How To Talk To Girls Online in 2025 – Expert Tips & Tricks!

Hey everyone, and welcome to our article on how to talk to girls online!

In this article, we’ll teach you the best techniques to talk to girls online after initially matching with them on the dating website of your choice by showing you:

How to set up the perfect profile
How to make the best first impression
Pitfalls to avoid during conversations
How to take the conversation to the next level

We’ve detailed in this guide all you need to succeed in this regard, so let’s jump right in!

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How to talk to girls online

A Quick Tip to Achieve Success Online

From our experience, to successfully hook up or go on a date with a girl (you met online), you need to learn how to approach a girl online and keep her interested before both of you decide to meet in the real world.

While it may seem easy to set up a dating profile, sealing the deal with a potential match involves a lot of patience and wisdom in getting out the right message that will elicit a positive response.

Whereas you can easily press the send button when messaging, remember the competition, and do it right always.

From our findings, about 42% of female online daters have been messaged in a way that had made them feel uncomfortable.

This percentage is extremely high and probably has to do with the fact that most guys have no idea what they are doing when talking to girls online.

Many don’t even know how to start a conversation online or what pickup lines to use for cute girls.

Let’s jump right in so that you can find out how to do it correctly without being one of the men in that 42%!

We also suggest you take a look at how you can meet single women around you.

1: Set up a great profile

We discovered during our research that it does not matter which dating website you are currently using (Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, and the likes), your profile is the most critical aspect of your online dating presence.

For most dating apps that we tried, we detected that online dating profiles that attracted the most girls were those that had good profile photos and a funny/cheesy bio.

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Remember, the girl that you will be talking to most likely knows nothing more about you other than what your profile tells her.

Although this can be a complete article on its own, we will point out some of the most important aspects.

You need to have a good profile picture – when it pertains to meeting girls online, this is absolutely non-negotiable.

Make sure the profile picture is of you, is in focus, and that you’re smiling, or at least trying to.

Also, make sure the profile pictures are only a few.

No animals, family members, or shirtless images and a nice body language will do the trick.

We suggest you try something simple where you are dressed nicely or doing an activity that you like to do.

Your profile should have a few of your interests listed that should spark a conversation with a girl online.

A blank profile will get nobody’s attention.

List what you like to do in your free time, your work, your passions, and try to make it as lighthearted as you can.

Humor is the way to a girl’s heart.

Check here: The impressive guide that teaches how to maintain an online relationship.

2: Make a good first impression

As mentioned above, first impressions are very strong when talking to girls online and having a good conversation.

This girl may have tons of matches a day.

You need to do something to stand out from the crowd of all of her matches.

Most guys, when talking to girls online, simply say: Hey, Hi, or how is it going?

This is definitely not how to introduce yourself to a girl online.

In fact, in most cases, it’s an instant turn-off.

Honestly, from a woman’s perspective, these are very hard openers to respond to at great length.

The only thing that you can respond with is: hi, good.

You want to engage the girl that you are talking to online to provoke an in-depth response.

From our professional perspective, the best way to do this is with sure-fire conversation starters.

The way to do this is by noticing things that she likes to do either in her profile pictures or her interests section.

If you notice that she is riding horses in one of her profile pictures, and you love to ride horses too, comment on the shared interests that you guys both have.

An example of this could be: hey Sharon, I noticed that you like horseback riding.

Me too! I go every few months to my uncle’s farm to ride 🙂

This is a response that is 100 times better than simply just saying hi how are you.

You have already created a common interest, and her answer will most likely be something more in-depth than “hi, good.”

3: Keep the conversation going

Now that you already know how to meet girls online and how to start a chat with a girl, let’s walk you through some of the best ways we found to help you maintain an online chat.

Since you two have been talking online for a little while, you might be wondering how to keep the conversation going.

One of the best ways to do this is to ask open-ended questions about other things that she likes to do.

An example of an open-ended question could be: “what else do you like to do in your free time?” or “I have a cat and a dog. Do you like animals?”.

The way to maintain a girl’s interest online is to find more common interests that you guys have together.

The second most important thing while you text girls online is to keep everything lighthearted and funny.

You don’t want to be the serious guy, especially when talking to girls online for the first time.

Never bring up any sad stories, she will not want to respond to those.

Bring up funny stories about your past or something strange that happened at work today.

Ask her if she has ever had anything like that happened to her?

She might respond with a funny story of her own which will elicit good memories for her and help the conversation flow.

4: Don’t overwhelm her

Our findings revealed one common mistake men make when thinking of things to talk about with a girl – asking too many questions.

We’ve seen this happen all the time, and it can be a little overwhelming for a girl that is just talking to a man for the first time online.

Your first dozen or so exchanges with a girl online should be straight to the point and lighthearted.

Don’t ask her more than one question at a time, and make sure that she responds before sending the second message.

If she has not responded to you, it is probably because of good reasons.

She has a busy schedule as well, and responding right away to a person that she just met is not on the top of her priority list.

While talking to women online, don’t be impatient, and never get frustrated, even if it takes a whole day for them to respond.

Some women we interviewed noted that most men are very impatient.

These women are sometimes very busy and may not always have the time to respond immediately.

So sending follow-up texts like: “did you get my message” or “why haven’t you responded” is a no-no, and you can assure yourself that you will never talk to this girl ever again.

Be patient; this is extremely important!

Learn more about the rules of communicating online when chatting with a date. Click here!

5: Ensure to flirt a little

If you have been talking to this girl online for a little while now and you guys are getting along, you can probably start lightly flirting with her.

We don’t recommend flirting with a girl unless you have been talking to her for at least a couple of days and the conversation has been flowing well.

One thing to keep in mind, though, when you start to flirt with her, you should always avoid the physical attributes that she has.

We believe it is not ideal to start using the word “sexy” or that she “looks hot.”

Those are powerful words to say, and she might not respond to that.

Keep it flirty, light, and casual.

From our experience, you could say something like “talking to you always brightens up my day” or “I didn’t think I would meet a real person online, but then I met you.”

These types of compliments will elicit a good response.

If you have the option to send images/emojis, now would be the time to use them.

Flirtatious comments with a lighthearted Emoji usually get the impression that you are not trying to get serious with her right away.

6: Move the conversation forward

We hope by now you already know the best way to start a conversation with a girl online.

After a while, you should try to get some of her personal contact information so that you can potentially arrange a date.

This is the “make it or break it” point.

If she feels comfortable enough to give her contact information to you, she is probably comfortable going on a first date with you.

On the other hand, if she does not feel comfortable giving the contact information to you, either you asked too quickly, or she might not be comfortable giving her contact information to anybody.

Personal contact information might be her Facebook account, her Instagram account, her e-mail, or preferably her phone number to talk to her over text.

To do this, ask her if she would like to talk off of the website.

If she says yes, she will give you the contact information that she feels comfortable giving you.

You could also say that you have a link that you want to send her “regarding something that you two have been talking about” and ask her for her e-mail or social media so that you can send it.

We have also carried out thorough research on the best date ideas and dating tips that you need to succeed both online and offline.


We approached “how to talk to girls online” based on the following:

  • A general overview of the best ways to message a girl for the first time online
  • Our experience with setting up the perfect dating profile on various online dating apps/sites
  • The process talking from matching to the first date
  • Helpful insights from reviews in the online dating community

Final tips to seal the deal

Once you have gotten her personal information and are talking outside of the dating website, you are very close to arranging the first date. 

Take that first meeting seriously, this is the time to seal the deal if you really like her. 

This concludes our article on how to talk to girls online.

Frequently Asked Questions


At this point, we believe you are familiar with how to start a conversation with a girl, the best online dating openers, and how to hook up with a girl online.

In our opinion, this is only the beginning of the whole process from a dating standpoint, but it is the most crucial step to get good at.

You should use the same tips and tricks that you used while talking to her on the dating website when talking to her on the phone.

Continue to ask open-ended questions and find more common interests that you two have.

Continue to keep everything lighthearted and never get frustrated.

When it’s time for you both to solidify the relationship, start with setting goals in the relationship and observe if you both have a mutual future.

This is the stage that leads to that long road together as a successful couple.

If you are a shy person, there are dating sites to meet like-minded individuals.

Let me know in the comment section if you guys have any other questions regarding how to talk to girls online.

What has worked for you guys and what has been a disaster?

We would like to hear about all of your experiences!

For more tips on how to keep an online relationship, follow this complete guide on how to keep long-distance relationships strong and alive.

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