Online Dating in 2025 – Best Way to Date? | Is it Worth it?

Is Online Dating Worth It In

Online dating has been around for a while now. Is online dating worth it finally? Will this be the year that you jump into the Wild West of the dating scene?

In this article, I will be talking about my experience with online dating websites. I’ll talk about what has improved over the last ten years as well as what still needs to be worked on.

This is also a pretty loaded question because it depends on which dating website we are talking about. They are also different from one another. I will get into the various dating websites towards the end.

In as much as they are different types of dating sites out there on the internet, they are all similar because the recipee for success is the same. It all depends on the way you present yourself online.

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Is Online Dating Worth It? In Video Form

Is Online Dating Worth it? [Why and WHY NOT]

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Is Online Dating Worth It In 2018

Quick Fact on Online Dating

Whereas online dating is now the ‘in’ thing due to the fast-pace of the world we live in, it offers the opportunity to meet people outside your country of residence for casual or serious dating. A lot of heartaches are avoided by going through the profiles of potential matches before reaching out.

Well, stop wasting all of your time and get right into the good stuff.

How you are currently feeling?

I know how you are feeling right now. I remember that feeling when I was trying to figure out whether or not I should sign up for my first online dating website.

On one side of things, more of your friends and family are now using online dating applications. It is becoming more of a norm compared to then. You will no longer be judged if you are using an online dating service as you would have ten years ago.

On the other hand, are the days gone where you can meet a man or women in real life, have a real conversation and then go out on a date? Is real romance still exists in the world?

What am I going to tell my children when they ask me the question “how did you and mom meet?”.

Do I want my answer to be: well you know kids, I ended up having a 3 second glimpse of your mom and ended up swiping right! I knew it was love at first sight.

As unromantic as that story sounds, it can become more and more of the norm as our lives with dating websites continues to grow.

Well, most married men and women of this age were probably swiped right on online dating sites, based on their irresistible profile pictures and information on their bio.

Let me tell you about some of the things that I like about dating websites

There are so many fish in the sea now!

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Probably the biggest draw towards online dating is that you can meet so many new people. It broadens the kinds of people you’re able to connect with by a large margin compared to offline dating.

When it comes to real life dating, you are mainly limited to your day-to-day interactions at work, school or on your daily route. Before the Internet, this was the only places that you could meet someone in person.

If your Prince charming happened to be leaving the supermarket 3 seconds before you arrived, you would have never met him, and you would never have lived happily ever after.

Luckily, this is not the case in the world of online dating. Your Prince charming is on the dating website and is just a matter of time before he sees your breathtaking profile. Then, it’s apparent that you will live happily ever after. Or at least, that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

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I love having the option of browsing through and filtering potential dates by a wide array of characteristics. It helps eliminate small talk because I already know that she meets a lot of my criteria for what I’m looking for.

On top of being able to meet two or more individuals, I can also meet a lot of different types of people as well. In my day-to-day routine, I usually see the same kind of people every day. This is because we either work together, studied together or have the same general hobbies.

It’s nice to see different people that have different interests. This is what you get on dating websites. It is like living in a big city, they are from all walks of life.

You can meet people when you want, and sometimes where you want

Whoever told you that to date you need to go to social gatherings on the weekends. Maybe you think you need to go to bars or nightclubs to meet a guy or girl.

What if I told you that you could start online dating right after you slip into your pajamas and cuddle up in bed. To be honest, that’s when I do my best online dating. It’s my thing. I will let you copy me if you would like 😉

I know of some dating websites that allow you to teleport locations. This means that if you are in New York City, you could be meeting people all the way in San Francisco. Heck, you could be meeting people in South America or Europe if you wanted to.

Hey, everyone deserves a chance to love and be loved and distance shouldn’t be a barrier.

Another reason why the Internet is so powerful. Let’s say you’re going on a business trip for a few months out of the country, or you might be moving to a new state. You can start meeting people and dating online before you even get there. How cool is that!

You can get over your fear of rejection

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Online dating is fantastic for individuals who are shy. Before I started online dating, I had a massive fear of rejection when it came to going on dates, asking for a date or even trying to approach a girl.

Online dating has virtually eliminated my fear of rejection. This is kind of an add-on to the fact that there are so many fish in the sea.

When there are so many options out there, one rejection doesn’t hurt as much as if you are putting all of your eggs in one basket with one girl which can be expensive and time-consuming.

Also, you end up getting rejected so frequently with online dating that it creates a kind of numbing effect with rejection. It is not that it doesn’t hurt anymore, it just doesn’t hurt nearly as bad.

It can be a considerable time/money saver

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Online dating has saved me numerous hours that I would have wasted on pointless dates in the past. Not only can I browse dating websites on my own time,but I can also filter out online profiles of people I would never want to go on a date with.

And being able to filter out qualities that you are not looking for is essential when it comes to achieving success with online dating.

How many dates do you want to go on before you realize that the person has a horrible trait that you can’t stand? With online dating, you can ask these questions in a very calm environment. They also might state these things right on their online dating profile before you even say one word to them.

In regards to being a huge money saver, this might seem contradictory first. People don’t like spending money online, especially for stuff that is new to them.

You don’t know how many countless dates I plan on that all ended horribly because there is no initial attraction between us. This goes to the same point as saving time.

I had avoided numerous dinner dates because I realized beforehand that we were incompatible. There are some warning signs you look out for and when you notice them, you pull out. You don’t get this type of warning when you date in the real world.

Okay, now that you have heard of all the goodie goodie reasons why online dating can be pretty cool, let me jump to the other side.

Here you will learn about all of my frustrations with online dating and why it might not be worth it for some people.

There might be too many fish in the sea

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I know that this may seem weird at first, but sometimes there are too many options to choose from when it comes to online dating.

In some form or fashion, this might be weakening the connection that we make with each other because we are one out of the sea of million options to choose from.

Back in the day, when traditional dating was the only way to go, it might be that people build meaningful connections with the only few options that they had available to them.

It’s my theory that this might lead to relationships that are not as loyal as they should be. This is just because both people have dozens of other options available to them at their fingertips.

If you meet somebody special from online dating, you should make a deal with each other to both entirely quit online dating during the time you see each other. This is the best solution to make online dating actually work.

This idea of dating online will work well when you meet the perfect match who will end up being a long-term partner to you.

A lot of websites put a strong emphasis on physical attraction

Although looking for an attractive partner is built into the basis of all of our DNA, it doesn’t have to be 100% about attraction.

I have noticed that a lot of the more popular dating websites such as Tinder, plenty of fish or OKcupid, have a strong emphasis on physical attraction. This is especially true in the “hot or not” application of Tinder.

This can also lead to insignificant relationships if both people only care about how attractive the other is. There so much more depth to real dating and relationships then merely just looks.

Premium dating websites such as eHarmony or do a lot better job of actually connecting one another based on personality traits and likes.

You might forget how to actually date in real life

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When I first started going down the rabbit hole of online dating, I realized that my ability to approach or open a group of girls was not as good as it once was.

Online dating has become such a huge crutch for me regarding finding interested individuals that I forgot how to meet in person the opposite sex.

This does not mean that I got lazy in dating, quite the opposite. My dating skills have gone through the roof due to dating online. Meeting someone online is worth your time because both of you know you are at least slightly interested in one another which makes it a lot easier.

When you eventually meet in real life, you will feel more comfortable with each other.

What I’m talking about here is cold introductions (in real life) with trying to figure out if there’s a connection between one another.

Online dating helps you to improve on your game by paying more attention to how you describe yourself on your profile. You become creative and excited as your social skills improve by trying to woo someone that is miles away from you and get the person to go out on a date with you. That counts as something for me, I must say.

There are a lot of scammers and fake profiles

One of the most significant problems with online dating is that there are plenty of fake profiles or people that are trying to scam one another.

Online dating websites are trendy for sexual predators or people trying to scam for money. This is due to the large user base that dating websites have. These predators can also take advantage of emotional responses to get what they want e.g. sex without commitment.

Dating websites should take control of these matters by implementing stronger security measures. The problem is a lot of them are money driven businesses that rely on massive amounts of users to make money.

The best way to avoid these types of users is to use premium dating service such as eHarmony or match. They have stronger security measures for those who sign up for their services.

It is also less enticing for predators because they need to pay and there are fewer users to prey on.

One good thing is that the prices of dating websites have been dropping recently because everyone needs to compete with the cost of mobile applications. Currently, you can get eHarmonyfor as cheap as eight dollars or for around $11 a month. Also, if you want to check out a dating website without paying, there is a Match free trial available for three days!

This is literally a quarter of the price they were just a few years ago.

So… Is online dating worth it yet?

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Wow, are we already at the end of my article!? I hope you have a much better idea of whether or not online dating is worth it.

Although there are plenty of reasons why online dating could be better, the benefits far outweigh the negatives for me.

In my busy life, it is just too hard to try to think of dating on top of all the other responsibilities I have such as studying, working and the gym. Having the use of logging on to a dating website and meeting some cool people is a lifesaver for me.

I have also met so many interesting people from different cultures and backgrounds that I never would’ve met in my day-to-day routine. I have met some cool gals that I would never have ran into on the street or at a nightclub.

Finding love online despite the pros and cons can be seen from success stories of married couples that met and had committed relationships.

The biggest dating advice I can give you is to avoid big free dating websites. There are too many people on there with ulterior motives than actually to date.

The best dating site gives access to thousands of potential matches with the same personality and social profile who can work towards long-term relationships.

I recommend checking out my article on the top recommended dating websites. If you choose from the top view on there, you will have a much better experience.

Let me know what you guys thought of my article! What are your experiences with online dating?

Get more from our ultimate guide on how to creating an online dating profile that work magic.

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