Good communication is the key to the success of most relationships and is certainly very important in sugar relationships, whether you’re looking for a serious relationship (like Tinder or eHarmony) or casual hookups (like BeNaughty or Ashley Madison).
Once you have set up the first date with your potential sugar daddy, you want to make sure you will present yourself in the best way possible, but also that you will be able to communicate your wishes and desires without any misunderstandings.
Have you ever wondered:
Lucky for you, your sugar dating insider is here to give answers on how to communicate with a sugar daddy.
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Establishing good communication with your potential sugar daddy can be very challenging for just about every sugar baby, especially when meeting your sugar daddy for the first time.
I believe you have many things on your mind when going on your first date like “What should I wear for my first date”, but your biggest concern should be “knowing what to say to a sugar daddy?” or “how do I know what sugar daddies want?”.
If you met on a website like What’s your price or SugarDaddyMeet, you probably didn’t even talk before the meet-up, except to exchange your phone numbers and to schedule the date.
Starting a conversation can make you feel uncomfortable, but it is still better than to not speak at all.
How Do I Start a Conversation With My Sugar Daddy?
What you should make sure to do the first time you are meeting your sugar daddy is to introduce yourself in the best way possible and start some small talk.
The basic sugar baby introduction is to say your name, a little bit about your life, your job or college, and things you do in your free time, similar to the “about me” section of your sugar baby profile page on sugar dating sites like What’s your price.
This will make both of you feel much more comfortable with each other, and will also set a pleasant tone for the rest of the night and the other things you will be discussing.
Never use swear words when talking to your sugar daddy or gay sugar daddy and never label someone as rude or stupid, whether it be a waiter or someone passing you by on the street because this is not lady-like behavior.
Don’t speak quickly, aggressively, or at a high pitch because it will make you sound like silly college sugar babes, not women who know what they want.
A good sugar baby knows how to use her voice and make herself sound mysterious and erotic, in order to spark her sugar daddy’s imagination.
One of the major sugar dating tips is that sugar babies are expected to be elegant and polished ladies who always pay attention to things they say and comment.
Don’t argue or fight and never show anger or ill-temper, but rather try being calm and patient, no matter the situation.
A professional sugar baby always knows how to talk to a potential sugar daddy.
Never complain because no one really wants to hear about your problems, especially not your sugar daddy.
You should be the one distracting your sugar daddy from his personal problems, which means you should be very kind-hearted and light whenever you’re around him even if you are a non-sexual sugar baby.
Too much negativity coming from you can make him back off and find another sugar baby that will be much more fun to be around.
Once you are sure he feels comfortable in your company and you see that he enjoys spending time with you, it is the right moment to discuss the financial support he will be providing you with and settle the arrangement.
How To Tell A Sugar Daddy What You Want?
Establishing communication with your sugar daddy can be a difficult process for many girls entering the industry, but it is something you will have to learn if you want to become a sugar baby.
After you make sure your sugar daddy feels comfortable with you and everything is going smoothly, it is time for the talk to know if he is a sugar daddy willing to send money.
Chatting and hanging out with your sugar daddy is something that comes naturally to many girls in the sugaring industry, but finding a way to communicate their wishes and needs can still be very tough.
It does get easier with time, but you still have to manage to find your own techniques that will bring you instant success when negotiating.
So, you want to know how to be a successful sugar baby – learn how to communicate well with your sugar daddy, this will help you know what to look for in a sugar daddy.
It is important to learn how to get a sugar daddy to listen to you.
So, let’s talk sugar arrangements and how you can get the most out of your sugar daddy.
What to Say When Asked What You Want From a Man?
You should always describe your perfect man, list the things you want him to provide you with, and mention all the personality traits you look for in a man.
This should be a casual sugar daddy chat that will provide him more information about things you look for in a man.
Make sure you don’t exaggerate and mention things that most of the men won’t be able to fulfill.
It is very important to stay realistic and ask for specific things and experiences, because sugar daddies want to be certain about things their woman wants and whether or not they can provide her with that.
Unrealistic expectations can make you look silly and give you a bad reputation when you just wanted a sugar daddy who will fulfill your dreams,
There is no need for exaggeration so stay down to earth.
What to say when looking for a sugar daddy is very important, so make sure you never mention some of the things he clearly lacks or is incapable of.
They don’t like women who are not sure and self-confident and who change their minds the whole time because that means that one day they may be satisfied with what they’re provided with, but the next day they will be looking for another sugar daddy.
You may want a sexy sugar daddy, but the first things you have to demand from him are kindness and respect, and never even start the money talk before he agrees with this.
You are dating for money, but you do not want to stay in a relationship in which you will not be treated well, no matter the amount of money your sugar daddy may be providing you with.
So, what to say when a sugar daddy asks what you’re looking for?
Always be specific and make sure you go on dates only with men that you are pretty certain to fit your expectations.
It is very important to prepare yourself beforehand for this sugar daddy conversation and always know what you’re looking for.
Be well-mannered and make it perfectly clear what are the things you want and do not be afraid to tell him things like “I expect you to pay my rent, my business ventures…”.
If he’s stingy you will see it on the first date and won’t need to waste your time on him.
You do not want to be anyone sugar mama so run as far as you can from stingy sugar daddies.
How to Ask a Sugar Daddy for Money?
The money talk shouldn’t be the first thing you will be discussing on your date because you don’t want your sugar daddy to feel like you’re here only for the money.
One thing I recommend to all sugar babies is to wait until he offers you a certain amount of money.
Like in all negotiations it’s best to have the other party make an offer.
But know what to say when asked how much allowance you want? by researching on “how much allowance do sugar babies get?“, “how much should a sugar daddy pay “or “how to get money from a sugar daddy“.
Even if he wants to know the amount of money you desire, it is still best to insist on him offering first.
The amount he proposes to you will give you more information about his financial status and tell you does he value you enough or not.
Keep in mind that a rich sugar daddy will never have a problem with offering you an amount first, while those who can’t afford you will try to negotiate a bargain rate, justifying it with stupid reasons.
Once he offered you an amount, you will decide whether it is enough for your monthly allowance or not.
In case the amount of money he offered is not enough for you, be honest from the beginning, tell him that it will not be enough for you, and move on.
Make sure you politely tell him that you do not have time to waste and that both of you should be looking for other partners.
What Are Some Questions To Ask Your Sugar Daddy?
When you are settling the arrangement there are a few things you should always discuss with your sugar daddy just to make sure your relationship will work for you.
There are many sugar daddy questions you may have, so it is best to clarify these things on the first date.
1. What type of sugar relationship is he expecting?
Different sugar daddies have different sugar relationship expectations, so you should always know whether he is up for an exclusive or Pay-per-meet relationship.
There are many different sugar daddy arrangement examples and you should always choose the one that suits you best and ignore men who want more than that.
Finding a sugar daddy without sex can be quite tough, so if you’re looking for a platonic relationship only, make sure to state it the first time you meet.
2. How often does he want to meet?
It is very important to know how much time he expects to spend with you because this is something that affects the height of your monthly allowance and your overall lifestyle.
If he is from another city, eg. New York, and he wants you to fly there every weekend, make sure he promises to pay your travel ticket and fees.
3. What are all the things he expects from you?
Sugar relationships are always transactional and he should be honest about his expectations from the beginning.
If he has some wishes and desires that weren’t discussed as a part of your arrangement, you are not required to agree with that.
It is ok if he wants to change some parts of your arrangement, but it should be thoroughly discussed beforehand.
What To Say When Messaging A Sugar Daddy?
After a successful first date and making an agreement, you have to do something to keep your sugar daddy interested and excited about your next meeting.
The best way to stay in touch with your sugar daddy is through an online sugar daddy chat via a sugar daddy website.
If he insists on text messages and hates online dating platforms, I suggest purchasing another phone card and having a special phone which you will use for sugaring.
Older men are not big fans of texting and sugar daddy chatrooms so they may just want to hear from you once a day via a phone call or a text message to make sure you’re fine.
However, men in their 30s and 40s who pursue the sugar daddy lifestyle love texting and most of them love sending you dirty texts.
Dirty compliments are normal for them, and even if you feel uncomfortable, you should try getting into this type of sugar daddy texting since it will make your sugar daddy want you even more.
If he sends you a “text me back something freaky” text, you should always try to respond and provide him with some kind of sugar talk.
What to Say to a Sugar Daddy to Turn Him On?
You have to dive deep in the sugar baby chat and identify his texting turn-ons but also try satisfying his fantasies via these texts.
There are many sexual things to say to a man that will spark his imagination and make him want you even more, but you should try identifying specific dreams of your sugar daddy.
They are usually open with things like this even on the first date, so make sure to remember every little detail he mentions.
Seducing a sugar daddy with information you get from him will surely thrill him a lot.
Some sugar babies ask how to get a sugar daddy that only wants to talk, and even though it is not impossible, there is no way you will only be talking throughout your whole relationship.
This can work for some time, but if you expect a long-term sugar relationship that won’t include anything except talking, then maybe you’re not the right fit for the role of a sugar baby.
Online-only relationships for money do not really exist and even if you see an offer like that, there is a large possibility that there is a group of scammers behind it.
Scams like this are very common on social media and those less popular sugar dating websites and apps like Tinder, so make sure you check twice before you get into an arrangement like this.
How To Keep A Sugar Daddy Interested?
The moment you get into a sugar relationship is not the moment you will stop putting an effort into yourself and your sugar daddy.
If you want your sugar relationship to be successful and mutually beneficial, you have to invest in yourself and in your sugar daddy all the time.
Sugar babies do not do sex work so it is way harder for them to keep a man’s attention for a longer period of time.
In order to have a successful long-term sugar relationship, you have to make sure your sugar daddy is always satisfied and content.
So, what to say to seduce a sugar daddy long-term?
Always know what’s seductive about you and do not be afraid to use it, since it can be your greatest asset in the sugar industry.
Seduction begins with your character, your ability to radiate some quality that attracts people and sparks their emotions and it will bring you much more success in sugar relationships than sex.
One thing you should always do is be kind and genuine to your sugar daddy.
They engage in sugar relationships because they want to feel loved and cared for, and they will appreciate you much more if you show genuine interest in them and their feelings.
Make sure to always distinguish yourself from other women and prove yourself as a unique human being.
Keep a highly feminine and mysterious presence that will make your sugar daddy crazy about you all the time.
One thing that he will also appreciate a lot is your focus on him.
Be very gentle with him and always listen carefully, make him feel wanted, and make sure you never do things he dislikes.
One of the best tips on being a sugar baby you will ever get is to always act spoiled.
If you act like it is natural for you to be spoiled by other men then your sugar daddy will also feel like it’s his duty to do the same thing.
A man’s relationship is always based on your terms, and the moment he tries to change that, you lose interest.
Men are drawn to women who expect a lot from life and will always try to fulfill their wishes and make them feel like real-life princesses.
However, you should never act like an entitled brat because it will make your sugar daddy back off.
There is a fine line between these two things and you should never cross it, at least not in your sugar daddy’s presence.
Be the best parts of a relationship every single time you guys are together because these men are paying for the idea of a relationship and they want some chilling, cuddling, and a woman that will listen to his problems.