Hi guys, welcome to the final piece of our Tinder hookup series – Tinder threesome.
Today’s article focuses on letting you into the secret recipe that will guarantee you a threesome tonight, and we’ll cover:
Want some more? Let’s get you a THREEsome!
"Serious Relationships" | "Discreet Hookups" | "Best Course for Men" |
"Quick Flings" | "Normal Hookups" | "Our Quiz" |
- This article on Tinder is part of my larger Tinder hub (50+ articles)
Living in the 21st century comes with many perks, sex-wise.
You can find anyone or anything you like any time you like.
Swingers are everywhere online – Bumble, Feeld, Hinge, and any dating site for that matter.
Getting a threesome? A piece of cake!
The fastest way?
Tinder (why, of course!).
You better stay tuned to discover the best way to get a Tinder threesome in no time!
(I’m still recovering from the one I had last night! That inspired me to write this.)
The Generalities
Tinder is the biggest dating website and ranges from people looking for a quick fling to serious relationships.
Though it is not only for hookups (like BeNaughty or Ashely Madison) or only for serious relationships (like eHarmony), Tinder 3some is a thing!
If you happen to be in an open relationship, you must be craving one (with or without Tinder) but are somehow struggling with how to get it.
Asking for it directly is often not the best idea.
"Serious Relationships" | "Discreet Hookups" | "Best Course for Men" |
"Quick Flings" | "Normal Hookups" | "Our Quiz" |
You might end up with a scarlet A all over your chest, permanently marked as a perv.
So, spare yourself the trouble and resort to Tinder instead.
This will buy you some time to get to know a person on the other side and see if they are up for it.
Before we go into actual steps, let’s briefly sum some things up.
- Everybody loves Tinder.
- Everybody is on Tinder (your mom, too!)
- Tinder is a quick-solutions app. (You know which solutions!)
- People write bios on Tinder, and these say a lot (you will know soon enough if someone is up for some kinky stuff)!
- Is threesome kinky, by the way? Hmm, is it gay if it’s in a three-way?
- Swipe right, match, chat up, set up a date.
These would be the generalities you need to bear in mind if you’re planning on resorting to Tinder for threesomes.
Let’s move on to some real deal stuff when it comes to the possibilities of threesome Tinder has to offer.
If you are a beginner on Tinder, sorry to disappoint you.
Getting a threesome on Tinder requires some skills that are typically acquired over time.
You can’t just text girls asking for a threesome straight away.
Step by step, brother!
Step by step!
Your messaging technique needs to have a flirty tone to succeed.
These are the techniques you need to employ.
- Excellent screening techniques
- Looking for the hints in the bio (if no obvious data are available)
- Casual convo first. Always a casual convo first!
- Be funny and interesting
- Smooth transition to threesome (try a threesome joke (perhaps?) and see where it goes)
These will show that you are on your A-game and that you know what you’re doing.
Still, if you aren’t sure how to do it best (e.g. what icebreakers to use, how not to get her bored out of her mind, etc.) you can always seek counsel in our Tinder MWP!
2. Be subtle & considerate
Ladies are the gentler beings and they like to get your full attention, blah, blah, blah…and they also like to get laid!
Like, a lot!
Everyone who suggests otherwise obviously has no clue of what they are talking about.
What we mean here is, not every girl is the same (especially in their sex life).
Some will accept a threesome right away some will need time to process it.
It is quite easier for more open-minded people or a bisexual woman to accept your pitch to become the third person in your relationship.
Don’t worry, they are equally curious to try it!
What you need to do is go smooth, give her time to get accustomed to the fact that you are her new friend with benefits, booty call, fuck buddy, call it whichever way you like.
After that, everything will happen naturally.
A typical scenario goes like this.
You are lying on a bed (not necessarily always so), all sweaty from your latest sexual undertaking, cooling off and preparing for the next round.
And, then:
You: This sure was fun!
Her: Damn right it was!
You: ready to go again?
Her: Just give me a few minutes!
You: And, how about we bring in another player take off some of the load, ha?
Her: Well, that sure would be interesting!
Note that you can do this only after you’ve met a couple of times already and you can see the clear signs that she will accept a third member joining the party.
This is how you are being considerate, showing that you want to keep doing it with her, but you both could use an extra hand.
Or two.
3. Activate the ménage à trois mode
Admit it; a threesome has been your dream ever since you were old enough to know what sex is all about.
Now that it’s time to truly enjoy it, you’re presented with so many possibilities.
Asking girls looking for threesome directly when you’re out clubbing or you can try with a friend of a friend on how to hook up with another woman.
Or, you can give a shot to the online option, most successfully through Tinder.
Before anything else, know that there are a few modes when it comes to using Tinder to get women looking for threesomes.
Let’s go through each of these.
1. The You are single Mode.
Ooh, the tough one!
This one requires a lot of work for you, my friend if you’re meaning to find threesome partners through Tinder.
Well, because you have to do the double work, duh!
Seriously, in this case, you will have to invest quite a lot of effort to get into bed with two girls.
Or, whichever combo works for you.
These are the steps you need to follow to reach the ultimate goal.
- Create a profile on Tinder, first. J
- Set it up properly and give as much info as possible and reasonable.
- Find a person you like.
- Swipe right and match.
- Break the ice and keep the spark going.
- “Woo” her frequently and in abundance.
- If it’s not obvious she’s into experiments, remember screening from before? Use it to find out.
- Lucky you if it turns out she is; this will help you reach the goal faster.
- If she’s not, you can try talking her into it or you can drop the case and move on to someone else (let’s hope this won’t happen).
- Always draw her attention to how open-minded you are (subtly, though).
- Set up a sex date at a time that is convenient for both of you.
- Please her. If you can’t please one woman at a time, why would you even embark on a self-destruction voyage with two of them? The last thing you need is to have two sexually disappointed women in your bed. So, only the A-game, boy! Only the A-game!
- Repeat the previous course of action a few times.
- Now that she’s happy, make the move! Casually introduce the possibility of adding Player No. 3 to the game.
When she accepts (why wouldn’t she?), you can suggest that
- she finds someone,
- you find someone, or
- you find someone together.
- Approach the Player No. 3 with the same steps as above and be open about your goals from the start.
- Set the date.
- Have fun!
- Don’t kiss and tell. (Well, tell us just a little in the comment!)
2. The You have a regular booty call Mode.
If you already have a sex friend in your life, you’re a very lucky man!
You do realize what this means?
You always have someone to snuggle with as Homer J. Simpson would say it, no drama, no strings attached, no need to ask them all the time what their day was like.
Well, you can do that if you like, but you don’t have to.
And, that can be the best thing of all.
So, if you are among the lucky few who can brag with a regular booty call, then half of the work in getting a threesome is done.
To begin with, girls that agree to booty calls are self-conscious girls who don’t mind pleasing and being pleased.
Besides, there are other perks here.
- They are easy-going.
- They are curious about the ways of the world and life.
- She won’t badger you into meeting her friends and family.
- You don’t get such messages as “There’s a spider in my bedroom! Come and get rid of it” at 2 a.m.
- She knows you are not her thing to show off to her pack.
- You are both in the story for the sake of mere pleasure.
You might wonder why these are relevant if we talk about threesomes or group sex.
Well, obviously, you are missing the point.
Such a girl doesn’t need much persuasion into having a threesome. She won’t mind, she won’t feel offended or intimidated.
To be honest, judging by my female friends, they all fantasize about having a three-way.
So, your booty call might even be the bolder one to suggest a ménage à trois even before you do it.
You’re crazy if you say no to that!
(I still regret it when this one time (years ago) I refused for being a mere sissy!)
Looking for someone on Tinder for 3 ways basically looks like this.
- You have a friend with benefits and you two have so much fun together.
- You both have Tinder profiles and are open about experimenting with others.
- One of you suggests spicing up the “relationship” with a three-way tinder by introducing someone new in the story.
- You go Tinder hunting, together or separately.
- Always make sure to show potential members to each other. The satisfaction is not complete if one of you is not comfortable with the choice of Player No. 3.
- Maybe, but just maybe, if one of you is the adventurous type, you can let the other party surprise you.
- Approach your top choice with the typical ice breakers, stating your goal soon enough.
- Arrange for the date, time, and place of your little game.
- Play and repeat.
We believe that would be all when it comes to finding someone for a threesome on Tinder when you already have a booty call.
Let us now check the ultimate mode on how to get your girlfriend to have a threesome!
3. The You have a very open-minded GF Mode.
But, she’s into threesomes!
Aaah, you’re the alpha male, the man who has it all!
You’re leaving THE DREAM, you lucky bastard!
I don’t like to brag, but I am one of these males, J.
Typically, girlfriends are perceived as evil little creatures who are up to no good.
- They won’t let you come out and play.
- They won’t let you sleep all day.
- They are nagging little monsters (fix this, fix that, go buy me some tampons and some ice cream!)
- They won’t give it to you when you need it most. Like, every night and every morning.
- They won’t say Yes! to a threesome.
Chill out, girlfriend defenders!
I said perceived, didn’t I?
Now, seriously, having a girlfriend is the best thing since you always have someone to share things with.
Both in and out of bed.
Girlfriends are the ones who know you best and the ones who understand what ails you without you uttering a single word.
Since we have long dispensed with the stereotypes as described in the points above, having a threesome with your girl included is the best potential experience when it comes to threesomes!
Sometimes, I even get so carried away that I forget Player No. 3 and just pay attention to my GF!
How to initiate a threesome?
Anyhow, the steps below are the best representation of how to set up a threesome with your GF and someone you find on Tinder!
- Depending on how likely your girl is to have a threesome, carefully plan on suggesting a three-way. (Honestly, I don’t think you should encounter major problems here, especially if you are in a long-term relationship).
- Reason with your GF. Explain that you still care for her deeply and that Player No. 3 is merely for both of you to have fun. Yes, both of you, not just you.
- Soon enough, after she accepts, be a gentleman and let her choose someone on Tinder. Or, even better, choose someone together since you have become a couple looking for a threesome. This will make the experience all the more memorable.
- Once you find someone that you both like, any of you can swipe right (if the person obviously states they’re bi).
- By the way, can couples use Tinder? Yes, they can! If you can’t decide who should make the first step towards your next Player No. 3, you can create a mutual profile. However much I hate these, Tinder couples profile is a useful tool in finding someone for a proper threesome.
- Whichever of the previous options that you choose, be open to the person you matched with. Don’t schedule a date for two if you’re planning to actually have a three-way. No surprises here!
- If you approach from a single person’s profile, use the typical dating tips for such instances. Break the ice with a cool line, make them laugh, be direct. The rest will come naturally.
- In the case of a couple’s profile approach, make sure that you stated you’re into threesomes. Otherwise, the other party may be confused as to whether you are a cheater or you want something else.
- Once Player No. 3 is ready, you are all in for some real treat.
While some still see the threesome in a long-term relationship as controversial, as a matter of fact, it will have multiple benefits.
- It’s fun, thrilling, and a bit risky at the same time.
- It is liberating in terms of the sexual stigma that still surrounds the freedom of sexual choices.
- It improves sexual performance and endurance in men.
- It helps you reach higher levels of sexual satisfaction.
- It dispenses with the monotony under the sheets.
- It creates a more lasting bond between you and your girlfriend.
- It is always available through Tinder and a variety of people you can find there.
If you are among those who have a girlfriend and enjoy regular threesomes (with her, of course), then you are a lucky man!
If you don’t understand why let’s just say that you simply have it all.
The whole package.
Love and sex.
The fun and the seriousness.
4. Explore the best threesome sources on Tinder
Now that you know what to expect when you embark on the voyage on how to make a threesome happen, it’s time for some additional hints you need to pay attention to if you are a couple looking for a girlfriend.
These are mostly related to making a proper Player No. 3 selection.
If you’re thinking “Nah, everybody’s good enough”, let me stop you there.
You can’t just go around offering yours and the private parts of your significant other to anyone.
This requires careful consideration.
- First and most important of all, the person should be sexually appealing. There must be a spark in both of you (Player No. 1 and Player No. 2) for the player No. 3. Otherwise, it’s doomed to failure.
- Choose people who brim with confidence. You will recognize this by the broad smiles and natural posture in the photos.
- Choose people who openly say they are adventurous and like to experiment in their intros. They will accept your proposal sooner.
- When you make the choice, take their fantasies into consideration too. It’s a two-way street.
Obviously, these are some general facts for you to consider before you start swiping potential players on Tinder.
Here are the best groups you can focus on when looking for a third player for your gaming party underneath the sheets.
1. LGBTQ+ Population
Yes, for your three-way sexual encounters, it is best to target the LGBTQ+ population.
The LGBTQ+ community is one of the most misunderstood communities on earth and still the most understanding one.
When you decide to go for a couple for threesomes, this is where you will find someone rather quickly.
Ok, this should not be interpreted that they are easy.
It’s just that nobody likes to waste their precious time.
In the majority of cases, Bi people, and LGBTQ+ members in general, have experienced sex with both genders and are equally comfortable either way.
So, this is your greatest pool, obviously.
Use it wisely to find a girl for a threesome.
2. People who already Mention Threesomes
Of course, this refers to mentioning threesomes in their bios on Tinder.
Note that typically they don’t openly say “Hey, I’m into threesomes! Text me if you want one.”
No, the cues will be a bit more subtle than this.
Typically, they will make a joke out of it or quote some lines from literature, songs, films, etc.
There’s no way you will miss it.
If you do, the joke’s on you.
3. The adventurous and curious people by nature
Not to say, the explorers.
Where to find a threesome on Tinder?
Hmmm, and how to recognize these on Tinder, I wonder?
Well, for one, their profile is packed with pics showing their previous adventures.
Though such people are not necessarily bi, your chances of scoring a threesome with them might be pretty high.
Obviously, adrenaline is what keeps them going, and there is definitely a fair share of it in a threesome.
What you could do to help them make a decision is to make them feel comfortable at all times, assuring them of full discretion.
This will even score you some extra points.
Finally, we cannot stress enough how important it is that each player takes into consideration, at all times, that everybody is comfortable with what is going on.
This does not mean that you have to stop the action every two minutes to ask.
No, just feel the moment and sense the rhythm.
That will be more than enough.
Remember, the point of a threesome, a good threesome, is that all players enjoy it equally.
Otherwise, it’s a lost cause and you will all end up disheartened, forsaking future attempts at a three-way.
So, if you feel that either you or the other two players are not comfortable with it, or the chemistry isn’t just right, put an end to it and move on to a new search for better players.
Our approach for this article on how to find someone for a threesome on Tinder was to gather relevant information regarding how to find a threesome partner on Tinder and evaluate the possibilities thereof.
During our research, we studied and evaluated online reviews and expert opinions on the subject before concluding.
People love sex in whichever form it comes.
Alone, in pairs, in groups, in crowds.
In closed spaces, in open spaces, in cars.
The first time finding a threesome may be challenging, but it really does become fun and easier afterward.
This was an article that only covered one of the options – that is threesomes you can arrange through Tinder.
We honestly hope that all of you threesome enthusiasts out there will find this article more than helpful in your future endeavors.
Be a dear and let us know how it went!