Hey all and welcome to my online dating profile tips article!
Creating your online dating profile, whether it be for eHarmony or OkCupid, is the most important thing that you will need to do when engaging in online dating as this is the first thing that a potential match will see and use to either disqualify you as a possible love interest or make contact with you.
Your online dating profile can make or break your online dating experience and determine whether you end up on dates or staring at your computer screen wishing for dates.
To bring it into perspective you can think of your online dating profile as your very own personal advertisement.
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Companies work hard to make sure that their ad brings in the most customers, and so should you to get more contacts.
To help you improve your chances of online dating success we have put together a list of online dating profile tips that you can do to improve your profile.
Let us get right into the online dating profile advice guide! You may also like online dating safety tips, online dating tips for men and online dating tips for women!
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Whereas the purpose of using an online dating site is to meet a potential date, attracting the right person is a function of packaging your profile in the right way so you can be rightly positioned. While at it, be as honest as you can without turning out be deceitful at the end of the day.
Define Your Needs
If you want to achieve success with online dating, then you first need to know what online dating success looks like before you begin creating your profile.
Sure this sounds easy; most people will say that online dating success for them is going out on dates.
Question is: is this the case for you? Clearly defining your needs will help you to choose the right online dating site for your needs for your needs and help you to create the right type of profile.
For instance, the profile for someone looking for a long-term partner will certainly (or should certainly) be different from someone who is looking for casual hookups.
Ask yourself questions such as: what type of relationship do I want, the age group that I am interested in, their sexual orientation, gender and willingness to have kids to list a few.
The type of relationship you want should have a significant impact on which kind of dating websites you use. Sexual orientation and age group are also important factors as well when selecting which dating websites to use.
Make a List
Get a piece of paper and a pen (or open up MS Word or Notepad) and create a list of must-haves and deal breakers.
You want to do this right after you have defined your online dating needs. Additionally, you need not put your entire list on your profile as (discussed in another article on our site) having a long list could deter potential daters.
Make this list as clear and as detailed as possible so that you know the things to put in your profile to attract the right person. In addition to having a list of must-haves and deal breakers, you should also have a list of things that you would love but can live without and things that you don’t like but can live with.
Yes, we are covering all of the bases here so that you are prepared. If you desire you can put some of your must-haves and deal breakers on your profile. Just remember that it can either work for or against you.
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What Makes You Special
You are still not done making lists as yet as once you have listed your must-haves and deal breakers you now need to register the things that make you, different or unique.
Think long and hard about all the things that you love to do, things that interest you, things that you are good at even if it seems insignificant, unpopular or even downright boring.
Your love for Curling might not go over with everyone; however, it might speak volumes to that someone special who is searching for you as much as you are searching for them.
Choose the Right Screen Name
Your next move is the creation of the right screen name. Your screen name or ‘handle’ as it is popularly called should be concise, easy to remember and appropriate to the type of man/woman that you wish to attract.
There are already hundreds of SexyGirl21 and WorkingStud36. Come on guy/girls when choosing your username to be creative, while making it say something about your uniqueness.
This might seem effortless but putting some thought into it can pay off in the long run. Here is a website that generates cool usernames!
Make Your Photo Count
One of the first things (if not the first thing) that anyone sees on your online dating profile is your profile picture – so make it count.
Don’t even think about creating an online dating profile without using a photo as studies have shown that online dating profiles without photos get fewer responses than those with pictures.
Make sure that your photo shows off your best qualities, but avoid making it seem too pretentious. Make sure that your photo is current, and represents you (if you don’t own that Ferrari then doesn’t post a photo of you beside, on top of one).
Additionally for the love online dating success – Smile. If you feel like you need some help with your profile photo, then feel free to get professional help from a photo studio.
Your Headline Matters
Next, to your profile photo your headline is the next thing that catches a potential candidate’s eyes. Your headline is the next thing that determines whether or not someone continues to read your profile.
You should treat your headline in the same manner that you would your online screen name.
Make it meaningful and make sure that it gives readers a hint of what they can find in your profile. Try to keep your headline under 100 characters (yes shorter than a tweet).
Feel free to check out other headlines to see the type of headlines that the most desirable online daters are using.
Just like the headline, the first message is very important. Click here for some tips on how to craft your first message.
Bonus Online Dating Profile Tips
Be Positive
You know how they say that misery loves company? Well in the world of online dating this is not the case.
No one wants to date Mr. or Miss Negative. Be positive when describing yourself and other people.
So yes saying the phrase “no losers please” counts as being negative. Don’t do it, don’t.
Honesty is the Best Policy
This probably sounds like something that you heard as a child or in school, but make no mistake it is really important in the online dating world, especially since people will check you out before even making contact with you.
Additionally lies have a way of coming back to bite you in the-you-know-where so let’s not start telling them.
Besides, do you want someone to want you based on a made up story or based on the true you?
Although this tip is last on the list, it is one of the most important online dating profile tips around as false representation can prove counter-productive for you as a woman or for a man.
Other dating advice for both men and women and can be found at dating advice for men and dating advice for women. There are also tips on how to keep a long-distance relationship strong and beautiful till you both decide to be together.
I hope you all liked my article on the online dating profile tips!
If you are interested in online dating, make sure to check out my article on the best dating websites for men, the best for women as well as some of my comparison articles such as eHarmony vs Match, OkCupid vs PoF, Zoosk vs Match and Match vs OkCupid!