Latin Feels Review 2025 – Hot Latin Lovers or Scams?

While its name would suggest a dating site for people of Hispanic descent, Latin Feels operates in a similar fashion to other such dating sites but promotes far more.

You see, Latin Feels doesn’t just want to be a site for one culture to be able to date each other.

It’s far more of a melting pot than that.

That’s something we will get into during the course of this eye-opening review.

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We will cover in detail:

The pros and cons of the site
How easy it is to use
How effective it is in helping you find love
How you can reach out to others on the site
What key features it offers and much more

Let’s get started right away!

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Latin Feels Review in Video Form

LatinFeels Review [Meet Latin Lovers?]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go

You won’t go wrong checking these ratings first.


  • Ease of Use 4/5
  • Effectiveness – 3/5
  • Key Features – 2/5
  • Pricing – 2/5


  • A truly global dating site
  • Over 1 million users
  • Beautifully designed and so easy to use


  • You cannot contact anyone without buying credits
  • No other forms of membership
  • Credits are super expensive and only one purchase option is available
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Who Is It For/Demographics?

So in the introduction to this review, I spoke about how Latin Feels promotes itself as something more than a dating site where people of Hispanic decent can find love.

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While that’s obviously one huge part of the site, Latin Feels pushes something more.

And that’s cross-cultural dating.

From the moment you hit the Latin Feels landing page, that cross-cultural dating concept is there for all to see.

Of course, this isn’t the first Hispanic based dating site online and yes, they all do allow for cross-cultural dating.

Its cross-cultural concept notwithstanding, Latin Feels is not strictly for hookups (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison) or only for serious relationships (like eHarmony).

But certainly, Latin Feels is a site that really does push the concept.

How big is Latin Feels’ user base?

So now that we have an idea as to what drives Latin Feels, it’s time to look into the demographics behind the site.

Of course, this is a niche site.

And while there are tons of potential users the world over, it’s never going to drive the same kinds of numbers as a commercial dating site like eHarmony or Match.

You see that’s because many people of Hispanic descent who are interested in dating anyone will start profiles on those commercial dating sites, just because the user numbers are so high.

So it’s impossible to expect a niche dating site like Latin Feels to have 10 million members, or even 5 million.

But that doesn’t mean it has a small pool of users, either.

In fact, to date, Latin Feels has had well over one million users sign up.

But let’s look into those numbers in a little more detail.

  • Around 700 000 are from the United States
  • Each week around 15 000 users are active on-site
  • That’s round 2 000 per day and 60 000 per week

That’s not bad for a niche site of this type, that’s for sure.

Gender split and age ranges

When looking at the demographics behind any website, it’s important to look closely at the gender split of male to female users.

Generally, niche sites tend to show a high male user count over female user counts, especially when a certain population group is prevalent.

But with Latin Feels promoting cross-cultural dating, how does that affect Latin Feels’ gender split?

Well, it turns out that males still dominated on the site.

  • 70% of the profiles found on Latin Feels are male
  • 30% of the profiles found on Latin Feels are female

As for age ranges, well Latin Feels certainly has a very interesting dynamic in that regard.

Here, the most prominent group is 55 and older.

They make up 34% of the website’s users and are split 24% male and 10% female.

The next biggest group is the 25-34-year-olds and they make up 20% of the users with a 13% male and 7% female split.

For me, it’s quite an anomaly as to why the two biggest user groups on these sites are so different when it comes to age ranges.

That’s not something you see.

Normally, the two groups that have the most user are just above or below each other when it comes to their range of ages but that’s certainly not the case here.

Here’s a full breakdown of user age ranges:

  • 55 and older: 34% of users on the site, 24% male and 10% female
  • 25-34-year-olds: 20% of users on the site, 13% male and 7% female
  • 45-54-year-olds: 16% of users on the site, 11% male and 4% female
  • 35-44-year-olds: 16% of users on the site, 11% male and 4% female
  • 18-24-year-olds: 14% of users on the site, 10% male and 4% female

The last three groups are relatively close when it comes to the percentage they contribute towards user numbers.

Now with all that number-crunching behind us, let’s get on to the Latin Feels website itself.

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Ease Of Use

With no app available, to signup for Latin Feels, you need to head on over to the website.

The process itself is simple and quick with the following information requested:

  • Your gender and the gender you are searching for (with gay and lesbian options too)
  • Your name (I guess this is your username, right?)
  • Your birthdate
  • Your email address
  • A password

From their Latin Feels has all users fill in a questionnaire that helps the site match algorithm determine the best possible matchups for you.

It includes 15 questions that relate to both you and your ideal matchup.

For example, the first asks what type of people you would like to communicate with on this site and that has eight different answer options, for example, “those who have strong family values”.

Many of these answers are multiple-choice as well, so make sure you select the answers that are applicable to you.

It also includes appearance parameters that relate to your matchups including height, weight and body type and lifestyle parameters that relate to habits such as drinking and smoking.

Lastly, you will have to ask questions about your appearance, lifestyle and education.

All-in-all that’s going to take around five to 10 minutes max.

Take the tour

Once you have validated your email you are taken to the Latin Feels website.

And there is a tour that you can opt to take (or skip on).

Thinking about it, I’ve never seen a dating website with a tour before but it’s a unique concept and I strongly suggest you take a few minutes to participate.

The tour explains how the site works, how membership works, how the site uses regional partners in other countries to help with cross-cultural dating and more.

It’s no game-changer, but it does give you more of an insight into the thoughts behind Latin Feels.

Once that’s over, it’s time to get a feel for the site itself.

The look and feel of the site

Sometimes dating websites are just templates of each other.

While you can immediately see that Latin Feels is a dating site it definitely has its own unique look and feel about it.

I love how the site looks and the design sees all the tools you need to use it right at your fingertips.

Latin Feels offers new users a welcome package that includes 20 free credits that allow you to respond to any emails you receive, chat to members as well as send them presents.

You will notice that user profiles take front and center on the site, as it should be.

I love the fact that the profile pictures of potential matches are larger than on most other sites.

And it’s the picture and their overall look that first attracts us to someone, right, so it makes sense for the site to use profile pictures in this way.

To navigate, you will use the main menu system found at the top of the screen for the most part.

These menus are:

  • Search: It does what it says. Here you can search for potential matchups. We will discuss this more later in the review.
  • Faces: Latin Feel’s roulette-style matchup game, faces allows you to like or skip other users
  • Messages: This is where you will find messages you receive from others. These messages are like instant messages.
  • Mail: Here you will find emails that you have received or send.
  • Credits: Click on this link to buy more credits to use on the site

You will also notice a statistics window on the right-hand side of the screen.

Here you can see how many messages, emails, flowers, presents as well as who you have favorited.

Your profile

The best thing about the fairly long registration process that Latin Feels takes you through is the fact that by the time it’s over, your profile is complete.

Yes, there is nothing that you really need to add other than your private photos if you’d like to.

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Ok, so now that you know a little more about how to register as a user as well as how the site operates, it’s time to put it through its paces, right?

Searching for love on Latin Feels

The two main ways to find matchups are:

  • By playing the roulette-style matchup game “Faces”
  • By launching searches for matchups

When you access the site for the first time, you are given a broad profile selection.

This is based on the age range you selected but very little else.

Location doesn’t really a part initially but you can specify it under the extended search option.

Here there are plenty of extra parameters you can add, including:

  • The country and city the matchup should live in
  • Their marital status
  • Their religion
  • If they have children or not
  • Their education level
  • If they drink or smoke

So yes, there is an advanced search feature for you to make use of and no, it’s not for members only, like often found on other dating sites.

Again, that whole global them that Latin Feels promotes, their encouragement for cross-cultural relationships is seen in the way the search engine operates.

That’s because if you don’t select your home city, for example, your search returns will be from all over the world.

Making contact with a potential matchup

So when it comes to making contact with someone, there are various ways to go about it.

You could send them a message or even an email.

Both of these are going to use the currency on Latin Feels, and that’s credits.

Of course, as a new user on the site, you can make use of the welcome pack.

That gives you 20 credits but it won’t really get you very far.


Well, here is a breakdown of just how much various methods of communication cost on the site.

  • Live chat – 2 credits per minute
  • Chat stickers – 5 credits
  • Chat photos – 10 credits
  • Chat videos – 50 credits
  • Sending mails – 10 credits for the 1st one, then 30 credits for each one in sequence thereafter
  • Open mails – 10 credits per mail
  • Opening photos in mails – 10 credits per photo
  • Opening video attachments – 50 credits
  • Sending real gifts – 100 credits
  • Meeting requests – 625 credits

I am sure that you can see from above, credits don’t last that long.

But yes, you are going to need them as Latin Feels has no other form of membership.

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Key Features

So this isn’t like a regular dating site that offers a range of key features to members who are willing to pay a monthly fee.

As we’ve seen, everything is based on credits.

Usually, under this section we highlight the key features you can expect as a member of the dating site we are reviewing.

We can’t do that for Latin Feels because that’s not how it operates, right.

But we can still highlight some of the key features available to users of the site.

1. Faces

We’ve already mentioned Faces earlier.

It’s the roulette-style matchup game that you can play on Latin Feels to help find a potential matchup.

And it works just like any other matchup game found on just about every dating site around these days.

You will be presented with a photograph of another user that falls within your prescribed matchup parameters.

You can either skip them (and they won’t show up again) or like them.

Should they like you back, then a mutual matchup has taken place.

If you are unsure to like or skip, simply click on the alternate grey colored skip button if you don’t want to react to their photo.

2. Sending gifts

If you really have taken a fancy to someone and want to send them a gift from half-a-world away, well you can.

Latin Feels runs a real gifting service where you can send flowers, chocolates or even smartphones.

And yes, you better load up on credits if you want to make use of this service.

3. Winks

A flirty wink a key feature, I hear you say.

Well, I am adding it here because it’s one of the ways of attracting a potential matchup’s attention without having to use your credits.

It could prove useful, that’s for sure.

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So with no membership prices to worry about, the only thing we need to check in this section is just how much credits are going to cost you.

Let’s just recap on how many credits you will need to use the services offered by Latin Feels.

  • Live chat – 2 credits per minute
  • Chat stickers – 5 credits
  • Chat photos – 10 credits
  • Chat videos – 50 credits
  • Sending mails – 10 credits for the 1st one, then 30 credits for each one in sequence thereafter
  • Open mails – 10 credits per mail
  • Opening photos in mails – 10 credits per photo
  • Opening video attachments – 50 credits
  • Sending real gifts – 100 credits
  • Meeting requests – 625 credits

Yes, credits are in great demand for just about everything on the site, that’s for sure.

But how much will they cost?

Well, with other sites that use a similar system, there are usually a few options when it comes to buying credits.

And this relates to the amount that you can buy at a time.

Sadly, Latin Feels has one option and one option only.

And here it is:

  • 20 credits – $9.99

I am not going to lie to you, that’s extremely pricey especially when you take into account that a 10-minute video chat with someone is going to use those credits all up.

I would have like to see bulk purchases being made available in which you buy a lot of credits but the cost per credit amount gets lower and lower the more you buy.

That might be a little bit more enticing to users, right?

And paying for credits?

Well, you have two options.

First, you can pay with your credit card.

If you’d prefer not to, then Latin Feels also allows you to purchase credits using your PayPal account.

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Conclusion and Overall Rating

So we’ve come to the end of this review of Latin Feels.

For me, it’s a website that promises so much but is sadly let down.

I love the fact that registering for the site takes in a comprehensive questionnaire that not only helps you complete your profile in full but also leads to quality matchups.

The site itself is so well designed, a pleasure to navigate and puts users at the forefront of everything in terms of finding matchups.

That’s thanks to the well-displayed profile pictures as well as the advanced search options that you can make use of.

But then it all starts to fall down a little.

And that’s because the site only relies on credits for all the features that you need to get into contact with someone.

These credits don’t come cheap either.

A few tweaks here and there could fix the problem.

For example, perhaps those behind Latin Feels could offer more packages, credit-wise.

Will that happen at some point in the future?

Well, I hope so because, without a doubt, Latin Feels has so much potential

But for the moment, it gets a 2.75 out of 5.

Frequently Asked Questions


Latin Feels is a dating site with over a million users.

It’s been around for a period of time and allows users to validate themselves which added to the overall safety aspect of the site.

For example, you could get yourself validated and only deal with others who are validated.

That’s an impressive safety mechanism that not many other dating sites have.

No, it’s not.

Sure, you are free to start your profile and even to search for potential matchups using advanced search tools.

But the site currency comes in the form of credits and you will need to contact other users, read messages and emails, and send gifts.

Latin Feels is actually pretty pricey.

Yes, it is.

The user validation system helps with peace of mind in the fact that those users certainly cannot be fake profiles or bots.

Latin Feels is a dating site with a bit of a difference.

Yes, most of the users here are Hispanic but those behind the site want to promote cross-cultural dating.

So it’s not like it’s a dating site only for Hispanics.

To date, over one million people have registered profiles on the site.


The only way to join the site currently is through the Latin Feels website.

Here you will have to register as a user and the process is pretty comprehensive.

That’s to help with matchups and to ensure that your profile is complete before you can use the site.

While logged into the site you have to click on your profile picture.

This you will find on the right-hand side of any page you are currently on.

Then click “Profile Settings” and you will see a “Deactivate Account” tab on the right-hand side in red.

Click on it and your profile is taken offline.

You can contact the team at Latin Feels by email.

Send your messages to [email protected].


The registration process for Latin Feels takes some time.

And with good reason.

That’s because each user fills in a comprehensive questionnaire that not only helps complete their profile but also finds out information about the types of matches they are looking for.

This information is used by the matching algorithm to provide each user with the best matchups.

Other users can be blocked or reported from their profiles.

Scroll down till you see the “Like”, “Wink” and other buttons.

Click on the one that says “More” to open the block and report user options.

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