Singles50 Review (2025) – Ready to Meet Your Mature Match?

Many online dating sites are aimed at people over 50 and today, we are going to look at Singles50.

It’s for an audience based in the United States primarily and is similar to other senior dating services like SilverSingles and Ourtime

And sure, you could use regular dating sites such as ZooskTinderMatch.comOkCupidElite Singles, or eHarmony to find love as an older person.

But why wouldn’t you give a niche dating website purpose-built for your age range a chance?

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In this comprehensive review, I will give my perspective about Singles50 and whether it is one of the best dating sites for over 50s looking for long-term relationships, in particular.

The review also looks at:

The overall pros and cons of Singles50
How to register for a dating profile on the site
What premium membership to the site costs
If the site is filled with fake profiles or scammers

Ultimately, we will assess the site, demonstrate how it operates, and from that, you can clarify in your own mind whether you should make a profile here or not.

Let get started then

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  • Ease of use – 4.5/5
  • Success rate – 3.5/5
  • Key features – 2.5/5
  • Price – 2/5

Pros and Cons


  • A dating site specifically aimed at people 50 and over
  • Well-designed, easy to navigate
  • A comprehensive personality questionnaire of over 50 questions helps provide excellent matchups


  • Only members can send messages
  • Premium membership to the site is extremely expensive for the month-to-month option
  • Not many key features for members to make use of
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Who Is It For/Demographics?

The idea behind Singles50 is to provide a dating experience where users, who are 50 and older, can meet others for friendship, dating and relationships. It not a hookup site like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison.

And that’s why it’s the perfect niche dating site for just that.

Gathering information about the numbers behind the site proved tricky.

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Because it is so target-specific and because over-50s dating isn’t the largest dating market in the world, a site like this is never going to have millions of members.

That said, around 900 000 people have joined up for Singles50 which isn’t too bad at all.

Let’s highlight some other facts and figures behind Singles50.

  • Around 200000 users are from the United States
  • Over 5000 users log into the site each week
  • That’s close to 1000 a day and 20000 a week
  • The Singles50 app has been install over 10000 times on Google Play

These numbers reflect the fact that this is a smaller dating site than most commercial ones.

You simply cannot compare them from a user’s point of view. 

One thing I loved about the demographics behind the side is that the gender ratio is very close.

And that’s what you want to see on a niche site like this.

I can confirm that 49% of the profiles on the site are for female users and 51% are for male users. 

That always indicates to me that finding a potential match isn’t going as hard as it could be on other online dating websites

As for age ranges, the majority of users that have signed up are 50 and over. 

You will detect some that are younger but in those cases, they are looking for older people to have a relationship with and that’s perfectly normal. 

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Ease Of Use

If you are a tech-savvy senior citizen, you can download the Singles50 dating app from either Google Play or the App Store.

Many, however, prefer to register using the website, it’s just easier on the eyes, right?

And I am going to evaluate that process for you now. 

It starts with selecting your gender and the gender you want to meet up with. 

What follows next is a personality test to help determine your compatibility with other users.

The process itself is in the form of a questionnaire that all new members must fill in. 

​And they are multiple-choice. 

While I am not going to analyze each question in detail for you here’s an example of what to expect.

Question: “Who would you choose?”

Answers: “Someone exciting and full of surprises” or “Someone self-assured, laid back and well-balanced”.

All-in-all there are around 30 of these personality questions.

I’d just like to clarify that you should take the time to fill this in properly as helps with matchmaking on the site.

And it’s going to take around 20 minutes for you to finish this section as some thought is necessary.

That’s only around 70% of the registration process finished, however.

You still have to provide profile details.

This includes things like:

  • Your height
  • Eye color
  • Hair color
  • Hair length
  • Ethnicity
  • Figure
  • Location
  • Profession
  • Education
  • Yearly income
  • Religion
  • Drinking habits
  • Smoking habits
  • If you have children
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Email
  • Password

Again, it might seem like a lot but once it’s done, you won’t have much more to complete to access the site.

In fact, you only have to upload your profile photo

You will also be encouraged to select your icebreaker questions.

What an icebreaker?

Well, if someone views your profile, they will see these questions that they can then answer.

For example, one of the questions is “Do you prefer to bath or shower”.

And yes, they are intended to break the ice between you and someone that might be interested in you.

Of course, you can answer icebreaker questions on someone else’s profile as well. 

Icebreaker questions come from three different types: relationship, leisure or personality. 

Collectively there are well over 80 of these questions, so choose wisely. 

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Overall appearance and finding your way around

It’s always tempting to jump right into a dating site to start to look for potential matches.

After all, that’s why you’ve signed up, right?

But just take a moment to enjoy the excellent design that Singles50 has.

Using a few shades of blue and white open spaces, it really is a pleasant-looking dating site, that’s for sure.

Also, profiles are immediately available for you to look through as the personality test would have helped provide instant matches.

Before you can start to check them out, you will need to reply to a mail sent by Singles50 to your mailbox.

Once you do that, you are cleared to start using the site. 

First I want to talk about the menu system through which you will navigate your way around the site.

There are a few of them but they are all self-explanatory.

They are:

  • Home: This takes you back to the main page of Singles50. Here you can see matches the site has provided and play a roulette-style matchup game.
  • Contacts: If you want to see all the matches the site has found for you based on your personality test, click here.
  • My visitors: See who has visited your profile 
  • My favorites: Add profiles you want to keep track of to your favorites list. This is a premium feature for members only. 
  • Mailbox: This is where you can access all your messages
  • Who’s online: Click here to see which members are online currently
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My Profile on Singles50

No, it’s not yet done.

It’s going to take a few extra moments of your time to complete it.

The sooner you do that, the better, that’s for sure.

Otherwise, if you leave it, you may never get to it.

And on a site like this, your profile is invaluable I feel.

Ok, so what’s let to complete?

Well, if you skipped your icebreaker questions, you can still add them, or adjust them if you’ve already done them but would like a change. 

The other section that can reveal a lot about you but that’s not yet complete is My Topics.

Here you can answer questions about your favorite food, sports, holidays, leisure activities and so much more.

You can really give someone an extensive look into just what you are like without even having to say a single word.

I highly recommend you take the time to complete it.

Also, it’s critical that you do upload a profile picture.

If you don’t opt to, you won’t be able to see the profile pictures added by other users. 

The Singles50 dating app

Available for both Android and IOS devices, the Singles50 app allows you to access your profile and look for a potential date while you are on the move, or maybe even relaxing at home.

It includes all the functionality of the website and is super easy to use. 

You can download it for free.

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By now you’ve probably guessed that the personality test questionnaire that you went through as part of your registration process was super important, right?

Well, yes it is.

That’s because the contacts or matchups the site provides are the main way you will find someone to reach out to. 

Let’s explore that in a little more detail. 

​Finding the perfect matchup

While you can view matchups on your homepage, the best way to do so is by clicking on the Contacts menu.

This is where all new matchups will be shown on the site.

But can you influence what appears here?

Well, yes you can.

And quite significantly, in fact.

If you look above the first matchup, you will see a “My Search” option.

Click on that and you can adjust a range of parameters including:

  • Age (from 40 to 90)
  • Height
  • Location
  • Education
  • Yearly income
  • Drinking and smoking habits
  • If they have children
  • Their body shape
  • Their religion
  • Their ethnicity

Once you’ve made the adjustments you want, click on the save option and the matches you will see are adjusted. 

So yes, while you technically can’t launch your own searches, you can still influence the returns that the site sends your way.

You will notice also that each matchup has a rating on their profile picture.

The higher the rate, the more of a matchup they are for you. 

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Reaching out to others

Let’s reveal ways in which you can reach out to a matchup that you’d like to get to know a little better.

Start by clicking on their profile. 

If you’d like to send a message, you will have to consider taking out membership on the site.

Regular users cannot send messages.

You can like their profile, however as well as send them an emoticon, like a wave, a smile or a wink, amongst others.

So there is limited contact with other users even if you aren’t a member of the site. 

You can also answer their Icebreaker questions.

Singles50 has also instituted a new feature in which members of the site can video call each other.

Of course this is the perfect way to get to know someone before you meet them for the first time. 

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Key Features

So you’ve found the perfect matchup, answered their icebreaker questions and sent a smiley.

What now?

Well, membership is the next step so you can send them a message.

Let’s critique all the key features that are going to come with that membership.

1. Unlimited messaging

No dating site works without messaging and that’s why those that run them put the ability to communicate with someone behind a paywall.

If you take out premium membership on the site, you can send and receive all the messages you want. 

​​2. See who has visited your profile

If you want to know who has visited your profile, membership will give you that ability.

For me, it’s a critical part of using a dating site efficiently.

If they haven’t yet reached out to you, there is probably a reason for it.

They might not think you are a perfect matchup but perhaps life got in the way. 

So you can then reach out to them first and see what comes of it.

You’ve got nothing to lose, really. 

3. Add favorites

​​​​If you’d prefer to divide your potential matchups even further, you can favorite the profiles of those you’d like to explore further.

Sadly, for me, this is not much of a feature as other dating sites even allow regular users to favorite profiles. 

​4. View all pictures

Regular users can only see the profile picture from their potential matchups.

That’s not the only photos they post, however.

As a member of the site, you can go to their profile and view any picture they post, not just their profile photo

I am not going to lie.

I am not much of a fan of the features that are available to members.

They just don’t really offer enough.

Favoriting someone’s profile shouldn’t be a paid-for feature and viewing all their pictures, while useful, really isn’t anything to write home about.

At the end of the day, it’s all how much they are going to charge to use these features, right?

If the price of premium membership on Singles50 isn’t too expensive, then as long as you can message others, that’s fine in my book.

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Now that we know that Singles50 doesn’t offer up the greatest features for members, let’s see just how much it is going to cost you. 

Well, for me they’ve failed horribly with the price of their membership offerings.

Here’s what the three packages on offer cost:

  • 1-month membership: $59.99
  • 3-month membership: $119.97 ($39.99 per month)
  • 6-month membership: 119.94 ($19.99 per month)

$19.99 per month for the six-month membership would be my preferred option.

From my perspective, this is the way they obviously are trying to push potential members. 

But that means paying almost $120 dollars upfront for a dating app that you haven’t really had the chance to use yet.

So that leaves the one-month membership which I believe is ludicrously priced.

What this site really needs is a 3-day trial option so you can see how it operates and if matchups might work out for you.

And then you might jump at either the three-month or six-month membership to make a significant saving when compared on a month-to-month basis. 

There were no special offers available during the time I reviewed the site. 

if you do opt for a membership, you can pay using your credit card

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Conclusion and Overall Rating

Thanks for taking the time to read this in-depth review of Singles50.

In my time analyzing the site, I found it to be filled with people over 40 who are looking for relationships and to meet new people.

It’s a slick website that works well and I found many genuine users and not a scam or fake profile that was particularly obvious.

This website, which also has a large user base for such a niche target audience, could be just what you need to help you find love.

But the membership prices are way too high in my estimation.

To summarize, it will be worth your time starting a profile here and seeing where it might lead.

You might just have to bite the bullet when you buy a membership so you can message others, however.

Today, Singles50 gets 3.1 out of 5 and that’s significantly lowered by the fact that it’s so pricey and the key features are poor. 


For this comprehensive review, Onlineforlive studied Singles50 in minute detail.

We have concluded that this is a niche dating site that’s aimed at older singles, those from 40 and upwards but particularly those above 50 who are looking for friendships, someone to chat to and even long-term relationships.

Our review approach includes providing a star rating for the most important criteria of this dating site as we tested it, from registering a profile how to find a matchup and everything in-between.

Our overall evaluation of Singles50 focused on the following factors: price, overall ease of use, matchup success rate, user population of the site and key features.





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