Since You’re reading this, You’ve probably decided to go with the “swiping app” – Tinder.
What is Tinder Swipe Left?
Well, then join me as I treat you to an insightful read that covers:
"Serious Relationships" | "Discreet Hookups" | "Best Course for Men" |
"Quick Flings" | "Normal Hookups" | "Our Quiz" |
Let’s get on with it!
- This article on Tinder is part of my larger Tinder hub (50+ articles)
If you are reading this, you have probably dove into the world of online dating and opted for the top-ranked online dating app – Tinder.
Tinder is the biggest dating website out there.
The Tinder app ranges from people looking for a quick fling to Serious relationships.
It is not only for hookups (like BeNaughty or Ashely Madison) or only for serious relationships (like eHarmony).
But how does Tinder work?
If you don’t know which way to swipe on Tinder, then read on to understand how does Tinder matching works.
There almost isn’t a person who hoped to meet someone online and who was able to refrain from trying this incredibly popular “swipe left or right” app.
However, to enjoy it fully, there are several “unwritten” rules that one must follow to get the best experience and lower the number of dislikes, that is left swipes to a bare minimum.
Let’s get down to business!
If you are new to Tinder, the most common question that may pop up is about the Tinder swipe direction.
That is, do you swipe right or left on Tinder?
However, if you are aware of the way things work, feel free to skip this section.
So, on Tinder, you can either swipe left or right on someone’s profile depending on the fact whether you fancy the person or wish to skip and move onto the next profile.
If you are shown a profile with a cute girl whom you like and hope to start the communication soon, it means you are supposed to swipe right.
Now, she will not know you have done this, but the algorithm will most likely show your profile to her shortly and if she swipes right on you as well, voila, a match will be made!
Until a match happens, you won’t be able to talk to her, unfortunately.
As opposed to this, swiping left on Tinder means that you don’t like what you see and wish to move on to see more profiles, which means that this one won’t be shown again (but there are glitches sometimes and you get to see the person even if you swiped left.)
Now, even though this sounds easy, and is easy, there are things you MUST know about designing your profile, and that is adding profile pictures and a good bio.
The following list describes the things that aren’t acceptable and that will earn you a left swipe meaning that girls won’t be interested in you at all.
Tinder Photos Don’ts
As you may imagine, or can at least see in the photo above, Tinder photos are extremely, I repeat extremely important.
If you think about it, Tinder profiles are pretty scarce with information and people mostly decide on what you and your lifestyle look like.
Thus, any photos that don’t follow the “rules” will make the users who look at your profile get a false impression and pay no attention to you.
You should try to look as good as you look in real life or even better on your Tinder photos.
On the other hand, following certain criteria and reading about the advice doesn’t take long, nor is much effort to make/pick good photos needed.
Group Photos – Which one are you?
If you don’t have many photos, and the profile one depicts you and a group of friends, especially a larger one, a girl will swipe left.
She most likely spends most of the time swiping left anyway, because girls have much higher criteria and don’t just go swiping right non-stop as guys do.
Thus, she won’t bother to look for who of those people you are.
She will decide right away that you aren’t worth the attention.
Also, if you have a lot of pretty good-looking friends and you are slightly less attractive, this will make you even less so.
There is a trick that some people use and it is to upload a photo with a friend who isn’t as good-looking to make themselves look better and even worse, it does work!
Thus, pay close attention to that.
Also, if you wish to upload a group photo, make sure to add it to the end of the stack.
Don’t Just Show Off Your Body
We could say that this has become a trend on Tinder and there are thousands or both guys and girls who just show off their butts, tits, and six-packs and who then go on to say that they are very serious and responsible people.
Even though this maybe 100% true, we all need to understand that certain things create certain stereotypes, so showing your body off and how sexy you are will make you seem shallow and good for superficial relationships only.
If you are on Tinder for something more serious, you need to act that way and show that there is much more to you than a hot body.
So, please refrain yourself from sexy mirror selfies in your underwear, or sexy, posing photos from the beach.
Even if you train hard, or that is your job, have someone else take your photo where it can be seen that you are working and aren’t flexing shirtless on purpose.
Even if girls hope to just have sex with you, they will still like for you to be smart, funny, and sexy, but not egocentric and all about your body.
Messy background
Okay, this is a girl obviously, but the same goes for guys. No one needs to see your mess.
A mess is just disgusting and unacceptable.
You may have your “creative” mess and know how to find anything in it, but people won’t like it, even the ones who are messy as well!
That is just how our brain works, especially the girls’.
They won’t even try to justify you, no matter how hot you are, because the mess says more about you than your 6-pack.
And she won’t be the one to clean it.
Thus, before you upload a photo, make sure to look at all the details on the photo, because people will see them, and we all know how many of such photos end up being shared and laughed at.
There is so much that your eyes can tell a person and the saying “eyes are a window to the soul” is not said in vain.
Based on the shape of your eyes, their color, their position, and other factors a person can be strongly attracted to you or turned off by them.
Thus, one of the greatest mistakes is to post photos with the sunglasses, especially as a profile pick, or several such photos in a row.
We all understand that you may have been on a beach and had your picture taken, or the sun was just too bright, but this type of photo is a no for Tinder.
People say that someone’s “trustworthiness” can be seen in their eyes, and girls especially like to see them, so make sure to show them!
Also, you don’t want to seem as if you have something to hide!
Even if there is something with them, there is no reason to hide, because the truth will come out – you will go out on a date and have to look the girl in the eyes.
Dude, Smile!
Just smile, smile, and smile! Girls love this and there is no need to not fulfill the wish, no matter the circumstances (unless your teeth are that horrible, which is a topic for another article).
As you can see in the photo above, the difference is more than obvious and there are no words to describe how many more girls are going to like more the guy on the right, than the guy on the left. (even though it is the same person).
It is all about perception, especially in networks such as Tinder, where physical appearance is the focus.
Also, you may not know, but various studies have shown that smiling can compensate for any less attractive features on your face and make you look but better!
Another reason to smile is that you probably don’t want to come off as cocky- unless that is the goal.
Girls will more often go for a cute guy who smiles and seems approachable, than the extremely sexy, super serious one, who looks like getting into someone’s panties, is the only goal.
Selfies are a NO
Yes, you read it well and read it again, and again.
Today, in the 21st century, in the world where people have more selfies than any other photos, selfies are not for Tinder and have been becoming a no in general.
As you may have guessed selfies tend to make people look a tad egoistic, and also lonely.
Do you not have friends who will take a good photo, that will be much more interesting than your face all over someone’s screen?
Or do you just enjoy this act and love looking at yourself?
We don’t know which one is sadder but hope it is not the latter one.
We are all way past the “let me take a selfie” time, even though a lot of men and women aren’t aware of this, so here it is, we are saying it out loud!
Photos of You as a Kid
Dude, boring.
We get it that you were a super cute baby with huge hazel eyes and that people loved holding you, but hey, Tinder is not the place for sharing these photos.
Or, do you wish to suggest that you have good genes to share?
Because Tinder is neither the place for that as well because most users look for less-tying relationships and seem to be more casual than on other much more serious networks.
Please Don’t Post Your Junk
Even though this is understandable for many people, there are still those in the back seat who need to hear it again.
Thus, if you’ve been thinking about it, the answer is not.
Your friend down there needs to be out of the question, especially without underwear!
This will help you get reported since Tinder does have strict guidelines when it comes to nudity and sexual content.
In addition to getting reported, you will also come off as dumb and shallow, because no girls wish to meet or date a guy who thinks he will win her over with his (large) manhood.
So, just don’t post it.
Don’t Try to Make it Like You Have Tons of Money
Most rich people don’t brag.
They know they are rich, and their close friends know as well and that is all.
They go on about their lives.
On the other hand, some people crave to be rich and wish to seem rich and buy things they don’t really have money for and just show off with lots of money, which is probably borrowed.
Don’t be this person and don’t post photos with bills in your hand or even worse, sitting/lying/swimming in them.
This is just a turnoff.
The best-case scenario is that you will attract girls who are attracted by your money only, and guess what?
They will see through your façade.
Poor Photo Quality
There are no words to stress enough how important the resolution of your photos is!
Any grains, pixels, blurred parts, or very dark light are a very big no!
Girls who see your photos are supposed to like you right away, to say: “Hey, this guy is so cute!”, and that you have pretty good pictures.
They should be inspired to meet you!
Thus, your photos are supposed to clear, bright, where your face and figure are shown clearly, so they can get the right impression and understand what you look like.
Unfortunately, women pay attention to this rule much more and they care what their photos show which is opposed to men who tend to upload any photos.
No matter how easy it may be to pick just any random pics, please take a few minutes and upload only those that meet this (and other) criteria.
This will help you a lot with 100%.
Avoid Photos with Other Girls
If you are trying to meet new girls, which you are, then you should refrain from adding photos where you are with them, no matter if they are your family.
Because a girl who is swiping through your photos cannot possibly know who she/they are and isn’t willing to guess if the girl is your sister, ex, or even present girl whom you are cheating on!
So, just stick with photos on yourself only and avoid unnecessary problems, unless you don’t care if someone will click on the swipe left tinder button.
Drinking, smoking, and Drugs Are a NO
If you don’t wish that every girl clicks on the tinder swipe left button, you will not post any pics of such kind.
All of us indeed drink, more or less and that has become socially acceptable and even encouraged, a lot of us smoke as well, and a great deal of people does different drugs too, however, don’t post pics that depict this.
The best rule to follow is this: anything that you wouldn’t show to your employer, you shouldn’t show to girls on Tinder.
Instead of impressing her by looking handsome, funny, talented, hard-working, social, or any other way, you will look like someone who lives for partying and quite irresponsible.
Don’t Skip the Bio Section
Your bio is just as important as your photos and there is no reason to skip it and leave it blank.
A great bio and profile pic combined could earn you super likes.
This will make you look lazy, uninterested, unmotivated, and won’t inspire any girl to get to know you since you aren’t ready to give any information about yourself.
Tinder profiles don’t offer much information as it is, so not adding a bio makes them even emptier.
However, having a good bio means you need to follow certain rules, just like for the photos, unless you wish to earn a lot of swiping left on tinder.
Don’t Be Too Negative
Some people like to say openly what they don’t like so the person who sees their profiles knows right away, especially if they fall into that category.
However, if you state all the things you don’t like, such as celery, camping, plus-size girls, or whatever, you will come off as very negative and as a person who complains non-stop.
Your bio in the combination with photos should make girls become interested in you and even better, bake them smile automatically, however, this will cause a contra-effect and they will swipe left on your profile.
Dumb King Titles
For some reason, a lot of guys think it will be fine if they write something like: the king of sarcasm, lord of sleeping, gym master, king of snark, and so on, I don’t want you to get a headache.
I hope you understand how not funny and silly this is.
You don’t want girls to think about how cliché, boring, and not funny you are.
Just don’t try to impress with trying too hard to be witty or use false advertisements, because they won’t work and girls will just roll their eyes.
If you do find yourself funny, try to add light humor or add self-deprecating jokes, because they do work and will show that you are self-aware and can be self-critical, which is very mature.
The “I am so nice” Guys
This is probably one of the worst types for several reasons and they look like this: a guy is holding a baby in his lap but says it’s his niece and he is also wearing a unicorn headband, or he is playing with several kinds who just “love” him.
This may work for some girls because we all know how soft they can become when they see a man who knows how to deal with children, however, the majority sees right through you, the photo and lame bio: “This is my favorite child, but is not mine”
First of all, that is a cheap trick and you know are using a baby to get girls.
Secondly, do you even have permission to post a photo with that kind online, that is on Tinder?
Just don’t pretend and be yourself, you will get your points.
Guys with a List of Preferences
If you’ve seen such profiles or heard about this trend, or even worse, thought that it works, think again!
Listing all the things you like, as if you’ve prepared your shopping list for certain things only is unmotivating and will make a lot of girls back off, even those who meet your criteria.
Also, it shows you aren’t ready to broaden your horizons and think outside the box.
Just because you like tall skinny brunets who like old movies, doesn’t mean you won’t like a bit thicker blonde who is cute, funny, and completely your type on other levels.
It will also make girls think that you are very superficial and don’t care to overlook some details to meet a person better.
Don’t be that guy and leave your list away from your profile.
Be open, this is the 21st century!
Details About Sex
Would you ever come up to a person you see for the first time and say: “I can last more than an hour, wouldn’t you like to see it yourself?”, or “It’s 6 inches long, I betcha that’s your favorite number?”.
Well, hopefully not!
That is why you don’t ever mention such details in your bio or talk about sex only unless you offer sex services, which is then kind of understandable.
But, if you wish to meet someone based on similar interests, good physique, the same sense of humor, this isn’t the way to do it.
God, just please stop.
If you have read two books during a summer break between junior and senior year in high school 7 years ago, but identify yourself as sapiosexual – which means being sexually attracted to intelligence, just don’t do it.
Even if you love reading and love smart people, don’t identify yourself this way, because this is
A Final Word
We hope this article has shed enough light on questions such as what does swipe right mean, but more importantly what not to do if you don’t wish to be swiped left on.
As you can see there is a very fine line between swiping left or right and what some people may find completely normal and acceptable, which is also seen on Tinder, isn’t encouraged by the most, such as group photos for example.
Also, after getting matched with a potential date, starting the conversation with a great pickup line can be your golden ticket.
Even though this sounds like a lot of rules, they are pretty common sense and don’t take much effort, nor of your precious time.
Good luck and have fun! 😊