Hinge Vs Coffee Meets Bagel in 2025 – Pros & Cons | Pricing

Dating apps are the go-to way for finding your soulmate these days, and it seems like everyone has turned to online dating platforms to find a potential partner.

Even though there are plenty of crazy popular apps out there, it seems like more and more younger people are striving towards Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel that is able to offer something a bit different.

These two platforms are really not that similar, but their unique algorithms and features are the reason why so many people love it and why they often can’t make a choice between the two of them.

If you are also eager to join a dating app but have no idea which one of these two would be the best option for you, then you should read our Hinge Vs Coffee Meets Bagel article and find out:

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How both sites work
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Signing Up

The registration process both on Cofee Meets Bagel and Hinge is quite simple, and it doesn’t really require something much more different than you would experience on Bumble or Tinder.

However, on Hinge, you will need to feel out specific question prompts, while on CoffeeMeetsBagel, you will need to share your interests and opinions on things like religion, politics, abortion, etc.

You can also join Coffe Meets Bagel through Facebook, and all of your interests and likes will become a part of your dating profile too, but I would never advise you to join a dating app through social media because you can never know where things like that could lead to.

Both of these platforms require you to answer these questions in order to create a profile, and they will help you a lot in your matchmaking process, making everything a lot easier and finding more suitable matches for you.

The Hinge gender ratio is also almost the same as the CMB one, and the age range is also quite similar.

Coffee Meets Bagel - Wikipedia

Dating profiles on both of these websites are very detailed, and you will be able to find out a lot about someone before you even reach out to them, so if you are looking for the most informative and best dating app, then it would definitely be one of those.

All daters should be aware that the more information they upload, the higher their chances are in the dating world, and they will be saved from fake profiles that tend to create problems on other platforms.

Making Contact With Other Users

While Hinge relies on swiping your way to your soulmate, Coffee Meets Bagel is a bit more simple, and they allow you to send likes to profiles you find interesting, and you can scroll through your whole explore page before you find one.

However, what these two platforms have in common that makes them very popular dating sites is the fact that you can message whoever you want before matching first.

Unlike Tinder and Bumble, where the other person needs to match you or like you back before you are allowed to send a message, here you will be able to send as many messages as you want and to whoever you want.

The first message can be sent the moment you see someone’s profile or days after, and that is completely up to you.

Hinge even allows you to like a specific answer or photo on someone’s profile which can also be a great icebreaker that will help you kickstart the conversation around one topic you have in common.

Coffee Meets Bagel is also known for custom icebreakers you can send to a potential match, and they even create original conversation starters based on your chat activity, people you have liked before, and notifications.

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The user base is very diverse, and their algorithm does a great job, so when it comes to this, I don’t know who wins in the Hinge vs CMB war.

The Coffee Meets Bagel dating website has similar features as Hinge, and their algorithm operates in a similar way, and even the dating app demographics on these two are almost the same.


One thing these two platforms also have in common are activity reports made specifically for each user, which allow you to grade your experience on the platform and tell customer service how many successful dates and relationships you were able to form while using it.

You can grade the quality matches and say whether you just went out on a date, hooked up (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison), or even engaged in a long-term relationship (like eHarmony or Tinder).

This will help you keep track of your dating history and the number of people you have matched with, but also provide the platforms with enough information that will help them see how successful their users are.

What I believe is the biggest problem with Coffee Meets Bagel, and similar dating sites like OkCupid, whose design and concept are a bit outdated is the fact that you have only a limited number of likes, even if you are a premium member.

When you purchase a premium subscription on Hinge, you get access to an unlimited number of likes which is a great asset for anyone who wants to meet his soulmate ASAP, but apps like Coffee Meets Bagel don’t offer this, and I believe it is a big disadvantage.

However, both of the platforms have amazing search filters that allow you to browse people based not only on their age or location but also on their political opinions and preferences, religion, ethnicity, and thoughts about marriage and drugs.

Coffee Meets Bagel also has the “Dealbreaker” option which will allow you to tick off things that you would never accept in a potential partner, which I believe is a very valuable asset for anyone interested in real-life dating.

Ease Of Use

Both the average age of Hinge users and Coffee Meets Bagel users are pretty much the same, and they target millennials, so their designs are accustomed to their wishes and needs.

For that reason, they are both designed in a very simple but interesting way that will keep users amused and make their search for a potential match a lot easier and more enjoyable.

They offer plenty of search filters and assets that can be easily accessed through their apps, and they even allow you to join the chat room and respond to messages instantly from your mobile phone.

You can install both of these apps both on Android and iPhone devices free of any charge and start using them without any obstacles.

Unfortunately, many people claim that the CMB app tends to crush down from time to time, so be aware that you may experience some problems with it, but they are usually solved within minutes.

I would also recommend turning on the notifications on this app because it can be quite unpredictable, and they can even be late sometimes, and I am sure you don’t want to miss a thing that would lead you to your partner.

Success Rate

As you already know, there are so many Hinge success stories, and several types of research have shown that this is the most popular and successful dating app on the market these days, so I don’t think Coffee Meets Bagel can even compare to them in that aspect.

However, since both of these platforms offer similar algorithms and detailed profiles, and both CMB and Hinge user statistics are pretty much the same, I would say that people on CMB also have a lot of success when looking for their partners.

Their feature where you can rate and talk further about your dating experiences is still quite new, so they don’t really have the exact information and the percentage of success, but it is definitely quite good, and I have never heard of someone leaving CMB without scoring at least one date.

If you want to play it safe, then I would always recommend you to use Hinge, but if you have enough time to explore the dating world, then you should definitely dive in and create your own Coffee Meets Bagel experience.


The price is where the biggest differences between these two platforms are shown since Cofee Meets Bagel is 3 times as expensive as Hinge.

Even though you can use CMB for free, you will not be able to message more than 3 people each day, and you will not get access to all of their filters, which is pretty bad.

Dating App Coffee Meets Bagel Revenue Surpasses $10 Million on iOS

The cost of membership on this platform starts at 35 dollars, and even though you can save some money if you pay for it 3 or 6 months in advance, the lowest you can pay per month is around 20 dollars, which is still way too much.

On the other hand, the premium membership cost on Hinge is only 10 dollars per month, and if you pay six months in advance, it will cost you 4 dollars, which is a bargain in comparison to CMB.

I believe the price is the main reason why so many more people turn to Hinge, especially a younger audience that doesn’t have way too much money to spend on dating apps like this.

If you are struggling with money or find it absolutely crazy to spend that much money on an app, then I would definitely recommend Hinge because even with a free version you will be able to schedule yourself a date or two.


Even though Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel are quite similar, and the Hinge demographics and the CMB one are basically the same, I would always recommend you to use Hinge because it is much cheaper and its success rate is higher.

It is considered to be the best dating app on the market, and it costs less than 10 dollars per month, so it is really something you can put your money into and be sure that you will get some results.

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Coffee Meets Bagel is also an amazing dating app, but it is way too expensive, and unless you are someone who really doesn’t care that much about money and feels comfortable spending 30 bucks per month in order to find his soulmate, then I would say this is a quite good option too.

There are not too many differences between them except the price, so you can always make a decision based on your budget and the overall success you believe you will have on them.


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