Why Online Dating Sucks in 2025 – What can be done?

Why Online Dating Sucks

I know how you feel; I feel the same way that you do.

Online dating sucks as it currently stands.

But why does online dating suck so much? That is what I will be going over in this article as well as how I wish it will change in the future.

I will also give the steps that I have learned to make dating online more tolerable. These are tips that have given me success in the online dating scene, and I will let you guys know exactly what those dating tips are.

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Why Online Dating Sucks in Video Form

Why Online Dating SUCKS [What they need to fix]

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Why Online Dating Sucks in [year] - What can be done? 5

Currently why online dating sucks

Whereas tons of people create profiles on online dating sites, meeting up with potential dates in real life is not an easy task due to fear of the unknown. While dating sites now perform background checks to protect their users, it is advisable to stick to paid sites to meet serious daters.

We are now living in a weird time where people are transitioning from primarily common dating strategies to the popularity of online dating experiences. I do not doubt that in 10 years, online dating will be much more accepted and much more promising than it currently is.

There are still a lot of places in the world where online dating is extremely criticized by friends and family members who met the good old fashion way. Apparently, this view on online dating is changing slowly, but this is currently a fact of the matter.

In this article, I will be talking about four problems with online dating that breeds horror stories. These issues are that people are still scared to meet online, people go on dating websites to feel good, people go on dating sites to scam other people and the differences between paid and free dating websites.

I will also give some tips at the end to be able to avoid most of these poor quality people online.

People are still scared about meeting each other online

Why Online Dating Sucks in [year] - What can be done? 6

Although some dating websites such as plenty of fish and OKcupid boast an absurd amount of users, there is only a small percentage of people that are willing to meet up with you.

The truth is that people are still scared of online dating. There is still a ton of uncertainty when it comes to online dating. This is because people can create fake profiles very easily. Even after talking to a match for weeks, a lot of times they will be hesitant to meet up.

This is especially true for women who use online dating services. Most of those have probably heard stories of physical abuse or trickery from online dating. Because of this reason, a lot of us are more hesitant to get out there and meet up with our matches.

Younger women can protect themselves by not responding to messages from men they find online that they do not have personal information on to avoid bad dating experiences.

Some things that dating websites should do to fix these problems:

One thing dating websites can do is create more security measures so that people cannot create fake online dating profiles. They can do this by having to verify their identity with their driver’s license or another form of official identification.

Big dating websites should also include a background check option for potential matches. This would make people at ease knowing that they are not going to date someone that had spent time in prison.

Some things that we can do to help

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There are third-party background check options that are available to us. Using the services might make men on the sites more comfortable meeting women online.

Another thing that we can do is to move off the online dating site and start talking over standard text or phone calls. By doing this, we make each other “real people.” If we are sitting behind a dating website profile, there is less of a real factor to our identities as most online dating profiles lie about their age amongst other atrocities.

Having phone conversations, or even better video calls with one another puts a real face to our personality. Getting to this stage will make it much more likely that your match will meet in person in real life.

People go on dating sites just for an ego boost

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One of the saddest things about online dating is that people only sign up to give themselves an ego boost. These types of people get pleasure from matching with tons of online daters who in some way “validates” who they are. This makes them feel popular I guess.

A lot of people in a similar fashion login to online dating websites to gain social profile followers for sites such as Facebook or Instagram.

Some things that we can do to avoid these types of people:

It is usually pretty easy to pinpoint these types of people. They always have their social media profile attached to their dating profile if possible. If it’s not possible, they usually write: follow me on Instagram.

When you see profiles like these, simply skip right over them. Trying to talk to these people is merely a waste of time, and you will end up being frustrated with your dating life afterward.

People create false profiles to trick and scam

Why Online Dating Sucks in [year] - What can be done? 8

People that develop false profiles to trick or scam people out of money are the worst type of people when it comes to online dating. These people can be hazardous and at the same time very convincing.

These are the people that play on people’s emotions for personal gain. So what can we do with these types of online daters?

The best thing that we can do is to be overly cautious with who we are matched with and who we start a conversation with online. This is another situation where online background checks might come in handy.

This is another big reason why people should have to register with an official type of ID on dating websites. This should be true whether you are using a free dating website or a paid dating website.

Once again, if you are talking to somebody online, try to move it off-line so that you can get a better feel for this person and their intentions. Speaking on the phone or video chat is a better idea when it comes to your matches.

Free versus paid online dating sites

Let’s talk about the difference between free online dating websites and paid online dating websites.

Free dating websites can be fantastic for people just starting out because they can let them dip their toes into the online dating scene. There are a couple of problems with this though.

The first problem is that you end up running into a lot of bad matches overall when you are doing free online dating. It is true that there are a lot more individuals on these free dating websites than on paid dating websites. But that does not mean that you have a higher percent chance of finding love.

From my experience, it just means that you will be running into more scammers, false profiles and people looking for social profile followers or merely an ego boost. The people on free dating websites usually are a lot flakier and easily dismiss meeting up in person. A lot of people are just on these free dating websites to chat, and nothing more.

Paid online dating websites such as eHarmony or match.com, on the other hand, do a much better job of filtering out these bad profiles. There are a couple of reasons for this.

The first reason is that the people I mentioned above are also people that don’t like to pay for things to get what they want.

There’s a much higher chance that if you meet a paying customer, they are probably on the dating website to meet and find love with other people of high standards.

In fact, I have never once had a match that I felt was a fake profile or somebody trying to take advantage of me while on the two sites mentioned above match.com and eHarmony.

And although these dating websites do cost money, there are a lot cheaper now than they were five years ago since they need to compete with mobile application prices. You can check out the current prices for match.com here with the current prices for eHarmony here.

The conclusion on why online dating sucks

This interesting article is to let you know what online daters face from dates online as they are exposed to scammers a lot of time.

Will that about wraps up my article on why online dating sucks. I think it will take a while for dating websites to realize they need to have more security features in places, such as ID validation and background check functionalities.

Hopefully, in about ten years or so, online dating is widely accepted around the world which will also help.

In the meantime, I do have some recommendations for all of you to have more success with online dating.

Having a dating profile on great dating apps, where you can meet women and men online, brings a nice change to internet dating, and it is a great place to find love and be loved.

This includes creating an attractive online dating profile to stand out from the crowd. I also have some online dating tips for men and also great tips for women that I suggest you check out. Online dating can be very exciting and fun, if you cary out your own assignmen to be found. There are people out there, near and far, that are willing to connect just for fulfillment that someone oyth there cares or for one night stand.

It is the best place to find other forms of  long-distance relationship and when things don’t go as planned you break up and move to the next best person. Your username and a scintillating profile picture is very important because it helps you get your match easily with help of the algorithm. So many people have found love and move on to the stage of settling down.

There certain stuffs to avoid on putting on your profile too, so that you will not be flagged. If you are a woman looking for a man to ask out and have a relationship with, there are things you avoid saying during conversation.

As I mentioned above, I highly recommend checking out a paid online dating website to avoid bad profiles as much as you possibly can.

I hope we can all continue to improve the online dating website presence and how people currently feel about online dating in general.

Leave me a comment down below to let me know what you guys think!

I highly recommend that you use these brilliant guides to create the most endearing online dating profile. It helps you to increase your chances at succeeding on online dating adventure.

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