UpForIt Review 2025 – Great or a Waste of Time?

Thanks for taking time out today to read our UpForIt review.

This is a dating site that’s covering all manner of relationships.

That includes those looking for a long-term relationship in the hope of finding their soulmate (like on Tinder or eHarmony), or for more casual dating like one-night stands or hookups (like on  BeNaughty or Ashley Madison).

You can find all manner of users on the UpForIt dating site, that’s for sure.

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But just how effective is this online dating service?

Well, we are going to give it a full rundown where we will:

Check out the site from registration to overall usability and functionality
See if UpForIt is a scam site filled with fake profiles and scammers
Test how the matchup algorithm for UpForIt works
Check what premium membership pricing costs are, and more

So let’s get right to it then.

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UpForIt Review [year] - Great or a Waste of Time? 9


  • Ease of Use 3/5
  • Effectiveness – 2.5/5
  • Key Features – 3/5
  • Pricing – 3.5/5

Pros and Cons


  • 3-day trial option
  • Membership is thoughtfully priced
  • Some great key features


  • Small user base
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Who Is It For/Demographics?

Well, UpForIt is what I call an “all-rounder” when it comes to online dating sites.

​That because it has all kinds of users looking for all manner of relationships.

But if you take a second to read the marketing blurb found on the UpForIt landing page, you will see that it wants to position itself as a site where people can find love.

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Words like “everlasting romance” and “long-lasting relationships” point to that too although there do also call themselves a “flirty date site”.

It seems that maybe UpForIt has an identity crisis.

But how busy is this dating site?

​Well, here are some facts and figures that I found out about UpForIt.

  • Around 50 000 people from the United States have signed up for accounts on UpForIt
  • Around 3 500 people are active on the site each week
  • That’s around 500 a day and just 14 000 a week

And while I couldn’t find the overall user numbers of the site, the figures quoted above would suggest that UpForIt isn’t the busiest dating site on the planet. 

UpForlt gender ratio and user age ranges

No matter how many users the site has, we can still look into a breakdown of the gender ratios as well as the age ranges.

Let’s start with the gender ratios.

Well, this is a dating site dominated by males.

That’s right:

  • 75% of users are males
  • 25% of users are females

So if you are a male user and you are specifically looking for relationships with females, due to the ratio as well as the smaller user base, perhaps starting a profile on another dating site would be a better option for you. 

There are other dating sites that have these kinds of skewed gender ratios but the thing is, they often have a users base into the millions.

That’s not the case here.

Age ranges sees the 25-34 year-olds as the biggest group of users on UpForIt.

​They account for close to a third of all the users that are found on the site. 

The next biggest group are aged between 18 and 24 while the smallest group of users are found in the 55 and older group.

They contribute just 9% of all users of UpForIt

Let’s look at a full breakdown:

  • 25-34 year-olds (31% of all users)
  • 18-24 year-olds (23% of all users)
  • 35-44 year-olds (24% of all users)
  • 45-54 year-olds (15% of all users)
  • 55 and older (9% of all users)

It’s a good spread across all age ranges to be fair.

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Ease Of Use

So just how easy is it to sign up for a UpForIt account? 

Well, it isn’t difficult at all unless you want to use a social media account.

That’s not an option because, unlike many other dating sites, this doesn’t have the opportunity to speed up registration by using a Facebook account.

So what kind of information do you need to provide while registering your profile?

Well, there isn’t that much to be honest.

UpForIt is one of those dating sites that want to get you online as quickly as possible so first-time dating site users should have no problem registering an account.

To begin, you are going to have to provide some personal details amongst some other information.

This includes:

  • Your gender and the gender you want to search for
  • Your email address
  • Your age
  • A password
  • Your location

As for sexual orientation, well you UpForit does allow for LGBT registration.

Unlike more well-known dating sites like Tinder, there isn’t a Google Play or Apple Store app for UpForIt.

You can download an APK for Android phones if you’d like but I’d steer clear, to be honest.

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Your profile on UpForIt

It takes less than two minutes to get access to the UpForIt site.

When you do, you haven’t finished the registration process.

Now it’s time to fill in your profile which means you will have to provide the following personal details:

  • A username (or you can use the one you’ve been assigned)
  • Appearance parameters

That’s your profile basics, there is more you can fill so make sure you do it straight away when you get access to the site.

If there is one thing I have noticed while using UpForIt it’s the fact that almost no one has taken the time to complete their profile properly.

Many profiles that I had a look at had only filled in the bare necessities. 

Why would they do that?

It really just defeats the object of a dating site profile, doesn’t it?

It’s something that really bugs me.

Navigation your way around UpForIt

If you are a dating site veteran, you may have seen the layout used by UpForIt before.

It’s not unique at all and I’ve seen it on at least half-a-dozen other dating sites.

​It’s popular because it’s an excellent overall design and it’s super easy to navigate.

The design also puts user profiles in full view from the start, which I like too.

That’s the reason you are using the site, right?

It’s all about finding a matchup.

So the first thing you’d probably notice about the site is that there are just two main menus on the top-left of the screen.

These are:

  • Search: If you are wanting to find your own matchups, this is the best place to start
  • Like Gallery: This is a roulette-style game where you can like or pass on matchups near your location.

There are secondary menus to the right-hand side of the screen which take the form of icons:

These include:

  • Chat Bubble: All your sent and received messages can be found here
  • Bell icon: This is the notification menu
  • Your profile picture: You can access your profile and site settings here

The profiles in front of you on the homepage are matchups from the site itself.

You can sort these into the following categories:

  • All members
  • Those that are online now
  • Those that are new and who have joined the stie recently

You can then sort each of those categories even further:

  • By overall popularity
  • When last the user was active on the site
  • Their distance away from your location
  • Their age

Lastly, you will also notice a quick-search bar at the top of the screen underneath the main menus.

I will chat more about this later in the review, however. 

The UpForIt experience

I’ve seen more than a few complaints about users getting bombarded with messages from the moment they open their account on the site and even before they have a profile picture.

I can’t say that this was the case for me.

I received two messages in the first couple of hours but both came from users who seemed to be genuine. 

So if there is an UpForIt scam running, I didn’t see anything at all. 

And from what I could tell, the users near my location seemed to fit the bill for the population groups that you would expect.

Of course, it might be different for other users but here, I didn’t notice a problem at all.

The UpForIt App

As I mentioned earlier, UpForIt does not have an official Android or IOS app.

If you have an Android handset, however, you can download an APK for the site.

This is not an officially endorsed Google Play app and if it was, it would appear on the Play Store.

If you can’t do without an app for dating sites, then you are welcome to download it.

But it’s not something that I would do for the very fact that it’s not official.

I just think that security-wise, you are taking a chance by downloading an APK, especially if you are going to sign up for membership and put in credit card details, for example.

Rather just err on the side of caution and use the website. 

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It’s all good and well for a site to be easy to use, easy to navigate and simple to start a profile on.

But dating sites are going to be ultimately judged by the types of results they can provide.

And that’s for users who are looking for long-term relationships to those who want to hookup or simply want casual dating

So how does UpForIt stack up?

Does it provide you with the tools you need to be able to find a potential date?

And then how do you go about getting into contact with them?

Let’s start with the search options at your disposal.

How to search for potential matchups on UpForIt

So remember when I said that profiles were prominent on UpForIt a little earlier in the review?

Well, that’s true.

From the moment you hit the site, you will be presented with a host of them that you can look through.

For me, the first 50 were within a 15-mile radius from my location.

Now that’s promising, right, especially as this isn’t the busiest dating site around?

I am pretty sure, however, that it shares profiles with other dating sites that fall under the Bulova Invest Ltd banner.

And why I say that is that I’ve seen some of these profiles before on other dating sites that I have reviewed.

Either they are fake profiles or they a shared across various sites which is what I suspect.

Why I say that is because, as I mentioned earlier, the population breakdown and overall look and feel of the people in the profiles returned to me fit in with the city and country I live in.

That’s also true for user names which include those that match other languages found in my location as well. 

Ok, so these are the profiles presented to you and they can be broken down into:

  • All users near your location
  • Those that are online now
  • Those that are new members

Of course, it makes complete sense to go through these and it’s simple enough.

Find one you like and click on their profile.

Sadly, as I mentioned earlier, many profiles are incomplete.

You can also use the search menu or the quick search bar on the homepage to look for very specific matchups.

This does fall through a little when you are looking to add profile parameters because of the fact as I’ve mentioned, many profiles are incomplete.

But you can still try to search via:

  • Age range
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Ethnicity
  • If they have a photo
  • If they have a video

There is no harm in trying to add profile parameters because not everyone just leaves their profile as-is.

Some users will fill in as much of it as they can.

They are just in the minority. 

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Sending messages on UpForIt 

If you’ve used dating sites before, you know that messaging is locked behind a paywall 99% of the time.

On UpForIt, at least you get a taste for what it’s like because any new member is allowed to send five free messages.

Once those are up, however, to continue to communicate with others, you are going to have to think about membership.

You can, however, add someone to your favorites list or even like their profile.

If you view their profile as well, they will get a notification that you have done so.

But unlimited messaging, well that’s for members.

It’s just one of the key features that paying membership brings.

Let’s look at them all.

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Key Features

Here are all the key features I think are the best offered by this site.

​1. Send and receive messages

If you aren’t a member and you receive a message from someone, you won’t be able to read it.

Sure you can click on it, but it’s just going to be blurred out.

So as a member, not only can you send as many messages as you want but you can also read all the messages you receive.

​2. Send a flirtcast

What’s a flirtcast, I hear you ask.

Well, it’s only the best way to announce yourself to other users near you on the site.

You have the option to send a flirtcast when you first sign up but if you don’t take that, you can click on the flirtcast link that will appear on the homepage.

Flirtcast is a series of questions of which you can only choose one.

Find the right one, click the send button and the flirtcast is a broadcast message to users that are near your location.

3. Extended search options

Regular users get some awesome search options, that’s for sure.

In fact, it’s far better than many other dating sites.

But if you want even more, well, membership has got you covered.

Again, many of these are profile-based and with users not filling in their profiles, I am not sure how useful they will be.

But they are there for you to use.

​4. See all pictures

When you click on someone’s profile, you will notice that the only picture you can see is their profile picture.

If they have uploaded more, they are blurred out and cannot be accessed.

Sign up for membership and you can see all of the pictures a user has uploaded.

​5. Enhanced messaging

As a member, you get access to an enhanced messaging system.

This means that you can send videos as well as pictures in your messages to others.

That’s just some of the better key features available on the site.

Some of them are useful and well worth paying for, like messaging and seeing all the pictures someone has posted.

And while the extended search options could come in handy perhaps it’s not as effective here as it should be. 


So say you’ve decided that you are going to give membership a go.

What packages does UpForIt offer in terms of pricing and length of the contract?

Well, the great news is that unlike many other dating sitesUpForIt includes a 3-day trial membership.

Without a doubt, that’s the way to go to test out the site and to see what it has to offer.

But it also has a one-month, three-month and six-month plan.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to pay:

  • 3-day trial membership: $2.97 ($0.99 per day)
  • 1-month membership: $27.30
  • 3-month membership: $45.90 ($15.30 per day)
  • 6-month membership: $73.80 ($12.30 per day)

So if you find that the trial membership works, it makes sense then to move onto any one of the others.

What you choose is up to you and your unique financial situation.

The one-month membership is well-priced and lower than many other websites.

If the site isn’t working for you, don’t forget that cancellation when it comes to the trial membership is important otherwise it defaults into a longer paying option.

As for payment, you can pay with your credit card only.

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Conclusion and Overall Rating

And that’s it for our UpForIt.com review

Thanks for taking the time to read it.

In all honesty, I think that each individual is going to have to try this site and see what it turns up for them.

Luckily, you can register your profile and check it out for free.

I am sure you will get a good idea if it has the kind of matchups you are looking for.

For me, it’s not a scam site but it could well be one where the user numbers are low, depending on where in the world you find yourself.

Other than that, it’s got some excellent features and it’s priced well.

Plus the trial-membership means you can give it a proper go before making your decision as to whether to take out full membership or not.

Anyway, let’s give UpForIt a rating.

It gets 3 out of 5.

It would have been more if users completed their profiles.





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