I Am Naughty Review 2025 – Fake Profiles or Real People?

In today’s review, we are going to be covering a hook up site more than a dating site.

I am sure that its name, I Am Naughty, more than gives away just what the site is all about.

Yes, that’s no-strings-attached hookups where the physical is 100% more important than the emotional.

In this in-depth review, we will be covering everything you need to know about I Am Naughty in terms of:

OFL Top Recommendations based on 100,000+ Survey

"Serious Relationships""Discreet Hookups""Best Course for Men"
"Quick Flings""Normal Hookups""Our Quiz"
The complete registration process
How to set up your profile
Contacting potential matchups
Membership packages available
Special features for premium members
… and more!

Let’s get going then.

Sexy girl rocking a glamour style hat

I Am Naughty Review in Video Form

I Am Naughty Review [Fake Profiles or Real People?]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go


Ease of use – 5/5

Effectiveness – 3/5

Key Features – 3/5

Pricing – 4/5


  • An excellent user base with people from all over the globe
  • 3-day trial membership options
  • Clean, neat design that’s easy to navigate around


  • Doesn’t have a dedicated app
  • Messaging is not possible without membership
  • A few fake profiles were found

Who Is It For/Demographics?

Hook up sites.

There are so many of them out there in the world of online dating.

OFL Top Recommendations based on 100,000+ Survey

"Serious Relationships""Discreet Hookups""Best Course for Men"
"Quick Flings""Normal Hookups""Our Quiz"

That’s because many people simply want to meet people for something physical.

And using a regular dating site (like eHarmony) to find that is just too difficult.

That’s why these hook-up sites exist, and they are becoming more popular by the day.

I Am Naughty is one such site – just as BeNaughty and Ashley Madison.

Aimed at singles mostly, it’s a site in which you can find people similar to yourself.

That’s those that want a one-night-stand or perhaps a friend with benefits, someone that they can contact for physical fun without the emotional attachment.

I Am Naughty user breakdown

Well, for the most part, we can measure popularity by the number of users a site has, right?

The thing is, tracking down user numbers for this website proved impossible.

But if the other facts and figures I could uncover are accurate, then this is a very busy website, that’s for sure.

For example:

  • Over 300 000 users are active on the site each week
  • 500 000 users are from the United States alone

Those figures alone indicate that I Am Naughty has well over 1 million users but I wouldn’t try to hazard a guess as to how many.

Just know that the site is busy and has active users all over the globe.

The next step in our look into the demographics is a breakdown of gender ratios as well as a distribution of the ages of users.

I Am Naughty gender ratios and age breakdown

As a casual hook up site, there’s one thing about I Am Naughty that you can assume.

And that’s the fact that on sites such as these, men, more often than not, are dominant in terms of users.

This is true for I Am Naughty as well.

In fact:

  • 70% of all users are male
  • 30% of all users are female

That’s more than a ratio of 2:1.

Of course, with the significant user numbers that I Am Naughty has, this isn’t as much of a problem as if the site only had a few users.

So yes, even if you are a male looking for a casual hook up with a female, you might have to work a little harder to find one but they are there, that’s for sure.

As for age ranges, I Am Naughty is most popular with the 25-34 year-old age group.

In fact, they account for close to a third of all users on the site.

10% of the users from this group are females while 20% are males.

The next biggest groups are the 35-44 year-olds as well as 18-24 year-olds.

Both of these make up 20% of the users on-site each.

But here’s a full breakdown of the age groups, the percentage of the site they make up as well as the gender ratio split.

  • 25-34 year-olds (30% of site users, 20% male and 10% female)
  • 35-44 year-olds (20% of site users, 15% male and 5% female)
  • 18-24 year-olds (20% of site users, 15% male and 5% female)
  • 45-54 year-olds (15% of site users, 8% male and 7% female)
  • 55+ (15% of site users, 12% male and 3% female)

Ease Of Use

Starting your profile on I Am Naughty means going to the website to do so as there is no app as of yet for this hook up site.

You start by providing all the regular information you would expect for a dating website.

So that’s your:

  • Gender
  • The gender you wanting to match with (includes the same sex if that’s your thing)
  • Your age
  • Your email address
  • Password
  • Location

Before you can access the site, you will need to respond to a validation email sent by I Am Naughty to the email address you provided.

Sometimes, that can take 5 to 10 minutes to come through but in my case, it was pretty quick.

Setting up your profile

As soon as you get onto the site for the first time, you are taken to your profile page where you can start by uploading your picture.

There’s nothing new here and you are going to have to provide information like:

  • Your ethnicity
  • Your hair color
  • Your eye color
  • Your body type

You get the idea, right?

Of course, there are a few more of these to fill in before you are done.

You can also come up with a catchy status that you use to make your profile stand out.

Finding your way around I Am Naughty

Once you have finished setting up your profile, which takes only a few minutes, you are ready to start searching for that perfect person to hook up with.

From the start, I Am Naughty presents you with matchup returns based on your location, the gender you are looking for and your age.

You will also notice the simple, clean design of the site.

In fact, there are not that many menus that you need to use to find your way around.

You will find the following:

  • Search: Here you can launch searches for new matchups
  • Like Gallery: This is a roulette-style matching game
  • Messages: If you click on this chat bubble, you can see who sent you messages as well as those users you’ve sent messages to
  • Notifications: If someone likes your profile, for instance, you will receive a notification
  • Profile: Here you can make the necessary changes to your profile as well as change your account settings

There is also a search bar below the initial menus from where you can launch new searches quickly.

What I do love about this site is that it’s not confusing at all.

Many dating sites are so cluttered up with menus and advertising but I Am Naughty is a simple design that works.

But can it find you that all-important hook up?


Let’s start with the matchups that are presented to you as soon as you log on.

While some profiles seemed fake, most of them were legit.

In fact, as soon as I browsed some of them, they would message back immediately.

Not bot messages either, you could see that the way they communicated there were real people on the other end.

But what about searching for matchups on your own?

Using I Am Naughty’s search features

So other than the search bar, you can search through users of the site in the following ways:

  • All members: This brings up a list of the users that are close to your location
  • Online now: This only shows you users that are currently online
  • New members: This shows you a list of new members who have joined the site

While it’s fun to click on these and have a look around, it’s the advanced search that you will mostly be making use of.

Here you can change the following parameters:

  • Age range
  • Location
  • If they have a photo or not
  • If they have a video or not
  • Orientation
  • Ethnicity
  • Body Type
  • Hair color
  • Eye color
  • Piercingsl
  • Tattoos

There are quite a few things you can tweak here which is nice.

But remember, if you are not getting that many returns in a broader search, you don’t want to play with the parameters too much as that means the user base will be narrowed down even more.

Making contact

Without a doubt, I Am Naughty has more than enough ways to turn up that potential matchup that you are going to want to get to know better.

Or they will reach out to you perhaps.

No matter how it happens, you need a way to get into contact with them, right?

And while you can like their profile or make them a favorite, it’s messaging them that will really get the engagement flowing.

Sadly, if you are a free user of the site, you are not going to get very far.

You can only send five free messages before I Am Naughty starts sending you off to the member sign up page.

Yes, just five messages.

I guess that I Am Naughty is not unlike all other dating sites out there.

Messaging is a member feature for most of them.

It’s not often that this part of a dating site can be used for free.

And while they offer five free messages, I could only send messages to other users but never reply to someone who sent a message first.

So bear that in mind.

With membership something you’d be considering in order to message a potential matchup, what other key features can you expect for your hard-earned cash?

Key Features

Here’s a list of the key features that members of I Am Naughty can use while on the site.

1. Messaging

I always list messaging first under key features because 99% of the time, it is the main reason why you signed up for membership in the first place, right?

So if you take out membership on I Am Naughty, you can send as many messages as you like to other users as well as reply to any messages your receive.

Just note, however, that if you send a message to a regular user, they are going to be in the same position as you once were before you signed up as a paying member.

They won’t be able to reply.

So you might need to show a little bit of patience but at least you can send as many messages as you want.

There’s another feature that’s kind of a message as well.

Well, actually it’s more of a broadcast.

That’s called a flirtcast and it’s a message that sent to a whole bunch of users.

A flirtcast is the perfect way to get yourself noticed quickly.

2. See user photos

If you are a member of I Am Naughty, you can see all the photos as well as the videos posted by all users as well as other members.

Normally, you can only see their profile photo but now, these photos are available to you in their full-sized format.

3. Extended search parameters

As a member, you get even more search parameters to chop and change to your liking.

These can go a long way to helping you find that perfect person to hook up with.

But if I am honest, I feel this is more useful on a dating site where you are looking for long term love, not on a site where casual hook ups are the order of the day.

But yes, it’s nice to have the extra search parameters there if you’d like to make use of them from time to time.

4. Site support

Members of I Am Naughty can expect excellent site support.

If you are struggling with something or have a query about anything on the site, you can contact this premium support to help you solve your problem.

5. Photo and video sharing

While in a chat with another user, you are able to share photos as well as videos with them.


If I am honest, the key features for I Am Naughty aren’t as impressive as some other hook up sites out there.

But they must always be judged in conjunction with the prices charged for them, so let’s see just how much membership to the site is going to cost you.

I Am Naughty offers four payment options.

One of them is a 3-day trial offering where you can try out the site before taking an extended membership.

For me, this is such a brilliant idea because it gives you the chance to see how the site could work out for you without tying you into a monthly or even longer contract.

The other membership packages are a month, three months and six months in duration.

And this is what they will cost you:

  • 3-day membership – $3.15 ($1.05 per day )
  • 1-month membership – $30.00 ($0.96 per day – normally $1.38)
  • 3-month membership – $50.55 ($0.54 per day – nomally $0.77)
  • 6-month membership – $81.00 ($0.44 per day – normally $0.44)

Note, my review of the site took place during a special.

I’ve included the normal prices in brackets.

For the features on offer, I think the pricing is more than fair.

I would like to see the monthly amount drop a little more if I am honest.

But I love the fact that there is a three-day trial.

That’s the perfect way to let someone “try before they buy”, so to speak.

It really is something all dating sites could benefit from.

Conclusion and Overall Rating

Despite its name, I Am Naughty is what I’d like to call a wholesome hook up site.

From my time using it, there was no nudity on display, no porn adverts and it was just a pleasure to navigate around a well-designed website that’s so easy to use.

So if you looking for a hook up site that’s a little more classy than most – and let’s be honest, some can be pretty lewd – then I Am Naughty is certainly for you.

While the key features aren’t that brilliant, there’s enough there for you to justify membership.

But it’s the messaging that you need to be able to make a proper success of using I Am Naughty for your no-strings-attached needs.

For those of you who prefer to navigate dating sites using their phones, I Am Naughty doesn’t have a dedicated app.

Although that’s a little bit of a letdown, you can still navigate the site on your smartphone as it is mobile friendly.

While I have read of the site being filled with fake profiles and bots, I never experienced that during the review period.

In fact, there were a host of other users from the small town that I live in so that actually was a bit of a surprise.

And you could see they weren’t fake profiles thanks to the varied demographic makeup of the users as well as the fact that their profile pictures showed regular people like you and me, not the supermodel photos of obviously fake profiles.

And when interacting with them, the colloquialisms used confirmed that they are real people.

Before I give my overall rating, I also just want to say that I love the fact that I Am Naughty has a three-day trial option.

If you are considering taking out a membership, don’t hesitate to try the site using this before you commit to a longer membership period.

Now onto my rating.

I am going to give I Am Naughty a solid 3.75 out of 5.

If you are looking for a casual hook up site, you can’t go wrong trying it out.

Frequently Asked Questions


While there are a few fake profiles on site, most of the profiles I came across were actual users.

As this is a hook up site, the intention is to get together with someone for a no-strings-attached encounter.

And when this happens, your personal safety is paramount.

Before you do this, rather chat to the person you want to hook up with and get to know them.

And always trust your instincts.

Sites like this are free to register on as long as you are 18.

It’s when you want to reach out to other users that that “free” comes to an end.

While I Am Naughty gives you the chance to send 5 free messages when you sign up, you are soon going to have to consider membership to make a success of communicating with other users.

Luckily, one of the membership options is a three-day trial where you can try out the site before committing to a longer membership plan.

Yes, I Am Naughty is a legit site.

It’s not a dating site in the traditional sense of the word but more of a hook up site where it’s all about the physical connection, not the emotional one.

Put it this way, very few people using the site are doing so to find long-term love.

While it’s difficult to find exact user numbers for I Am Naughty, it’s well over 1 million.

500 000 users are from the United States alone and around 300 000 users are active on the site each week.


It couldn’t be easier (as long as you are 18 years old).

Go to the I Am Naughty website and register for a profile.

Note, however, that you need a valid email address as you will need to reply to an email from the site admin before you can log in for the first time.

To cancel your profile on I Am Naughty and permanently remove your account, click on “your profile”.

From there, navigate to “my settings”.

Scroll down and click on “Remove account”.

Also, remember to cancel your subscription as well if you are a member.

Email I Am Naughty on [email protected]

Should you wish to, you can phone them on +1 800 865 4158 or send a regular mail to:

P.O. Boz 146

Trident Chambers

Road Town


The British Virgin Islands


With a hook up site like I Am Naughty, it’s all about finding user near you to that you can actually hook up.

That’s mainly what the matchup algorithm at I Am Naughty does but there are other parameters that you can set to help narrow the returns to receive to match exactly what you are looking for.

You can block and report a user on I Am Naughty in two ways.

First, if you go to their profile, on the right you will see three vertical dots.

Click on that and then select “block” or “report”.

While you are chatting with them, you will also see the three vertical dots in the chat window.

Again, you can click on that and select either “block” or “report”.

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