Pink Sofa Review (2025) – Is It Perfect or Scam?

Online dating websites that cater to the lesbian community have been around since dating hit the internet.

And I can assure you, there are tons of brilliant lesbian dating sites for you to choose from if you are looking to hook up with lesbian singles the world over. 

Today, we look specifically at Pink Sofa, a dating service that was founded close to a decade and a half ago. is an online dating site that caters to lesbians (obviously) but also bi-curious women. 

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Also, while many types of relationships are welcome on this platform, many users here are looking for serious relationships.

In evaluating the site, we will look at the following:

The signing up process for new members
If it has a dating app version (for Android or IOS devices)
How search options work on the Pink Sofa and if there is an advanced search function
If there are scams and fake profiles on the site, and much more

So let’s jump straight in. 

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Pink Sofa Review ([year]) - Is It Perfect or Scam? 10


  • Ease of use – 4.5/5
  • Success rate – 3/5
  • Key features –3.5/5
  • Price – 3/5

Pros and Cons


  • Free three-day trial
  • A lesbian community within a dating site
  • Instant messenger options


  • The user base is not as big as some of its competitors
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Who Is It For/Demographics?

Pink Sofa, started by Liz James is a dating site for lesbians.

You can meet people here who want to make new friends, just chat with others, those who are interested in more casual dating (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison), and those who want something more serious (like on eHarmony or Tinder). 

However, its main target is women of 30 and over and who are looking for long-term relationships.

So that’s important to remember. 

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Also, Pink Sofa is actively not trying to be an online dating site in the way that we understand it and that’s something I gathered during my time on the site. 

It’s about the community here and that’s played out in the fact that it offers chat rooms as well as forums for users to partake in. 

But what about the numbers behind the site?

Well, to date, around 500000 unique users have started profiles on the site.

  • Over 100000 of these are from the United States
  • Close to 5000 people join the site each month
  • Other users come from Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom
  • Around 60% of users are aged between 30 and 44 years-old
  • The age range of 35% of users is 45 and over 
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Ease Of Use

With a site that’s been around for over a decade, there’s no app yet for Pink Sofa and no login in with a Facebook account.

Here it’s the old-fashioned way to sign up.

Let’s just quickly summarize the process so you know what to expect. 

It all starts with three pieces of information:

  • Your username
  • A password
  • A valid email address

The registration process also features parts of your profile been completed.

Despite the fact that you can fill in most of your profile, only the first section is mandatory.

This includes:

  • Your location
  • Your sexuality (either lesbian or bi-sexual)
  • Date of birth
  • What you would like to use the site for (relationships, casual dating, chatting, making friends and networking are just some of the examples)
  • Current relationship status
  • An About Me description

And here’s my major critique about the site at this point.

Following this point, it’s not mandatory to complete the rest of your profile

But there’s so much information that you could fill in that I recommended you do, especially as this can be used when searching for matchups.

Sadly, profile completion by other users on Pink Sofa is worse than expected because at this point, they move on because they can.

From my perspective, it should be compulsory.

If you are going to complete it, there are two sections to fill in: My Life and More About Me.

My Life includes:

  • The type of lesbian you see yourself as (16 options including butch, femme, dyke and more)
  • Your interests
  • How “out” you would consider yourself to be
  • Your habits (including exercise, smoking and drinking)
  • Your career and employment
  • If you have children
  • Appearance factors (height, hair and eye color, body type)

The More About Me section includes:

  • Favorite food
  • What you consider to be your best feature
  • Something I admire is…
  • I like to take about…
  • And more similar sections

I can confirm that there’s so much interesting information that a user can fill in here that helps to make Pink Sofa profiles unique. 

But the obvious drawback is that these sections aren’t necessary to fill in to complete your registration.

And so, not every profile you open on the site will be a full profile packed with the information you might be looking for. 

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Finding your way around the site

One of the things that I immediately liked about Pink Sofa was the design.

It’s just quirky and fun.

The first thing you will notice is the super quirky Pink Sofa logo and the promise of “Quality Lesbian Connections”.

The site uses a modular design but with very effective use of white space.

All in all, it’s a modern, crisp design that you will love navigating.

I know I did.

When you first encounter the home page you will see that new users are given a free three-day trial on the site.

This gives you access to all the features that Pink Sofa has to offer but we will talk more about those a little later.

Other user profiles are easily accessible from the home page too and you can launch a quick search of your own if you’d like.

The main menu system is found near the top of the page.

Here you are going to find the following menus:

  • Home: Click here to return to the home page
  • Inbox: Find the messages you’ve sent to others and the ones you’ve received in return right here
  • Search: The search menu has eight different options which certainly exceeded my expectations. We will talk about what those options are a little later in the review. 
  • Community: Here you can access the ChitChat Feature, a kind of a social network aspect of the site where people can post their thoughts, which is kind of like a status update. 
  • Profile: Click here to access and make changes to your profile
  • People: This is where you can access profiles of others you’ve saved (favorited in other words), blocked or made friends with. 

There is also a secondary menu right at the top of the screen.

Here you can change settings, subscribe to the Pink Sofa newsletter or log out.

Your Profile

If you took the time to fill in most of your profile during the registration process, there isn’t much more that you can add to it.

If you didn’t make sure you take the time out to provide the information for the “My Life” and “More Options About Me” section as describe above.

It really won’t take more than around 10 minutes to complete.

If you’d like you can add more pictures as well.

They will then appear under the “My Gallery” section.

The Pink Cupid App

As mentioned earlier, there simply isn’t one which I do find a bit strange.

I believe the overall user-friendliness of the site could easily be translated into a dating app, that’s for sure.

Luckily, for those of us who would prefer to look for love on our phones, Pink Cupid is mobile-friendly.

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One of the strengths of Pink Sofa is the fact that it gives you many different ways to search for matchups. 

For example, if you click on the home page, you will see matchups displayed on the left-hand side. 

These are those users that are online at that point in time and while it’s always fun looking through profiles, they are going to be hit and miss.

Obviously, the biggest problem here is that most of them aren’t going to be near where you live.

But if you are looking for new friends or just someone to chat to, then why not start here?

I was a little frustrated at first when I clicked on these profiles to view them.

Naturally, you click on the picture, right?

But all that does is bring up the person’s profile pic.

So if you want to view their profile, make sure that you click on the person’s name.

It’s not a game-breaker, just more of an annoyance.

And that’s probably because it took me around five minutes to work out!

Searching for your own matchups

So while there are profiles for you to look through, these are not exactly matchups are they?

That means that you are going to want to search for your own. 

And that’s where the extensive search options come in.

If you hover your cursor over the search menu, you will see several options.

  • Online Now: These are the users you would have seen on the homepage
  • Nearest Me: Probably the one search option that you are going to return to often, this will bring up those users near your location. 
  • Instant Messager: This brings up users that have activated the instant messaging system and are available to chat
  • New Members: Browse through any of the new members who have joined the site
  • Quick Search: Here you can launch a quick search with various parameters
  • Advanced Search: Want to add even more parameters to your search, then use this search option. I will talk about the quick and advanced search a little later in this review
  • Username Search: You can search by username if you’d like
  • Saved Searches: Members get the option to save their searches with various parameters they may have entered. You can find those here. 

I believe that the two that most users will turn to from those options are quick and advanced searches.

So let’s look a little more into what they are all about:

Here are the parameters you can set when you opt for a quick search:

  • Age range
  • Location
  • How far the returns should be from that location
  • Sexuality
  • What they are using the site for (relationships, chats, networking, new friends, etc)

You can also stipulate if returns should be members, have a photo, been active in the last 90 days and more.

That’s really impressive for a regular search.

Often, on other dating sites, regular searches are just about the age range, location and one or two other parameters.

So if a regular search has that much information you can tinker with, what about an advanced one?

Well, here’s what you can expect.

First up, it’s everything that you can add in a regular search plus:

  • Star sign
  • Identity (for example femme, lesbian, soft butch, transwoman and more)
  • If they are out or not (six different options to choose from)
  • Employment status (industry they work in and income level)
  • Habits (smoke, drink, exercise)
  • If they have children
  • Appearance (height, body type, hair and eye color)
  • Interests (27 to choose from)
  • Keyword (you can search via a specific keyword if you’d like)

Also, as mentioned earlier, you can save the various searches you make here. 

Without a doubt, one of the strengths of this dating site is the search engine.

But while it’s impressive, those parameters do rely on people having filled them in on their profile.

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Reaching out to others

One of the things they got right on this site are profiles.

When done correctly, they are packed with information, that’s for sure.

But it’s also the way that they are laid out that makes sense to me.

Of course, all of us will take a look at people we find attractive, right?

But when you click on their profile, you quickly want to learn more about them. 

That’s exactly what you will get as profiles start with their age and location.

It then includes what they are looking for in a relationship and also their “About Me” section.

Once you’ve looked through that, you will know if you want to send a message to some or not, right?

Talking of reaching out to others, while you are on your free trial, it’s easy.

Simply click on send a message and type away.

But messaging is only for premium members so when your three days are over, you are going to have to consider membership to the site.

You can send other users a smile, save them as favorites or add them as your friend.

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Key Features

As a paying member of Pink Sofa, these are all the extras you will receive.

1. Messaging

First up is the most important and that’s the ability to message others.

This isn’t only sending them a message through their profiles, however, but also unlimited use of the ChitChat feature.

But that’s not all.

Members of the site can also send audio messages, one-on-one text messages as well as video messages to others.

So if you do choose to become a member, there are so many different ways that you can get into contact with others.

2. Boost your profile

Often a membership feature on dating sites, profile boosting works, without a doubt.

And why wouldn’t it?

Getting your profile in front of thousands of other users in a search is an advantage, that’s for sure.

The big thing here is while you are looking for potential matchups, profile boosting is putting you in the spotlight too.

So you’ve now you have a chance of finding a matchup through your search and they have a chance of finding you through their search.

Super effective, right because you are doubling up on your chances.

3. Priority help

If you have a query or a problem on the site, as a member you are assured of priority help. 

4. Chat Rooms

Should you feel the need to chat with other users from around the world, kinda like back online in 1999, then as a member, you can join various public chat rooms.

If you’d prefer to speak to someone in private, then private chat rooms are also available to all members.

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There are three different membership packages available for you to consider. 

The two shortest are for one and three months while there is a year subscription option as well.

The prices are interesting but I will talk about them in a bit.

Let’s breakdown what the options are first:

  • 1-month membership: $35
  • 3-month membership $65 ($21.67 per month)
  • 1-year membership: $125 ($10.42 per month)

For me, a year is far too long to take out a membership on the site.

For others like yourself, however, it might be worthwhile.

Ulitmately it’s up to each individual and their circumstances.

The same can be said for the shorter membership options.

While there are some excellent features available to members, some people might be willing to pay $35 every month for them and others won’t.

My suggestion is the three-month package where you will pay $21.67 per month.

If you can afford the initial lumpsum, I think this makes complete sense.

And the great thing about Pink Sofa is that you get a three-day trial.

That’s more than enough time to really give the site a run through and see if you will find matchups near your location.

Then you can make your final decision as to which package is best. 

As for payment, well you can use your credit card

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Conclusion and Overall Rating

To summarize Pink Sofa is not difficult at all.

This is an established dating service that caters to all kinds of lesbians types from around the globe.

It’s well run, fun to use, and offers a free trial to all users.

That means that you can use all the features the site has to offer for a period of three days and in that time, you will be able to make a call if this is the dating site you’ve been looking for.

I am guessing that that will be a “yes” especially if you live in a large city although Pink Sofa doesn’t have the biggest group of users when compared to its competitors.

The great thing about Pink Sofa is that it’s more than an app to find someone, it also has a community feel and that’s something I think that will appeal to many people.

It scores 3.5 out of 5.


Pink Sofia is a dating site for lesbians that the team at Onlineforlove tested over an extended review period. 

We found it to be a dating site and community for all lesbians and bisexual women who are not only looking for love but friendship and chat too.

Our review approach included allocating a star rating for critical aspects of the site through which we rank all dating apps.

Our final evaluation of Pink Sofa was based on:

  • The overall cost of membership
  • How easy the site is to use
  • The key features it offers members
  • How many users it has
  • How effective the matching algorithm is





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