LDS Planet Site Review 2025 – Is It Perfect or Scam?

Dating sites for various religious groups are nothing new.

And today we are looking into LDS, a site specifically aimed at members of the Church of the Latter Day Saints or more commonly known as the Mormon church.

LDS Planet is a site that allows people who follow the Mormon faith a chance to find like-minded individuals that they can interact with, perhaps even leading to long-term relationships or marriage.

Our comprehensive review takes in just about everything you will need to know about the site to allow you to make an informed decision as to whether it’s worth your effort registering for a profile here.

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We will look at all the critical information about LDS Planet that you need to know including:

How to register for a profile on the site
How you would go about searching for the best matchups
What key features the site has
How much membership on the site costs
… and more!

So let’s jump straight in then.

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LDS Planet Site Review in Video Form

LDS Planet Dating Site Review [Mormon Dating]

Audio (podcast) form for those of you on the go

But first, the Ratings!


Ease of Use – 4/5

Effectiveness – 3/5

Key Features – 3/5

Pricing 4/5


  • A strong user base for such a niche site
  • App available for Android and Apple phones
  • Well priced membership options


  • Only for users in the United States and Canada
  • Not many key features

Who Is It For/Demographics?

LDS Planet is a dating site for members of the Mormon Church, plain and simple.

The LDS part of the name is the abbreviation for LatterDay Saints, the official name of the church.

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And if you aren’t a member of this religious group, there is really no reason for you to set up a profile on the site.

This site is a NO-NO when it comes to hookups.

So, if the reason you’re here is to find casual relationships, then there are sites that specialize in that – notable among them are Tinder, BeNaughty, and Ashley Madison.

If you a practicing Mormon and single, then the site is aimed at you, particularly if you are looking for long-term love (otherwise, eHarmony may be a better choice).

That’s the main aim behind this particular dating site – bringing Mormons together for long-term relationships and eventually, marriage.

LDS Planet’s user numbers

While Mormons are found the world over, they aren’t exactly the biggest religious group around.

In fact, a quick Google search will reveal that in total, there are currently around 16 million Mormons to be found around the globe.

So yes, LDS Planet is a niche site with a fairly small target market.

And how does that affect user numbers?

Well, it’s obvious that this isn’t going to be the most active dating site around.

But that doesn’t matter when it’s servicing a very specific target group.

Finding total user numbers proved extremely difficult but there were some interesting facts and figures that can help build an idea of the user base of the site.

For example:

  • Around 6 million Mormons are found in the United States of which just under 10% are active on the site
  • The site has around 500 000 users from America
  • The app for LDS Planet has been downloaded over 10 000 times from the Google Play store
  • LDS Planet receives around 150 000 visitors each month

So if you are a member of the Church of the Latter Day Saints looking for that someone special, you know that all the other users on the site as well as the matchups that you find are in exactly the same boat.

And that’s invaluable.


Well, you do not have to wade through tons and tons of matchup returns trying to find someone who is looking for long-term love, as an example and having to toss aside those who are wanting something else.

Here, all the matchups you return want the same thing as you, for the most part.

But there is one important thing you need to know.

You can only register for the site if you reside in the United States or Canada.

Gender ratio and age breakdown

Now let’s look a little more into the user base of LDS Planet starting with the ratio of male and female users.

So it’s females that make up more of the user base on LDS Planet over male users.

But the ratio is not that far apart:

  • 60% of the users on LDS Planet are male
  • 40% of the users on LDS planet are female

The biggest user base on the site is found in the 35-44-year-old age group.

They make up just under a third of all users on LDS Planet.

It’s easy to see why this group is the biggest too.

That’s because, from 35-44 years-old, most of us are wanting to settle down and start a family, right?

Now let’s get down to the business end of LDS Planet.

And that’s all got to do with looking for that perfect matchup.

But before you do that, you need to register on the site, set up your profile, and find your way around.

Ease of Use

If you are an Apple or Android phone user, you could choose to download the LDS Planet app from either the Google Play Store or the Apple iStore.

When you head on to the website to register, the process doesn’t take long but it involves a few more steps than some other dating sites.

To begin, you will have to provide the following information.

  • Your gender and what you are seeking
  • The country you reside in
  • Zip Code
  • First name
  • Password
  • Email address

That’s not the end of the registration process, however.

Before you can log in and use the site in your quest for love, you will also need to fill in a comprehensive questionnaire.

This is based on the Mormon religion and includes faith-based questions.

You will also need to fill in the details of your profile which includes details like:

  • Occupation
  • Ethnicity
  • Eye color
  • Marital status
  • Hair color
  • Religious background
  • Education
  • Do you have or want to have children?
  • Height

These are just an example of some of the questions you will find.

It won’t take long, however, certainly no more than 10 minutes in total.

Once you’ve done all that you are free to make use of the website.

LDS Planet | Finding your way around

On the whole, navigating around LDS Planet isn’t going to cause you sleepless nights.

In other words, everything is exactly where it should be, especially if you have used dating sites before and know how they work.

I like the design too.

It’s not flash at all but simple and effective which is a good thing in my book.

Sometimes dating sites just have too much going on that can even confuse an experienced online dater.

So to navigate the site, you will mainly make use of a set of menus that you will find at the top of the screen.

These menus give you access to all the major parts of LDS Planet that you will use often.

These menus are:

  • Home: Click on this to return from any other area of the site to the home page
  • Inbox: All your sent message and those that you receive are stored here
  • Search: Launch your searches by clicking on this tab
  • Matches: This is a list of users that you have matched up with
  • Settings: Click here to change settings, for example, those related to your account

Those aren’t the only menus that you will notice.

On the left-hand side you can find a few others, some of which duplicate the top ones:

  • Messages: Found under the inbox heading, this takes you to your incoming messages
  • Views: Found under the connection heading, you can see who has viewed your profile
  • Favorites: If you favorite another user profile, it will appear here
  • Flirts: See which users you have sent flirts to
  • Photo likes: See who has liked your photos


It’s a fact that LDS Planet has all the tools you need to be able to launch searches and return matchups that you can explore further.

To do that, you need to make use of the search engine that the site provides.

The thing is, to use all the advanced search features that LDS Planet provides, you will need to be a paying member.

Otherwise, you can still search but without as many parameters that members can use.

But not to worry, these basic searches can turn up more than a few useful matchups that will be worth you following up on.

The advanced searches and what they offer are something I will cover a little more under key features

Reaching out and making contact

So let’s get down to the important bits.

That’s the question of how to reach out to a potential matchup that’s turned up in your searches and who you would love to get to know a little better.

You will soon find, however, that your options are limited in the ways that you can make this happen.

Yes, messaging is a membership feature on LDS Planet.

But I found a few other ways that you can at least give someone an idea that you are a little interested.

For example, why not leave a “like” on their photos.

Or make it a little more obvious by sending “flirts”.

All those options are for free.

If they like one of your photographs or send you a flirt in return, well that’s a genuine interest in my book.

Then it might just be worth looking into one of the membership options that LDS Planet provides and get onto sending them a message.

Key Features

As a member of LDS Planet, you will have a number of key features at your fingertips.

As with all dating sites and the features they offer, some are a little more miss than hit but ultimately, it depends on each individual because we all different and some features will appeal more to some than others.

Let’s take a look at what you can expect.

1. Messaging

Without a doubt, the top feature is the ability to message someone.

And yes, no matter what membership package you choose on LSD Planet, you will have the ability to message as many other users as you like.

There is also an instant message system that is available, which is basically a private chat room.

This speeds up the messaging process even more and really help to facilitate the process of getting to know someone better.

2. Extra search parameters

Other than the ability to message anyone you’d like to, for me, an advanced search with extra parameters is the second best feature for members.

Having parameters that you can set will help bring in that perfect matchup if it’s out there.

But a word of warning, on niche sites, adding too many precise parameters could mean turning up searches with little to no matchups at all.

If that is happening, you then know you have to take away parameters instead of adding too many of them.

3. Live chat

Other thank messaging and instant private chats, as a member of the site you can also get access to live chat rooms where other users hang out.

It’s a great way to meet a range of like-minded individuals.

4. See who has favorited you

It’s always useful on a dating site to know when someone shows more than a passing interest.

With a membership of LDS Planet, you can find out if any other user has favorited your profile.

If they haven’t reached out to contact you yet, you certainly should contact them.


So now that we’ve seen the biggest key features that LDS Planet provides, what’s pricing going to cost and what are the options when it comes to the duration of membership packages?

Well in terms of duration, you have three options: a month-to-month option, a three-month option or lastly, a six-month option.

But what’s that going to cost you?

  • 1-month option: $16.99
  • 3-month option: $36.99 ($12.33 per month)
  • 6-month option: $53.94 ($8.99 per month)

Do I think these offer value for money?

Well, other than messaging and advanced search options, there nothing that really strikes me as being overly impressive.

I guess the option to have a live chat with others isn’t that bad.

On the whole though, it’s not like LDS Planet is charging super-expensive prices for their membership options, so I think the pricing is fair enough, especially when compared to other dating sites.

Conclusion and Overall Rating

Thanks for taking the time to read through this review of LDS Planet.

If you are a member of the Church of the Latter Day Saints and you are looking for people similar to yourself in terms of religious beliefs, then you should consider a profile on this site.

Not only does it have a fairly impressive userbase that will help you find a potential matchup but it also provides a fair amount of tools to make that process as smooth as possible.

If you are a user outside of the United States or Canada, you are going to be disappointed because you won’t be able to make a profile on the site at all, unless you log in through a VPN service.

In terms of setting up your profile, well the process is easy enough but it is going to take a little more time than on a regular website.

That’s thanks to a unique questionnaire that each user must fill in before they are allowed to log in for the first time.

If you are someone who prefers using dating apps as a way to navigate your cyber romance efforts, then you are in luck.

That’s because LDS Planet has an app for Android as well as phones running the IOS operating system.

Again, you need to be in either Canada or the United States to download it.

So onto my final rating for LDS Planet.

I am giving it 3.5 out of 5.

This niche dating site is a must in my book for Mormons who are looking for love.

Frequently Asked Questions


LDS Planet takes security very seriously.

In fact, is you suspect users are breaching the rules of the site in any way, you can email the security team directly at [email protected]

There are many security features in place on LDS Planet as well.

This helps ensure that your data is kept private.

Messaging, the most important factor in trying to contact someone online that you’d like to know better, is not free on LDS Planet.

This is a member-only feature.

That said, many other aspects of the site are free.

LDS Planet is a site that certainly is as legit as it can be.

It’s part of a group of dating sites run by the People Media group who certainly know a thing or two about online dating sites.

LDS Planet is a dating website for members of the Church of Latter Day Saints.

It is only for people in the United States and Canada, however with around 500 000 users coming from the States alone.

The site is free for anyone who wants to create a profile but membership is needed to use it effectively.


LDS Planet’s landing page to start your registration process can be found here.

The signup process will take a little longer than other dating sites as you have to fill in a questionnaire specific to the site and the Mormon church.

All-in-all, however, you can have your profile up and running in about 10 minutes.

If you’ve found the love of your life on LDS Planet and it’s time to delete your account, doing so couldn’t be simpler.

While you are logged into the website, click on the “settings” button and then simply select the “delete profile” option.

Once you’ve done that, LDS Planet will take your profile offline and should you wish to use the site again, you would need to start from the very beginning as your old profile cannot be restored.

Remember that if you are a member of the site, you will also need to remove the subscription from your credit card.

You can contact LDS planet by filling in this contact form from People Media, the team behind the website.

Or send a regular mail to:

LD Planet

1625 North Market Blvd

Suite N112



It’s an algorithm that’s very similar to other dating sites in which search parameters play a massive role in the type of matchups returned.

As a normal user on the site, you only have access to a few parameters.

When you become a member, however, you get access to advanced search options.

Should someone be bothering you or perhaps you don’t want to communicate with a user that you have done with in the past, you can block them.

All you need to do is to click on their profile and then find the block button.

Once you click on that, you will receive no more messages from that person.

Should you block someone by accident, it is possible to unblock them.

Simply click on the “Settings” tab which you will find in the top right-hand corner of the website.

Then click on “account” and “edit”.

Now find the “blocked users” tab and uncheck the tickbox of anyone you’d like to unblock.

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