certainly can work.

And for the effort? Well, every relationship takes effort, doesn’t it?

There is no relationship without difficulty, but with the right people, and just the right amount of sweet trouble, even all of these miles can’t hurt real love.

The Ultimate Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide 5
  1. Long-distance relationships CAN work…

Many people in long distance relationships say that their relationships make them stronger and independent.

Let’s take a couple that has never been apart, for example:

  1. Do they know who they are when they are apart?
  2. Do they know if they can trust each other when not together?
  3. Do they understand the meaning of “absence makes the heart grow fonder”?
  4. Do they know if they can survive the difficulties of being apart?

Well, people who are in long-lasting successful long distance relationships can surely say that they understand all of the above.

When the love has been put to the test like this, you can confidently say “Bring it on!” and know that it will work with a little bit of effort and dedication.

Not all couples can claim that they had survived tough times, but you in the long distance relationships surely can claim that!

There are numerous studies showing that there is no difference between the number of regular, geographically close relation relationships that fail and long distance relationships that fail. The number is just the same.

Now, now… I can hear you scoff. And you are probably already preparing a story about your own long distance relationship that failed.

But, why are you not telling me about a geographically close relationship that failed too? I am sure you would have just a couple of stories to tell, isn’t that right?

Now, let me give you some facts. When a close relationship fails, we have 4 excuses or explanations for it:

  1. There was something wrong with me – I was too jealous.
  2. There was something wrong with him/ her – He/ She was too jealous.
  3. We were just too different – He liked to stay at home and play games all day while I liked to PARTY.
  4. There was something third – we didn’t see each other as often as we would like to.

But, when it comes to long distance relationships that fail, people blame it all on one thing – the distance.

Why do we tend to forget the other problems that might lead to failure?

You tell me.

  • …But they NEED work

Even though we confidently claim that long distance relationships can work, we are not going to deny that they need a lot of work and sacrifices after all.

They are not easy, and itis hard being apart from someone you love – even for a day, and not to mention all those months that can be standing in between the two visits.

And, fairly speaking, you will have to be brave!

Seeing all those couples walking together and holding hands can remind you of your far love, or just being at a party and dancing with yourself, or listening to your best friend boast about their new boyfriend or girlfriend.

I don’t mean to be grim, but you have to accept the tough love to make it all work.

Even though couples that are physically close might not be doing the same thing together, if they are in the same room – that means a lot.

And you and your SO could be watching the same movie at the same time but with miles and miles between you.

Now, how do you feel about these two scenarios?

But still, long distance relationships are not passive, and your love is still worth a little bit of risk and extra effort.

So, we will be sharing the secret ways of making it work.

Be it a simple act of sharing pictures of your morning coffee or taking up new hobbies to keep you active and distracted, we will figure it out together!

The Ultimate Long Distance Relationship Survival Guide 6

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