Is eHarmony Free in 2025? – Info on Free Communication Weekend

 Is eHarmony Free in

One of the most significant questions I get asked on my blog is whether or not eHarmony is free. So, Is eHarmony free?

The short answer is, well, it still is not entirely free. But it is possible to meet a perfect match for free by using some tricks laid out in this article. Keep reading to find out!

Is eHarmony Free in [year]? - Info on Free Communication Weekend 4

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But there have been some recent changes to eHarmony which make portions of it free. You might have also heard about eHarmony’s free weekend.

Bonus tip: we have found that you can save a lot on eHarmony by signing up on the website (not the app) using this special link.

Also, make sure to check out our full eHarmony review here.

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Is eHarmony Free

eHarmony Free Communication Weekend in One Sentence

Whereas eHarmony free weekend communication occurs once in a month, it is an opportunity to communicate with potential matches for 48 hours without being on a paid subscription. While there are 69% men and 71% women on the site, there is a better chance of meeting a partner using the free account.

In this article, I will be going over what parts of eHarmony are free and talk all about their free communication weekend that they offer from time to time. Let’s stop messing around and get right into it!

After you are done reading this article, I suggest checking out my full comparison on against eHarmony. Both of these traditional online dating sites are extremely popular, and I put them head-to-head against one another in this comparison article. In fact, there is a free trial for three days that you can take advantage of as well.

Also if you are curious about the current eHarmony prices, check out this article.

What parts of eHarmony are free?

The ability to join and use eHarmony entirely for free is a relatively new possibility. Let’s talk about all of the features that are available in the free eHarmony account.

Just like any other active users using a free or paid account, you will be able to create a full personality profile. The personality questions of eHarmony are quite extensive and should take you close to half an hour to complete.

The personality profile is what creates compatibility scores with other members on eHarmony.

This is what separates them from other online dating services as well as the reason why matches function better overall.

You will be able to fill out your physical characteristics, personality characteristics such as your hobbies, your temperaments/attitudes, likes and dislikes, relationship status as well as your opinions on specific subjects. You also enter the attributes of a person who you would like to date.

You can enter what type of relationship you are looking for whether the long-term relationship, long-distance relationship, marriage or simply just to date around.

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With the free dating profile on eHarmony, you will get matches based on your personality sent to you. You will be able to review these profiles for free on eHarmony, but you will not be able to communicate with your matches without paying.

I think that eHarmony’s free account is excellent because it lets you see what type of people you are compatible with from the matches profiles on their website. And it shows you these people based on the very long and intricate personality quiz that you took at the beginning.

It gives you a great glimpse into whether or not it would be worth paying for an eHarmony subscription.

What is eHarmony’s free communication weekend?

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eHarmony free communication weekend is offered approximately once a month from eHarmony. This lets you connect the missing pieces from the completely free account that I talked about above, with actually communicating with potential matches.

If you sign up for a free account with the free trial link, you can receive potential matches from the matching algorithm that you will be able to browse. If you want you can keep on collecting possible matches until they offer a free communication weekend. Once this happens, you can send your matches smiles and messages.

Obviously, the downside to this is that these eHarmony free communication weekends only occur so often. Sometimes they are every month and sometimes they are every other month.

If you are patient enough to wait until the next free communication weekend, I highly suggest trying it out. 48 hours of free messaging will be able to give you a great idea of whether or not you and your potential match have chemistry with one another.

Sometimes these free eHarmony weekends last up to five days long.

In fact, there are tons of people that have met each other on eHarmony through free communication weekends alone. A lot of these people signed up for a free profile beforehand so they had a bunch of potential matches for free to communicate with once the free weekend happens.

The best part about the free weekend is that they don’t even ask for your credit card information. So there is absolutely no obligation on your end.

The use of a guided communication process which is part of the relationship science, used on eHarmony helps to reduce the time and effort spent to get compatible partners.

So, when is the next eHarmony free communication weekend?

Well, this is the golden question that needs to be answered.

Unfortunately, these weekends do not happen on a regular basis, and there is no schedule to follow.

The only way to get notified of when the next eHarmony communication weekend is to sign up for a free account with them if you are new to online dating. They inform all of their current members when the next free weekend is coming up.

You can also follow eHarmony on Twitter and Facebook as they keep people up-to-date with the free communication weekends on those social media platforms as well.

How to use the eHarmony Free Weekend to Find the Most Matches

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The next question is whether or not eHarmony is worth it.

I think that the free eHarmony account is worth it.

You have nothing to lose, and it only takes about a half an hour to fill in your profile information entirely.

After that, you will simply receive compatible matches from the matching process straight to your inbox. You will be able to review the profiles absolutely for free. Once you know when the next free communication weekend will happen, you will already have plenty of potential matches that you will be ready to message.

There is no downside to signing up. Your perfect match could be waiting for you right now on eHarmony, and you might not even know it.

If you are still curious about how eHarmony works, I have a detailed article talking about the personality profile that one creates when signing up.

Breaking it down, it compares your likes and dislikes with those of other members on the site. The compatibility matching system then creates a compatibility index based on these likes and dislikes and you receive matches a day based on the results.

Quick facts about the success rate of the harmony

About 69% of men and 71% of women meet their spouse on eHarmony. They meet each other within a year of signing up.

Every single day there are approximately 15,000,000 matches created on the eHarmony site. This number was back in 2016, so it is probably higher than that now.

About 4% of married couples in the United States are from the result of been matched on eHarmony. Check out the full article from the dating advice website.

One of the reasons that these numbers are so good is due to the matching algorithm. They create matches with real compatibility as opposed to merely “swiping right” on how somebody looks.

eHarmony is set to ensure its members find love and long term relationship when dating online. After their work is done, you then have to use your social skills to keep your partners interested.

Make that algorithm work for you; create a username, if you are a woman, this will get you a step further to matching you up with a potential partner. Try to avoid some things on your profile that will delay your progress of getting a partner, upload fun and beautiful pictures on your profile and always flirt back when you receive such messages from other users. eHarmony Free?

Although the answer is officially no, there are some tricks that I hope you learned in order to get matches for free!

I highly suggest you sign up for a free account, fill out the personality profile and start receiving matches right away.

After this, you can simply stack potential matches and take note of which ones you would like to message once the free communication weekend gets notified.

I suggest trying to plan out what you are going to message your matches once you get the notification about the free weekend.

That way, once the weekend comes, you are fully prepared and have your messages all lined up for your matches! This will make the chance of getting a good response much higher if your messages are well thought out.

You’ll find the best matches from the user base of the top 5 dating sites if you are a 1-month, 6-month or 12-month paid member.

Well, that is about it ladies and gentlemen, leave me a comment down below and let me know what you think about the strategy to meet people for free on eHarmony!

Take advantage of the free window given to users to get that partner you want by using our incredible guidlines on creating an online dating profile even on eHarmony. Nothing beats the tips and tricks we’ve put together in there.

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13 thoughts on “Is eHarmony Free in 2025? – Info on Free Communication Weekend”

  1. Seems completely useless unless you pay. You could say, “It’s worth a shot since it is free” but really you have no form of actual communication (which is what dating is about) unless you pay or wait for a free communication weekend, which seems to never happen or has not happened in a very long time. So what’s the point? I don’t get it.

    • Hello Jai,
      If the free version as given you a little bit of value, then I suggest that you pay and get the full benefit of this dating site.

  2. I signed up and pictures are blurred but you can see their profile and send 1 message. You can read the first message from them but all messages from them come blurred after that. Tried to be tricky in that first message with contact info but it catches any little info. Lol

  3. “With the free profile, you will get matches sent to you from eHarmony. You will be able to review these profiles for free on eHarmony, but you will not be able to communicate with them without paying.”

    you can’t actually view the full profile as all pictures are blurred out. this for me makes the “free” attribute of this app virtually useless.

    • Hello, thanks for leaving a comment. Yes, they are pretty strict in terms of what you can communicate with your matches without paying for a subscription. There are however free communication weekend from eHarmony that they provide you the opportunity to message.

    • Hey Monica,
      You are right as they have not had a free communication weekend for a while. They do not announce this on their blog usually. If you are subscribed to their e-mail lists you will probably get an e-mail or another good way is to follow them on Facebook here to get the updates on the free weekends. I am sorry I could not be of more help.


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